Read as u can

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Super Big Blaq Shinee

Siapa bilang kelompok belajar itu tidak menyenangkan???
Di sini kalian akan tau bagaimana menyenangkannya kelompok belajar itu. . .

Di suatu sekolah yang bernama SMA N 2 KUTA, ada seorang anak yang  bernama Mitha. . . .
Orangnya Gila! Suatu hari saat kenaikan kelas, ia mendapat kelas Bahasa, yang membuatnya bertemu dengan  Diah, Ade, Tu De, Fahmi, Bella, dan Dwira. Karena merasa senasib, mereka memutuskan untuk membuat kelompok belajar. . . dan Mitha memberi nama kelompok belajarnya “The Super Big Blaq Shinee”. “The” diambil dari nama group band The Gazette. . .“Super”  diambil dari nama group band Super Junior. . .“Big” diambil dari nama group band Big Bang. . .“Blaq” diambil dari nama group band M-BLAQ. . . dan “Shinee” diambil dari nama group band Shinee tentunya.
          Suatu hari saat mereka sedang membuat tugas di KFC sambil mencari free Wi-Fi, tiba-tiba ada seorang bapak-bapak berpenampilan rapi yang menawarkan mereka untuk menjadi kelompok belajar super, bapak-bapak tersebut bernama Pak Tantra. Karena tergiur dengan tawaran yang menguntukkan itu, Ade menyetujui tawaran bapak tersebut. Hari berikutnya mereka memilih siapa yang akan menjadi leader mereka, dan pada akhir rapat mereka memutuskan  Ade yang akan menjadi leadernya. Pak Tantra mengajari mereka banyak hal dan memberi tahu mereka segala yang iya tahu. Sampai saatnya mereka melakukan pemotretan untuk majalah sekolah. . .

          *   ini beberapa hasil pemotretan mereka. . .
              Check this out!!!!!

* Mitha : Lihat gaya gue!!! Kenapa aku begitu keren???
* Dwira :Apaan sih loe? Gaya gue lebih keren!! Lihat nih!! Damai itu indah!!
* Diah : Iih, kalian ni apa-apaan sih? Mending kalian diem and pose aja!! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. . .  HALLO SEMUA . . .
 \(0)/ . . . Ckriiit. . .
* Bella : Aduuh kaaan!!! Kalian sih banyak ngomong. . . jelek kan jadinya pose ku. . .
*  Jana : aku cuma jadi assistant??? Memalukan . . . (́_̀) 
* Fahmi : Makanya, aku pake topi. Supaya wajah ku gak keliatan!!!
* Diah : diem napa sih? Senyum aja kayak aku!! Nih aku contohin cara senyum yang baik . . .
* Mitha : Eh. . . apaan tuh? Liat deh!
* Ade : Mana? Eh ada kamera pose dulu!!!
* Bella : Kali ini hasilnya harus bagus!!! Akan aku tunjukkan pipi tembem ku. . .        hahahahaha. . . .

*  Bella : Eh liat ada kamera. . . kali ini aku akan senyum bahagia. . . hahahahaha
* Diah : hehe, iya nih! Peace . . .
* Mitha : Apaan sih?? Backgroundnya bagus, modelnya bagus, tapi kok wajah gue jadi gitu sih???
* Dwira : Hahahaha. . . makanya kalo pose konsisten!! Kayak gue dari awal sampe akhir. . . muka gini-gini aja. . .

* Tu De : kenalin-kenalin. . . gue Managernya anak-anak nih. . eh, eh, sialan anak tikus satu nih! Nyender terus, berat tau!! Pergi sana!! Tuh kan tampang gue jadi jelek gitu!!!
* Mitha : Idih! Pelit banget sih? Numpang bentar emang kenapa sih?? Biarin aja tampang loe gitu! Yang penting tampang gue asik!!!
* Ade : iya biar aja, yang penting gue juga asik. . . .
* Bella : iya sih asik! Aduh duh. . . tapi kok rasanya ada yang masuk ke mata gue ya?? Aduh duh. . . yaaaah!! Pose ku jadi jelek juga. *Fahmi : Kualat kan, makanya sadar diri kayak gue nih! Tutup wajah!

* Mitha : Udalah, Bella, foto sama gue  aja yuk! Yang lainnya gak asik!
* Bella : Ok deh . . . .
Nah lho?? Tapi kok mata gue hilang satu??
* Mitha : Gak apa yang penting ini lebih bagus dari yang tadi. . . .

Ya. . ya. . aku tahu, memang mereka terlihat sangat kekanak-kanakkan. . . tapi setidaknya mereka berhasil menemukan foto terbaik mereka. . . . .

To be continued. . .

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Art. . My Design. . My Life. .

Hii all!! this is my art. . .
i made it with love eh!!


comment please,, just say what mistake i made. . .

i made it when i'm in 10'th grade

this one i make when i'm felt so bored!!

my little angel!
i saw this pic in internet, and i try to make it ^^"
*i'm sorry to copy without ask firstly. .

my GD :*

my haruma miura .. .. ..
actually i made it for my friends, named 'Diah' she love miura tightly!!

my Uruha . . .
i made it. . 
because I LOVE HIM!!!!!

my art when i in 11'th grade. . .

'Kai' . . 'Uke Yutaka'

this is my self. . .
i think. . .

this is my first design. . .
when i'm in 10'th grade

my Miyavi. . .

oh my oh my om my oh my. . .
oh my GOD??
why him looks so pretty????

i made it when i read my friends comic. . .

'Aoi' . . . 'Shiroyama Yuu'

i made it for my friends. . . 'DIAH'

'Reita' . . . 'Suzuki Akira'

'Ruki' . . 'Matsumoto Takanori'

'Uruha' . . 'Takashima Kouyou'

this is my second desind . . when i'm in 11'th grade. . . ^^'

this my friend. . .
named "DIAH"
she is Balinese

comment please. . .
i need your opinion. . . :*

Saturday, January 21, 2012

TEX SAVERIO 'biography'

Tex Saverio. . .
August 28, 1984
Educational Background :

- 2003 - 2004 Bunka School of Fashion
- 2004 - 2005 Phalie Studio

what do you think about him??
doesn't his looks so cute??
or. . .

fabulous and adorable ??

ya I know that. . .

of course  I know!!
he is one of my Favorite. . .

Tex Saverio
Is Indonesian Global Designer, dress design, the La Glacon, worn by the world's top singer, Lady GaGa.
the name of Tex Saverio suddenly became crowded conversation in cyberspace. One of the spring 2011 collection of dresses was ever shown at Jakarta Fashion Week, La Glacon, suddenly appeared in Harper's Bazaar U.S
 More, the figure is wearing La Glacon is top singer of the world, Lady GaGa. Inevitably, the praise addressed to the young designer was born in 1984.

 Who was Tex Saverio?

He called Indonesian Alexander McQueen. "I can not, we think of when I saw this dress McQueen (La Glacon)," said celebrity blogger Perez Hilton on fashion blogs,
 Saverio laughed at himself compared to the world's leading designers. "That's too much. I am nothing compared to him. One thing is for sure, it will be my motivation, "he said on his personal blog,
But who would have thought, young man 26 years was familiarly called Rio that didn't finish his school bench. He opted out of school, to be as fast began his career in the fashion world. Rio won his first award, Mercedes-Benz Asia Fashion Award, when he was 21 years. Now, five years later, La Glacon became a byword in the international fashion world.
Not only is La Glacon an international interest. Another collection of dresses Rio, My Courtesan, is equally fierce. My Courtesan and La Glacon really suck up the attention
of Jakarta Fashion Week visitors some time ago. According to Rio, he can create such a phenomenal dress because it was always thought that each design has its own soul. "This is about the soul. I want each of my work has a soul. That would make much difference, "said Rio.
Rio had dreams of becoming a designer since he was in high school. Rio told, he did draw since childhood. He even drew in the middle of a lesson. "To the extent that one of my teacher one day said to me, 'If I were you, I'll not go to this school. I'll go to fashion school. Why don't you find it a fashion designer' recalls Rio about his teacher. That's exactly what do Rio. He quit school and focus of study modes.
Interestingly, before La Glacon worn by Lady GaGa, Rio has been dreaming of dress design was worn by the artist in question. Since long, Rio wanted the dress worn by a number of celebrity women who have strong character. Who are they? "Angelina Jolie, Lady GaGa, Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron," said Rio. And who is the model wearing the dress she wants most in his own fashion show? "Naomi Campbell," he said.

haha. . .
seriously. . .

I feel so PROUD of him "TEX SAVERIO"
"fighting bebe, you will find the best think on your live!!!"