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Friday, July 01, 2011

5 Ghost Famous In Japan

Oil Child Pronunciation: ah-rah-kah-body-Goh
Area occupied: around lights, especially oil lamps
Special Strength: Fire, Illusion
Danger level: do not disturb
Interests: Oil and the Lamp
Abomination: the wicked, greedy and greedy.
There is little information available about the odd stealth commonly called by the name Aburakago. This creature comes up with a form of child hovering around the lights to get the oil. Its emergence is usually accompanied by one or more balls of fire or commonly known by the name Hitodama. This creature licking the oil from the lamps and lamp making oil runs out quickly. Some stories say that aburakago is a manifestation of the oil thieves, after they become ghosts, their habit continues. Various opinions have sprung up to tell the origin of these creatures, and any definite opinion aburakago is a mysterious creature that has strange behavior. If you have an oil lamp, liver care, .. aburakago because oil is a ghost who is always hungry. Tiddak But you can not blame them for spending your lamp oil supplies commonly used for menhangatkan body and is a valuable commodity in the winter. If you have excess oil inventories, share it with this ghost. Do not quickly decided to eradicate this ghost.
2. Aburasumashi 
The Wise One of the Oil Pronunciation: * body-ah-rah-soo-mah-shee
Area occupied: * Forest, Around the oil lamps are lit.
Special powers: * Illusion, Vanishing
Danger Level: * Frequent disturbing
Likes: * Oil, Lamp Oil, Wisdom.
Hates: people who like to destroy, those who do not appreciate nature, cruel people, people who like to oppress.
His appearance was strange enough to provoke questions about the origin of this interesting ghosts. It is told that at a time, if there is a monk or priest who stole the oil, then it will be Abura-sumashi. The oil is used to turn on the lights to keep warm. Abura-sumashi is wise, very quiet but sometimes a bit naughty and can cause harm, and ghost stories about this era is still continuing today. These creatures use the clothes from the dry grass (which is used to protect the body from the rain on the Japanese ancient times), and carrying a stick like Buddhist monks. Using wood or straw sandals sandals, this creature has something unique head, which reflects his serenity,. His head jutted out of the round and made of stone. Although there are different sources of opinion about these creatures, but almost in all the stories Abura-sumashi portrayed as a figure of calm, despite being a bit naughty but these creatures never harm people, these creatures are very wise and clever. When someone talks about Abura-sumashi usually the person saying that "he is all around us right now!" If his audience began to fidget and look disekilingnya, then Abura-sumashi that it was around they would soon disappear. Abura-sumashi usually occur in winter and liked the warmth generated by oil lamps, these creatures will disappear when the lights are off. Is a good opportunity if it could talk and make friends with these creatures. Occurrences in the Media - In the movie Youkai Daisensou / Yokai Monsters: Spook Warfare - This film is the figure of Abura-sumashi very dominant, the film was made in 3 episodes released by Daiei. In this fil-sumashi Abura told that was the leader of the demons who tried to stop the evil demon - Gekka no Kenshi / Last Blade (various systems) - Akari, a young onmyouji, using a diverse variety of attacks with the help of the phantom, one particular attack is mensumon thousands of stealth and stealth is one of the Abura-sumashi. Note Nan amazing strange ghost. Abura-sumashi very interesting. This type of ghost is good and I'm sure if kids happy if seen or even adults will be very attracted by wisdom and calm
3. Akaname Bathroom Lickers
Pronunciation: * Ah-kah-nah-meh
Area occupied: * Bathroom, Toilet, Closet
Special strengths: Moving very fast, can clean everything with his tongue,
Danger Level: * Helpful
Interests: * Dirty Toilet
Despised: * Surprised If you've ever heard a strange noise in the bathroom when the middle of the night, maybe it's not the voice of cockroaches or other insects home.
Possibly, it is the sound generated by mysterious creatures who live ditoilet Akaname or bathroom. Given their existence, does not mean that the bathroom should be cleaned, just for them, the dirtier the better, nothing more than lick them like dirt and stains in the bathroom. Its name probably comes from his slightly reddish and small size, Akaname will appear bathroom when they are convinced that the people inside the house was fast asleep, they will immediately lick the whole room the bathroom! But, when someone comes, people will only see the flash of akaname that when it will instantly hide or just the sound of footsteps Akaname in the bathroom. This creature is really beneficial walalupun sometimes shock people because penampilanhnya strange. This is just a little small misunderstanding, Is not lick the dirt bath is a good thing? Strange and respected, Akaname come and go as they pleased. How do they get into the house? How do they get out? Not a problem, they would only help us, although sometimes it is less so we note: they only want to smudge stains from our bathroom! So, it is important to maintain cleanliness of the bathroom, but maybe you could leave a little dust in the corner of the bathroom, stains or smudges on the mirror akmar bath. Who knows, one night you are lucky enough to see the glimpse Akaname when you wake up to go to the bathroom at midnight.
4. Amikiri
Cutter et Pronunciation: ah-mee-kee-ree
Area occupied: * waters, especially fishermen who often dilaluipara
Special strengths: swim fast, transformation, illusion
Danger Level: * annoying without hurting
Likes: * cut the nets
Despised: * ungrateful creatures who want to control everything.
Profile Nan strange creature is amazing, one of the races of water creatures that can change shape and live on land sometimes even flying in the air as they swim in the water. These creatures get his nickname for his habit of fishing nets which ekrapkali hinder the movement of these creatures. Fishermen fishing nets that block when these creatures swim in the water will be disconnected until a small flake by flake sharp claws. But they almost never attack humans, these creatures are kind of quiet despite being a scary appearance. Overview of the form amikiri are claws that resemble lobster claws, tail and head of the snake-like gulls. Several sources noted that amikiri sized like an animal like a dog or cat home, ettapi there are also other sources which mention that the size of a human amikiri, exactly the size of children. Almost all his life was spent in the water and is rarely seen out of the water area, but, like most stealth water, they can be transformed into a human when they're on land. Naturally, they do not feel uncomfortable being on land for too long Occurrences in the Media Gekka no Kenshi / Last Blade (various systems) - Akari, a young onmyouji, using a diverse variety of attacks with the help of the phantom, one particular attack is mensumon thousands of stealth and stealth is one of amikiri.
5. Ashimagari
Sticky Steps
Pronunciation: ah-shee-mah-gah-ree
Area occupied: Used in the footsteps at night
Special strengths: disappear, illusions, sticky
Danger Level: harmless Interests: ignorant.

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