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Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Family - Part 7

So sorry that you need to wait this long for the update, we are so bus with collage and live so please be patient with us. And now here you are Family chapter 7. Please pardon any mistake :)

Part VII
(Ruki’s POV)
I can’t believe this, coming back to Dea’s house just to pick up that stupid hamster. I had another things to do that more important, argh, if not because Kai forced me to, I would just let her be.
“…druce us” I snapped my head to his direction on passenger seat (we used my car) when he said something.
“What was that?” I asked
I heard him sighing, he said that he wanted to be introduce to Emily and I just ‘hn-ed’ him with a blank expression. “You’ll regret it” I mumble more to my self. It’s not like I really hate her, sometimes she pissed me off.
“Huh?” Kai looked at me
(Third POV)
A moment later Ruki and Kai arrived at Dea’s house. Dea welcomed them with a blinding smile and Emily just sits and glared wholeheartedly to Ruki’s direction. Ruki just gave her an apologetic smile.
“Don’t smile like and idiot Ruki, that’s make me more pissed!” Emily knew Ruki not really feel sorry for her.
“Jeez, don’t be so upset about small matter Em, I really don’t like a short temper girl” Ruki gave Emily a shrugged.
“Well sorry for being a short temper girl and I don’t need a like from a dwarf”
“What di. . .” Ruki’s sentence got cut by a small laughter from the person behind him, “That’s not funny” That person still laughing though “Stop laughing Kai!” Ruki stomped his foot.
The said person straightened his posture and coughed a bit, “She just said you a dwarf, that’s funny for me, and it’s not just me that laughing” Kai pointed at Dea direction.
Dea was laughing and her eyes glistening because the tears she tried to hold back, her hand closed her mouth so no sound would came out, “I’m sorry Ru, I can’t help it” she said between chuckle. And Emily can be seen holding a smirk on her small face.
Now the atmosphere calm down a bit Ruki started the conversation first, “I almost forget, I bring my friend here, this is Kai, Kai this is Dea and Emily” he gesture.
“Hello, I’m Kai, nice to meet you. Ruki told me a lot about you Dea” Kai smile and shook her hand in a friendly manner. “Oh and nice to meet you too Emily, I hope we can get along” he said when it’s Emily turn to shook hands.
“Sure” Emily said.
They didn’t have time to chit-chat because it’s getting late and Emily nagging Ruki to take her home. When they reached Emily’s house, after Emily got down from the car she saw Kai waved his hand and smile to her, if she not mistaken he also said something but she can’t hear it, so she just got inside her house.
-Next morning
6.30, there is a luxurious car outside Emily’s house, made people that pass by looking toward the car and its driver who is standing in front of his car with glasses on.
“Uhmm” a female voice sounded behind the man.
The said man take off his glasses and stare at the female that possibly addressing him. “Yes?” the man said.
“Is this your car?”
Again the man said yes “I am waiting for a girl named Emily, do you by any chance know her? She live here” the man pointed to the house he parked his car.
“Emily?! She is my daughter; did she do something to you? I’m sorry she can be a bit reckless sometimes” said Emily’s mother, worried evidence in her voice.
“Oh you’re her mother? No, no she didn’t do anything bad, I just wanted to meet her again, and I think I need to introduce myself” he extend his hand “My name is Kai”
Emily decided to show herself in the right timing when her mother laughing with someone she (might) recognize.
“Ah there she is. It’s Sunday so she woke up late” her mother said to Kai.
“Mom? Who is he?” a confused look crossed he face “have I seen you somewhere?”
“You forgot?” Kai shocked
“Uh, I’m sorry but sometimes I get this problem to remember in long term” She got a stare from her mother who went inside after said her greetings.
Kai at first disappointed but then smile, ‘This girl really interesting’ he thought, “I’m Kai, you know Ruki’s cousin” Emily still confused “Yesterday I also took you home with Ruki”
Now Emily’s face looked like she remembered “ah~ that guy . . . yes yes I know. What brings you here?”
“That, I was wondering if you want to go out? It’s Sunday and I think you doesn’t have any plans for today, or at least that what Ruki said” Kai seemed to blush a bit, but Emily doesn’t know that.
“Don’t believe what that house cat said”
“So you had plan already?” Kai voice sound sad
“No, I don’t have any, I don’t want to admit it but Ruki’s right, I just saying to not believe him”
“Hahahaha, you guys like to picking on each other throat huh”
“We are just not compatible”
“And your answer?”
“I’d like to” Smiling, who doesn’t want to have a date with a handsome guy like Kai, he even the one that suggesting.
And that day they somewhat have a date and spending the entire time together to know each other or so Kai tried. He wanted to know Emily more and he didn’t know Emily had the same thought.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Family - Part 6

Part VI
(Third POV)
At campus there are two rather short people who tried to enjoy the day after their lecture end. Ruki and Emily sit on one of the canteen chairs
“Em, I’m going to Dea’s house later, do you want to come too?” said the short male one.
“You want me as a third wheel? Why would I come to her house while you also there?” said the short female one.
 “(shrugging) She said you and her have a little time to chat after you graduated from senior high. She wants to catch up.”
“It’s true. But. . . I don’t know. I mean, I need to go somewhere today”
“Why do you want to know?” Emily raised one eyebrow.
“(shrugging –again-) Just curious”
“curiosity kill a cat”
“I’m not a cat” Ruki send a grin to Emily “I’m a lion”
“That’s a cat too”
“Geez just tell me where. I can ask Dea to go there as well”
“You won’t like it, you not the type to like what I like, we are completely an opposite” She drink her beverage and continue her sentence before Ruki can butt in. “I am going to some bookstores anyway. I need to find materials for my paperwork.”
“Bookstore?” disgust face shown on Ruki’s face,
“See, your face really said ‘I hate books’. But I think Dea likes books, especially a true story kind book”
“How did you know?” no he has a disbelievement face.
“I’m her friend for 3 years for nothing” Emily pointed her pen that she holds for a while.
“Che. You forget something easily in my case though”
“I have a habit to erase an unnecessary and not important memory from my brain. Sorry” Emily start to gather her belonging and heading out from the canteen.
“Hey!!“ Ruki following behind her like a duck with his mother.
-At Dea’s house
Dea humming while preparing tea for her guests in the living room. While in the living room the guests themselves rather have a vocal argument about something.
“And~ why the hell am I here? Didn’t I say I will go to bookstores?” Emily said in an annoyed tone to Ruki who is busy changing television channel.
“So annoying. I told you its Dea’s want, if she wants you to come, I’ll do anything to take you here”
Emily just about to retort back but Dea’s head already popping from the kitchen way. Ruki glare a bit then smile to Dea’s face who is smiling.
“Tea is ready. Please try it”
While they drink tea with a relax atmosphere suddenly Ruki yelled something. Dea almost choked on her tea, while Emily spurting a bit of her tea to the floor.
“-cough, cough- What the hell Ruki??” Emily glared whole heartily to Ruki attempting to throw her tea glass over his head.
“Oh my God. I forget something really important.” Ruki look depressed all of sudden.
“And what is exactly?” Dea asked.
“My cousins coming over to my house, and there is no one at my house right now. Arggh this is because I drag your sorry ass to Dea’s house Em.”
“What?! So now this is my fault?” Now Emily wants to strangle him.
“Yeah. If you just agreed without resisting in the first and we didn’t fight like a cat I won’t forget about this.” He points his finger to Emily’s face.
“You. . ” Emily’s word cut off by Dea who said they really fight like a cat just now and tell them to shut up with a creepy smile. They end up like a kick puppy until Ruki –again-  yelled and grab his belonging processing to go out but of course after said ‘sorry’ and ‘good bye’ to Dea and plus a glare to Emily.
After that silence took the living room of Dea’s house for a second but then Emily’s voice can be heard from outside yelling to Ruki who will take her home if he left alone, something like that with adding ‘jerk’ and ‘stupid shorty’.
Still in Dea’s house Emily fuming and sulking don’t know how to get home, even Dea said she can stay over its just she didn't want to trouble her and her family so she decline. She forget her situation after a while though and start chatting with Dea, they talk with laptop in front of them and a bowl of noodle in hand.
-Meanwhile at Ruki’s house.
Ruki was born from a wealthy family that has a big company in entertainment sector. He lives in good surroundings, his house not so big not too small to. Their family likes having a simple life although they might have anything luxurious if they want.
Someone is standing in front of Ruki’s house with arm folded in front of his chest which is wrapping in plain black shirt, his hair tied in high ponytail. Ruki call out his name and waving his hand to catch this person attention. That said person slowly turned his head and standing there waiting to Ruki come to him.
“Tsk” With a glare he points to his watch.
“Sorry Kai I have to take a cat to a vet for her shoot.” Ruki grin and scratch his neck, nervous.
“You need to tell me if there’s no one at home before I come here, I wouldn't have to wait so long. And you . . . have a cat?” Kai raised his eyebrow
“No, no” Ruki wave his hand repeatedly before continuing “It’s not my cat. A wild cat I happen to know”
Kai looked at Ruki with a –what?!- look, like his brain has some virus that makes its stop from working properly. He continues his stare a few second then look at his watch. “Anyway, it’s already late, I’m tired and I want to rest. And . . .” He look back at Ruki who is still grinning “. . . you need to rest too” ‘who know maybe it can help your mind come back to work’ he added in his mind.
After Kai put his luggage and went for a shower, Ruki look like he is in the middle of conversation with someone on the phone. He even said sorry a lot.
Kai enter Ruki’s vision and mouthed ‘who’ to Ruki. Ruki not answering right away because he still apologizing to this person.
(Kai’s POV)
I don’t know someone can apologize so many on the phone. From what I can heard, although it’s vague, I can tell it’s a girl who is really angry.
‘Girlfriend?’ I mouthed. Ruki quickly said no and the call stop.
“Arghh. Geez, look what have you done. Now Dea won’t see me again” Ruki snap at me like  I was the wrong one here.
“What have I done? I don’t remembered doing something that is wrong” I glared “And is that Dea just now?” I know Dea not too long ago when Ruki said he has a new girlfriend.
He glare back “No, and yes. In the first it’s Dea who is calling but after that the damn cat that  is one that talk to me” after the word cat he is scowling, is it the cat he helped just now?, wait, I don’t know cat could talk.
“Yeah, I left her at Dea’s house to hurrying here, and now she is pissed along with my Dea” he bow low his head.
“You said the cat is at vet, now she is at Dea’s house” I asked confused.
“Ah that. . .” He give me that –Ah,crap- face “The truth is the cat is my friend named Emily. Before I got here, Emily and I went to Dea’s house with my motorbike, and I remembered you here I sorta left her there”
“You are the worst”
“Hey!! If I’m not come here who would open the damn door for you?” he throw his tantrum like a kid at me.
“Waiting won’t kill me. And now how do you think she will go home? Isn't Dea has a motorbike?”
“She is alone at home, all the transportation are used with her family, so. . .”
“Grab your jacket, we will go back there and take here home. And you need to apologize” what a gentleman I am (Mhuahahahahah --‘).
“I was doing it a while ago” he pout but stand up and follow me out from the house.