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Friday, November 21, 2014

Family - Part 5

Part V
(Reita’s POV)
I’m sure when I arrive at her place, she isn’t wake up yet. Yesterday I asked my friend, I wanted to take my assignment that she borrowed the other day. And here I am standing in front of her door calling her stupid name.
“Ang?” I knock her front door as loud as I can without resistant. I heard a stomping voice inside the house and finally someone open the door. Her brother does.
“Come in. Find her in her room, I think she still asleep” said her brother.
“Ah Okay.” I excuse my self and goes to her room. I find her lie on her bed pilled up with a ton of dolls. I bent down tries to wake her up “wake up girl!!” yelling, I hope she open her eyes.
“Ungghh… mnh” she mumble.
“Ang? I need my assignment now. Where is it?”
For a moment I think she won’t respond but she lift her hand and point to her table there. I search through her desk but I don’t find my assignment.
“Where is it Ang??”
“Ngghh… geez move” she gets up and shove me away from her desk. Sleepily she search and she hand me the book she borrowed “This. Now get out” She goes back to sleep drown to her dolls.
“Fine” I get up and make my way to outside but she grabs my foot so suddenly I almost tripped “What now?” I yank my foot from her grip.
“When you came back, bring me something to eat” she slump back to bed with her hand extend out.
“…” I turn and walk as fast as I can before she can grab me again and told me to buy things.
(Third POV)
Kristen sits restlessly in front of her laptop while holding her hand phone. She stares at her contact list to find someone’s name. She calls her.
“Hello Kristen?” someone says in the other line.
“Em? Are you busy now?”
“Humm, no. Why?”
“Let’s hang out?”
“I don’t know. I’m hungry though. I’m alone at home”
“How about we buy some fried chicken at Jimbaran”
“Okay. I’ll be there in some minute.”
-change scene
Reita fuming while grip his hand phone. He even mutters something under his breath. Why? Of course it’s because our lovely Ang. A while back she called Reita to buy her order and brought it back to her place. With a scowling face he stands in front of her house -again-.
“Ah, you back. Come in” said Ang with smile
“Yeah. I’m back” Reita said back with a sarcams.
“Ah, ah” Ang swing her pointer finger in front of Reita’s face “It’s rude to come to someone house with that kind of face. You should be more…urm...friendly”
“Who the hell do you think to make me wear this kind of face?”
“Uh… Let’s head to dining room, I’m hungry and I’ll make you juice to drink. Okay?”
“You and your stomach” Reita rolled his eyes but still following Ang to dining room.
They eat in silence. Ang didn’t protest when Reita ask half of her food, she didn’t want face Reita’s wrath. Their silence breaks when the front door knocks by someone. Ang rise from her seat and process to open the door. When the door open, she see two familiar head smiling and brings a lot of what seems to be a fried chicken.
“Kristen? Em? What are you doing here so early in the morning? Not that I don’t like you coming”
“Oh. We bought fried chicken but I don’t think we should eat it there. So your house popped in my head and here we are” Emily said.
“Actually we need plates, a glass of water I mean two of them, and we need rice as addition” Kristen adds honestly with Emily glaring to Kristen.
“Come in then, ah but there’s my friend come over too. Is that okay?” Ang ask.
“As long as we get a place to eat” Kristen said and Emily nod.
“Okay. Here, I’ll introduce you to him first” Ang walk to dining room and talk to Reita who then stand up and extend his hand to Kristen.
“Reita” he said while shaking hands, “Kristen” Kristen answer with daze. After that Reita extend his hand to Emily “Reita”, “Emily” Emily said.
Kristen sits on one of the sofas there while Emily finds plates for them in the kitchen and Ang busy rummaging on Emily’s and Kristen’s fried chicken.

An hour later Reita left and there are just Ang, Kristen and Emily in Ang’s house. They spent the day with either watching movies, play games, or just talking.

About Us - Eps 7

About Us

Eps 7

        08.05 pm

Ken          : Sasha!! Sasha!!
Sasha        : Hi, Maya! Let’s go!! (Grab Maya hand and run)
Maya         : Wha . . . what are you doing?
Sasha        : Just follow me!
Ken          : Sasha!!
Gin           : (Look at Sasha and Maya that walk away) hey, ken!
Ken          : Uh! Hey! (Look at Sasha walk away)
Gin           : What are you doing here?
Ken          : Uh! I . . . I want to meet Sasha!
Gin           : Uh! Okay, but I think he is busy now . . .
Ken          : (Worried about Sasha) but, he not answer my call and he even not
  replay my text. Wonder if I’ve done something wrong.
Gin           : Yeah, just like what I said, he is busy, may be he will text you later.
Ken          : If that so, I’ll back home now . . . please tell him I’m looking for him.
Gin           : Okay, I’ll tell him.
Ken          : (Turn back and walk away)
Marry        : (Crash Ken) Oh, sorry . . .
Maya         : (Peeping from behind the wall) you got problem Sasha!!
Sasha        : (Peeping)
Ken          : Okay (leave)
Marry        : (Look at Ken that walks away) Hey Gin!! (Clean her dress) you see where is . . .
Gin           : Stop bothering me!!! (Turn back and walk away)
Marry        : . . . why . . . why you hate me?
Gin           : Me? Hey! Everyone hate you!! Don’t you know that?
Marry        : Hey! That’s so mean!
Gin           : . . . (Look at Maya that come closer)
Sasha        : Gin, why you so angry?
Gin           : (Grab Maya and Sasha hand) you!! (pointing to Marry) stop bothering me!!
Maya         : What’s wrong Gin?
Gin           : You and you!! (Pointing to Maya and Sasha) I’m tired! I’m tired playing this drama!!
Sasha        : What you mean?
Gin           : Huh! Maya! Can you stop act like fools?
Maya         : Gin!!
Gin           : (Look at Maya eyes) Can you stop act like don’t care each other?
Sasha        : Gin, I understand what you mean. (Look at Maya) you feel annoyed by Ken and Marry, don’t you??
Gin           : . . .
Maya         : Is that true? (Look at Gin)
Sasha        : Okay then, from now on, I’ll never disturb you again. Well, thx for everything.
Gin           : No, it’s not . . .
Sasha        : No, it’s okay, I understand what you feel. Well, I think I’ll back to Ken. (Leave)
Maya         : . . . (Walk away) . . .
Gin           : Maya!! Please, listen to me . . .
Maya         : (Stop walking) Thanks Gin! You do too much for me! (Leave)
Gin           : Sorry, Maya . . . (Looking down)
Joe          : Gin! What’s with Maya?
Anita        : (Drink her wine) where is Sasha? I saw Ken outside.
Gin           : Ken?
Anita        : Yes, Ken . . .
Gin           : Find Sasha for me! Now!
Nita         : Now?
Joe          : Okay! (Walk to left side)
Gin           : Go Anita! Find him!! (Walk to right side)
Anita        : (Look at Gin and Joe that’s walk away) okay, where should I find him? (Walk straight)

       03. 13 am

Maya         : What have I done? What have he done? He makes my beauty leave me!! I don’t know. Can I call him as my best friend?

       Knock . . . knock . . .

Anita        : (Whisper) Maya!! Maya!! Open the window!!
Maya         : (Look out from window) what are you doing here? (walk to front door and open it) come, come in!
Anita        : Uhm . . .
Maya         : What is it? You won’t go inside?
Anita        : I need your help.
Maya         : What is it?
Anita        : Follow me!
Maya         : (Take on the jacket and walk to the corner of alley)
Joe          : Hey, Maya!
Maya         : Joe?
Joe          : (Open the car door for Maya) just get in!
Maya         : (Look at Joe and go into the car)
Joe          : I want you to meet someone! So just sit and enjoy the trip!
Maya         : (Look at the back sit) you said you need my help? (Gaze to Anita)
Anita        : . . . Sorry . . . If I said the truth you must be won’t come with me!
Maya         : . . . (Look out the road)
Joe          : Maya, what your relation with Sasha? Sorry, it just my curiosity, don’t answer it if you don’t mind it (smile)
Maya         : (Think on her mind) I don’t know, I just . . .
Anita        : Maya, Sasha and you looks like sweet couple . . . but . . . I don’t know what kind of couple . . .
Joe          : I don’t know you can be that mad to Gin. Wonder what Sasha is in your life. Because, Gin is your best friend, I guess.
Maya         : . . .
Joe          : I’m too! Of course I’m your best friend too.
Anita        : I’m too Jowie!!
Joe          : Yeah, you too. But, just if you stop calling me that way!
Maya         : (Smile)
Joe          : (Look at Maya)
Anita        : You smiling? Whoa!! Finally, after this hardest day!!
Maya         : You are sweet guys! Really sweet, ever you think to be a lover?
Anita        : (Blush)
Joe          : (Keep driving)
Maya         : Haah . . . it’s kinda quite here . . . (gaze to Joe and Anita)

       03.35 am

Joe          : Maya, we’re arrived!!
Anita        : Maya!! (Touch Maya cheeks)
Maya         : Ah! Oh . . . sorry . . . (Yawn) I’m asleep . . .
Joe          : Come on we’re arrived . . .
Maya         : (Look outside) Eh? Why we here? I’m not hungry!
Anita        : Come on Maya! (Grab Maya hands and going into cafe)
Gin           : Guys . . . right here!!
Joe          : Oh!! Right there . . .
Maya         : Oh My God! I’m so sleepy!! (Following Anita)
Anita        : Hi, Gin . . . Hi, Sasha . . .
Maya         : Sasha? Where is Sasha??
Sasha        : . . . Maya, I’m here . . .
Maya         : (Looking down) uh! Sasha!! (Hug Sasha) why you leave me?? (Bites Sasha soldier)
Sasha        : Ouch! Stop biting me!!
Maya         : (Hug Sasha tightly)
Gin           : Maya . . .
Maya         : (Stare to Gin and stop hugging Sasha) Joe, buy me a coffee!
Joe          : Okay . . . come on Anita!
Anita        : Okay . . .
Maya         : (Sleep on Sasha lap while looking Sasha face)
Gin           : Maya . . .
Maya         : I don’t want to talk till my coffee come!
Sasha        : (Looking down and rub Maya hair)
Gin           : (Look at Maya and Sasha)
Maya         : (Touch Sasha cheeks and lips)
Joe          : Here your coffee . . .
Maya         : (Wake up and sit)
Gin           : (Look at Maya)
Sasha        : Okay, let’s talk!!
Maya         : (Look at Sasha and Gin) Okay, what you want to say?
Gin           : Maya . . . I don’t want you mad to me . . . but, it’s reasonable if you mad to me . . . (Look at Maya)
Maya         : (Drink her coffee and look at Gin) I’m hearing you!
Gin           : I don’t want both of you break up, even both of you not a lover!
Sasha        : . . .
Anita        : I don’t understand what you say, Gin?
Joe          : (Grab Anita hand) why not you eat this? It’s taste good!
Anita        : Uhm . . . (eat the food)
Maya         : (Eat Joe fried fries) so . . . (look at Gin)
Gin           : . . . (Take a deep breath)
Sasha        : Maya . . . Don’t do that to Gin he is your best friend, it must be hard for him if you treat him like strangers!!
Maya         : (Look at Gin) best friend? (Look at Sasha) okay, as far as you happy!
Gin           : (Look at Maya)
Maya         : Its okay Gin! If Sasha can forgive you, why I’m not? You’re my best friend anyway! (Hold Sasha small fingers)
Joe          : Okay, why not we sleep together tonight?
Anita        : Yay!! I’m happy!! Where we gonna sleep?
Sasha        : At my house? I have one room with big bed, so we can sleep together there?
Gin           : Okay! Let’s get going!!

       At Sasha House . . .

Anita        : Hey Sasha, where’s the room? (Whispering)
Sasha        : (Lock the front door) Uh! Follow me!
Gin           : (Following Sasha)
Maya         : (Hug Sasha from behind and walk straight to upstairs)
Joe          : Hey Anita! Look at Maya!!
Anita        : Uh?
Joe          : Don’t you think Maya become childish if she with Sasha?
Maya         : Joe! I heard everything you say!
Joe          : I said the truth!!
Sasha        : (Open the door) here the room!
Anita        : (Walk in) whoa! Your room! (Jump to bed) I want to sleep on right side!!
Gin           : No, you a girl! So, you have to sleep in the middle!
Joe          : Yes, Gin right!!
Anita        : Huh! No way!! I can’t sleep in the middle! (look at Sasha) mom, can I sleep on right side?
Sasha        : Uh? (Look at Maya)
Maya         : (Kiss Sasha neck and gaze to Anita)
Anita        : (Whimper) okay. I’ll sleep in the middle!
Gin           : (Jump to bed and sleep)
Joe          : Come on Anita, let’s sleep! It’s getting day!!
Anita        : Huuuh . . . (whimper)
Sasha        : Maya! Let’s sleep! (Look at Maya that still hug him)
Maya         : (Look at Sasha and whisper) I know you can’t life without me! (Go to bed and sleep)

Sasha        : (Blush)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

About Us - Eps 6

About Us

Eps 6

            6 Months Latter . . .

Maya               : Oh God! I’m late!! (Run to bathroom)
Kato                : Hei!! Where will you go?
Maya               : Campus!!!
Kato                : Campus? So your campus moves to our bathroom?
Maya               : Oh come on!!! Stop teasing me!
Kato                : Come on good student! This is Saturday, who will go to campus every day?
Maya               : (Look at calendar) oh! Haha . . . ok then I’ll back sleep.
Kato                : Yeah! Yeah!
Maya               : (Go to her room and sleep)

       9.30 am

Gin                   : Hey Kato . . .
Kato                : Yeah?
Gin                   : There is Maya inside?
Kato                : Oh yeah! Just go to her room, she is sleeping, like a pig!
Gin                   : (Smile and go to Maya room) Oh God!! Wake up, Maya!!! (Open the curtain)
  Rise and shine, pig!!
Maya               : God! Gin! You never sleep, huh! I’m tired!! (Whimper)
Gin                   : Stop whimper to me and get the shower!!
Maya               : Come on Gin, come here and let’s go to dreamland. . .
Gin                   : Maya!!!
Maya               : Okay, I’m awake. I’m awake!! Oh, fierce!! (Get the towel and go to
Gin                   : (Look at Maya that finish shower) so, it’s better after get morning shower,
Maya               : Bla . . . bla . . . bla . . . what now?
Gin                   : Let’s go to art exhibition!
Maya               : In the morning like this? Come on Gin!
Gin                   : Actually the event starts at 3.30 pm. But, I want you to pick up Sasha at
  his house.  I want to sleep now. Haha . . . good luck . . .
Maya               : What? Ahh!! You suck!! (Jump to her bed)
Gin                   : Come on Maya! Wake up! I’ve tell Sasha that you the one who’ll pick him up.
Maya               : You!!!! Arrgh!!!
Gin                   : (Give Maya the address)
Maya               : (Go to pick up Sasha)

       At Sasha house . . .

Maya               : Hallo, excuse me . . .
Sasha Mom    : Yeah! Looking for whom?
Maya               : Uhm, is this really Sasha house?
Sasha Mom    : Oh yeah! You looking for Sasha, who are you? His girlfriend?
Maya               : Uhm . . . Yeah . . . No . . . I mean . . . that is . . .
Sasha Mom    : Come . . . come in! He is at his room. Just come in!
Maya               : Thx, but I’ll wait here.
Sasha  Mom    : Come on! He will angry to me if I let you stay outside.
Maya               : Yeah, but I just . . .
Sasha Mom    : Don’t be too long! (Grab Maya hand and bring her inside) sit down, please.
Maya               : (Take a sit) ah thank you.
Sasha Mom    : I’ll make coffee for you.
Maya               : Thx, but you shouldn’t have . . . I’m not drink coffee . . .
Sasha  Mom    : Oh! Okay then, I’ll make juice for you (give many snack to Maya) you can
  eat that while waiting for Sasha.
Maya               : Th . . . thx . . .

            For awhile

Sasha Mom    : Here your juice (look at Maya) you smoking right?
Maya               : Huh!
Sasha Mom    : Its looks from how fast you eat all of that snacks.
Maya               : Oh! That . . . sorry . . . (Terrible face)
Sasha Mom    : Oh, no . . . no . . . you can eat that all if you want.
Maya               : (Blush) Thx, but . . .
Sasha  Mom    : Oh, no . . . no . . . just thx is enough! By the way, you must be Maya, Sasha
  always mentions your name . . . I hope you happy together . . .
Maya               : Uh! But, Sasha and I wasn’t a lover . . .
Sasha Mom    : No? Oh please don’t be too shy . . . I’m his mom, and I’m happy to know my
  son can be normal.
Maya               : You mean . . . you ashamed?
Sasha  Mom    : Oh, no . . . not like that! I proud of him, I’m always
  proud of him . . . I love him in every inch of his body . . . but, you know . . .
  every mom in this world must want to have grandchild . . .
Maya               : Grandchild, huh? Yeah . . .
Sasha              : (Come from upstairs) Maya?
Maya               : (Look at Sasha face) Oh God!! That morning face!
Sasha Mom    : (Look at Maya and Sasha)
Sasha              : Hi . . . you come to pick me up?
Maya               : Ye . . . yeah . . .
Sasha              : Can you wait? I’ll take a shower . . .
Maya               : (Look at Sasha body and think on her mind) that skin! Feels like I wanna
  touch it and have it forever. No one can wonder that skin your hide inside
  your long sleeves shirt!
 Sasha                        : (Smile and leave)
Sasha Mom    : You even can’t take your eyes of him . . .
Maya               : (Terrible face) it was . . .
Sasha Mom    : Just stay with him for a long long time . . .
Maya               : . . .
Sasha  Mom    : (Hug Maya) Haha . . . I really like you!!
Maya               : (Think on her mind) I don’t know his mother is so frontal . . . (Poker face)
Sasha              : Hey, Maya can you help me?
Maya               : (Look at Sasha mom)
Sasha Mom    : Come on! Just help my son.
Maya               : . . . (Go to Sasha room) So . . . ?
Sasha              : Do you think which one is better? (Showing Maya two couple of shirt)
Maya               : What? You want me to choose? Come on Sasha, no matter what you wear
  it’ll look good on you!!
Sasha              : You talk about the shirt! But . . . what about me?
Maya               : You? Sasha, everything you wear you’ll still looks pretty!! (Poker face)
  pretty? I mean handsome . . . (look at Sasha face) I think . . . Arrgh . . . just
  wear that white one, it’s just . . . normal!!!
Sasha              : Everything you say. (Wear the shirt) so, where will we go? (Down the
  stairs) hey mom gotta go now. See you tonight!!
Maya               : We back home tomorrow, you stupid!!
Sasha              : Oh, ok then, see you tomorrow mom! (Kiss his mom forehead) I’ll call you
Maya               : (Look at Sasha) I’ll do that to my mom, one day . . . yeah, one day . . .
Sasha Mom    : Take cares Sasha . . . Take cares honey (look at Maya)
Maya               : (Smile) bye . . . mom . . . (Look at Sasha) let’s get into car!

            On the car

Sasha              : Sorry for my mom . . .
Maya               : Yeah! (Looking at Sasha) No problem . . .
Sasha              : She is so mean. You know, I try to always be a good model like what she
  wants. She is alone. So, I try to always be there for my mom.
Maya               : Yeah . . . (Rub Sasha hair) your father?
Sasha              : He had another life, in another world . . . he happy now, yeah I’m sure he is
  happy there.
Maya               : Yeah . . . (think on her mind) I think it would be better to know that your
  father is gone then where your father existence made you fade up slowly . .
  yeah . . . just like me (rub Sasha hair) I’ll protect you and your mother . . .
Sasha              : (look at Maya eyes) Arrgh!! Stop pets me!! (Push Maya hand that rubs his
  hair) even I’m the passive, I’m still older than you, you know!!
Maya               : Huh! Da’ fuck with your word? You think I’m gay?
Sasha              : (Smile) I hope so!!
Maya               : Haha . . . huh! We go to my house to pick up Gin! He waits there.
Sasha              : Your house? Hooray!! Finally I know your house!
Maya               : (Smile) yeah! But my house is not big as yours. You know . . . I’m alone . . .
Sasha              : You strong girl!! I know about you and your fam. Gin told me everything
  about you. I know you don’t like chocolate, I know you always smoking when
  you depressed, I know you loyal to your friends, I know you care about
  everyone who close with you, I know you like pretty boy *that’s why I’m
  lucky, I know you like yaoi and hentai *I’m sure you’re good on that, I know
  you such a pervert *but it’s okay, and I know you can be the active for me
Maya               : (Blush) I know you know, but can you not talk about three of the last? It
  feels like, you know, too mean! And, can you stop talking about that “active”
  or “passive”? I’ll not do your ass!!! Remember? I’m a girl!!
Sasha              : You cute when you shy! And you talk more when you shy! (Smile) that how I
  can hear your voice for longer. . . And . . . I hope you can do my ass!!!
Maya               : Geez! Sasha!!
Sasha              : (Laugh freely)

            At Maya house . . .

Sasha              : Gin, wake up!! (Sit under Gin)
Gin                   : (Shocked) God!! Sasha, I can’t breathe!! (Look at Sasha face) Geez, can you
  act more boys? You know, you too pretty . . . and, don’t do that again! Don’t
  ever sit under me , it can turn me on, or I’ll make you shiver!
Sasha              : (Look at Gin horrible face) Maya!! Gin gonna rapes me!!!
Maya               : Really? (Look at Gin) he turns you on, huh! Gonna watch you do his ass soon!!
  (Laugh freely)
Gin                   : Nah!! Why you back so soon? Can’t you stay there longer?
Maya               : What you mean? I wanna sleep again now! It still 1pm, I still can sleep for
Gin                   : Oh, okay I’ll sleep too . . .
Sasha              : (Look at Maya and Gin that sleep) ugh . . .
Maya               : (Peep at Sasha) . . . . .
Sasha              : (Terrible face) . . . . .
Maya               : (Awake and sit) what’s wrong? Sorry, my room not big as your room.
Sasha              : No! I just . . . (look around) where can I sleep?
Maya               : (Smile and stuck her hand to Sasha) come, you can sleep beside me.
Sasha              : (Grab Maya hand and sleep beside Maya)
Gin                   : (Hug Sasha from behind)
Sasha              : . . . .
Maya               : (Push Gin head away from Sasha back and kick Gin leg from Sasha waist
  while looking at Sasha eyes)
Gin                   : . . . . (Turn back) I know he is yours . . .
Maya               : (Close her eyes and don’t care about Gin)
Sasha              : (Look at Maya face and asleep)

       02.45 pm

Gin                   : (Squat under Maya and Sasha)
Maya               : (Open her sleepy eyes) what you looking at?
Gin                   : (Stand in front of Sasha and Maya) doesn't two of you is exchanged?
Maya               : What you mean? (Yawn)
Gin                   : Maya, you are the girl. But why he sleeps on your arms? I think the right
  one is you sleep on his arms!!!
Sasha              : (Awake) Ah!! (Shocked) so . . . sorry, do you waiting for me? (Panic) Do we
  late coz me?
Maya               : No (sit and rub Sasha hair) . . . just relax (smile) . . .
Sasha              : OK then . . . (Hug Maya doll) so, when we go to the exhibition?
Gin                   : After I take a shower . . .
Sasha              : Okay . . .
Gin                   : (Take a towel and go to bathroom)
Sasha              : (Breathe taking)
Maya               : (Smile and lean to the wall)
Sasha              : (Hug Maya and lean on Maya arms)
Maya               : (Petting Sasha) you like it there, huh?

Sasha              : (Smile and nodded)