Read as u can

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Gazette Club "Better Together"

Hi, long time no see you. . .
How are you?
Did you miss me?
This time I'm going to tell you about "The Gazette Club".
I thought it would be a long story, but do not worry, this will not be boring, besides, you can also save photos of all "The Gazette" members , because I'm going to include their photos are different in every episode of it, so, do not miss it!!!

Happy reading!!!

One day there was a student who walked slowly down the deserted tunnel while letting his hands touch the wall of the tunnel. His eyes radiate a sense of loneliness that is so dark until he meets an old friend who made ​​his life changed. . . 
Let’s welcome our star . . .
First Ruki:
This tiny boy who looks so sexy, named Matsumoto Takanori and born February 1st in Kanagawa Prefecture. He had a not good enough relation with his Parents, even he has a tiny body he is a clear boys who loves cleans. And he never can keep himself for not to shop he is a shopaholic. 
Second Aoi:
A boy who is the oldest than his friends, named Yuu Siroyama was born January 20th in Mie. Between his friends he is who has an adult think and loves foods that cook with love.

Third Reita:
Born Mei 29th in Kanagawa Prefecture, Kantou, East Japan. Have named Ryo Suzuki he being a boy who has a habit to hide his nose with noseband. This boy who loves Punk music is a boy who hates insect. He is hard fans from Sex Pistols.
Fourth Kai:
With his cute face and charming smile, was born October 28th in Tokushima and got named Yutaka Uke. Being more calm then his friends, love to cooking and have a dream to be a Chef. This mayo lover had a close relation with his mom, he is a full of love person.
Last Uruha:
Blessed with pretty face and sexy this boy makes all his female friends jealous with his beauty. Named Kouyou Takashima who born June 9th in Kanagawa. He loves a gentle and adult person. He is very care about his perform, he love to wear a beauty cloth. He being a boy who fallen’ in love easily and loves to teasing his friend (Kai). Even he loves a beauty thing, he is an alcoholic and he can’t away from alcohol.
Uruha                 : (Bumping into someone on the street) I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Kai                        : (Clearing his clothes were soaked Uruhadrinks) Yeah, I'm fine.
Uruha                 : (Seeing the Kai’s face) Yu-kun?
Kai                        : Do I know you?
Uruha                 : (laughs) Haha, you forget me? I’m Shima!
Kai                        : Shima? Ducky?
Uruha                 : Aargh! Don’t tease me anymore, it's the past.
Kai                        : The past? (Looking Uruha from top to bottom) you're
  changed, but you're still beautiful as ever.
Uruha                 : Don’t say that in a place like this, when people hear
  they will think it is beyond reason!
Kai                        : Hey, take it easy, with clothing and a face like this, who
  think that you're a man?
Uruha                 : Come on, where are you go? You're missing! (While walking)
Kai                        : I used to move, to the place my parents lived for several reasons. But
  now I'm back here to live my life.
Uruha                 : So what's the plan? You will live where?
Kai                        : I'll be looking for a residence and educated here. I would also
looking for a second job to pay for all my needs.
Uruha                 : Why don’t you stay with me? I live in apartment
with 3 friends. You'll be happy there.
Kai                        : What I'm not going to bother? I think I would be very disturbing.
Uruha                 : Calm down, not a big deal. Come, come with me. (Walking towards
apartment where Uruha live)

In apartment. . .

Uruha                 : Tadaima. . .
Aoi                       : Okaeri, Shima. . .
Kai                        : Sumimasen. . .
Ruki                      : Heeeh? Who is he? (Pointing towards Kai)
Uruha                 : Don’t be like that. He is Yu-kun my old friend, and he will stay here.
Ruki                      : What? She will sleep with whom? I don’t want my room to be
  a mess!
Aoi                       : Take it easy, after all you're one room with Ue-chan.
Uruha                 : (towards the kitchen) he was like that, he hated it when someone makes
  messy his room. So, can you help me cook for them?
Kai                        : Sure. (Start cooking)

                For 30 minutes . . .

Uruha                 : Here we are. Yu-kun dishes. He is the one who always cook for me
  when I was child.
Reita                    : Bon appetite. (...)
Aoi                       : Ue-chan, what's wrong?
Ruki                      : Whoooaaaa!! It’s so tasty.
Reita                    : I don’t know, but the food is feels strange on my tongue.
Kai                        : I'm sorry.
Uruha                 : Haha, he can only eat my cooking. He is so, so don’t
  be sorry. He will continue to eat the food.
Reita                    : (Keep eating while trying to enjoy the Kai’s dishes)
Aoi                       : So, what's your story? (Looking towards Kai)
Kai                        : Because you've given me a place to stay, now I will be looking for
  school and a job.
Aoi                       : School? You can go to school with Shima and the other!
Kai                        : But, I'm afraid my grades are not enough to go to school where Shima
  school, I heard it was the best school here.
Ruki                      : Calm down, you could go to school where we were, the school belongs to the
  Aoi’s parents, he will help you.
Kai                        : Really?
Aoi                       : Yes, as long as you do one condition.
Kai                        : What is the condition?
Aoi                       : You must get in our club! "The Gazette".
Kai                        : The Gazette?
Aoi                       : Yes, the club where we are only five students in a class.
Kai                        : But, I'm not the one who has a better performance.
Aoi                       : So I'll make you one of the student council at school, and you will
  entrance our club.
Kai                        : Well, I'll try.
Ruki                      : No need heavy effort, our work is very enjoyable, you will
  love it.
Kai                        : Really? But are not we student council?
Uruha                 : Yeah, we did student council, but only as a formality, the rest they will
take care of themselves.
Kai                        : Oh is that so? Then what will we do?
Aoi                       : Unlike others we only get 5 clock’s lessons every day.
  After hours of study passed we got for our free time is often called
                                 "Sen Jiken"
Kai                        : Sen Jiken?
Aoi                       : Ruki who named it, because we often do
   new adventure every free time. Although sound easy, but all the students in the club
                                  should have a higher value than all other students. Or are you going
Kai                        : That's what I was afraid of.
Uruha                 : Relax, enjoy it.
Reita                    : Yu-kun, why are you alone?
Kai                        : Yeah, it's my decision to choose my own life. I was not expecting it be
  so difficult.
Reita                    : Calm down, you've met with us and be in a safe place.
Kai                        : Thank you. Do you all have family ties? Why do you
  live with?
Aoi                       : Because we just like you. We choose our own way of life and living
  here from the start until the end of the day we are also here. We are not a family,
  but we have more than family ties. We'd feel better if
Kai                        : True, would be better together?
Ruki                      : Of course! Origin along with the right people, and sometimes people
  right with us it is not our families.
Uruha                 : Well, dinner is over, let's clean up all of this.
Kai                        : I'll help.

Knock, knock, knock. . .

Ruki                      : (Running towards the entrance) who is that?
Postman             : Postman!
Ruki                      : Looking for whom?
Postman             : I deliver this consignment to a man named Takashima Kouyou,
  What really is his room?
Ruki                      : Yes, but he was in kitchen. Let me accept.
Postman             : Well, just a signature here. (Thrusting a receipt
  items) thanks.
Ruki                      : Yes, thank you. (Running towards the family room) Shima-chan this item is for you.
Uruha                 : What is it? Open it!
Ruki                      : This "Moet & Chandon favorite!
Uruha                 : (Throwing plates were seized wine in hand and run existing
  Ruki hand) gave me. Haaah, calm down dear I'll take care of you!
  Hahaha (Hugging champagne tightly)
Kai                        : What is it?
Aoi                       : You don’t know? Shima really liked it, he would not give
  on us even a drop.
Kai                        : Why is he so aggressive that? He's weird!
Reita                    : (Approach towards Uruha) Shima-chan, can I ask for? Just a little!
Uruha                 : Stay away from me or I'll kill you! It's mine! Hahahaha.
Reita                    : (lamenting the fate)
Ruki                      : I'm going to bed. Shima-chan, you will lose your beauty when you
  spent the whole night with drinks it! Go to sleep as soon as
  drink it up!
Kai                        : Drink it up? He can spend it in one night?
Aoi                       : Not one night, it only takes one hour for that beloved champagne.
Kai                        : He's starting to scare me!
Aoi                       : You need to rest, go to sleep in my room. I'm going to sleep in Uruha room.
Kai                        : What will be fine in the same room with people who are
Aoi:                      Calm down, I'm used to this. If you hear a strange sound,
  don’t ignore. . .
Kai                        : It sounds odd what? (Curious about things outside of reason)
Aoi                       : That means Shima-chan was. . .
Kai                        : What??? What’s wrong with Shima-chan?
Aoi                       : He started getting drunk . . .
Kai                        : Haaah. . . I thought. . . Well I'm going to sleep.
Aoi                       : Oyasumi.
Kai                        : Oyasumi.