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Saturday, July 02, 2011

vampire homeland

Transylvania is a province located in the country of Romania, Eastern Europe.
Transylvania town laden with the impression the armature and is also one of the most horrible places in the world because it is believed as the birthplace of myths and legends that are well known, namely Transylvania's Dracula.No less interesting is the existence of a trusted Bran Castle as Dracula's Castle. Reportedly the blood-sucking creatures ever mereror and master Transylvania. If you want to visit Transylvania do not forget to visit the famous Bran Castle.
According to locals, the castle was once owned by a Romanian nobleman named Vlad Tepes, known as Count Dracula.
Vlad Tepes was born in the year 1431-1476, he was the ruler of the kingdom of Wallachia in Transylvania. The name Dracula came from his father owned the order of Vlad Tepes "Dracul" or dragon. Vlad Tepes himself became known as the son of the dragon or "Dracula" Dracula is a well-known of atrocities during his reign in Wallachia, Transylvania, he has a cruel habit of menyate people who are against it and then drank his blood. Dracula was finally killed when the crusade against the Turks in 1476. It is said that in 1930 dismantled Dracula's cemetery and his body is not there at all. But more cruel where Count Dracula from Transylvania with a blood drinker who drank Gayus tax money, the case of Gaius also very terrifying. Perhaps the horror stories about Count Dracula of Transylvania that inspired Bram Stoker tale. Believe do not believe, Bram Stoker just imagining it, or indeed Count Dracula really exist. But if you want to trace the history of Transylvania Dracula could not hurt to open the history books. The story of the Transylvanian vampire Dracula has been told down through the generations until the story is one of the most controversial story until now, as well as the famous Transylvania with keseramannya.The story of Count Dracula, the famous names appear as Van Helsing, what do you know that Van Helsing is a doctor who told Murray to help married couples when it became a target of Count Dracula. 

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