Read as u can

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Family - Part 4

Part IV
(Aowie’s POV)
-At park
‘What am I doing here?’ ‘What was Emily talking about? Just shut up. So annoying’ (A/N: So cruel T.T) Aowie thought running wild while waiting for their friend. Who is their friend that they wait for, she don’t even know.
“Are you listening to me Wie?” Emily shakes her friend that look like have a glaring contest with the floor beneath her.
“No.” Aowie stare to Emily now. “Why would you suggest something like this without my permission?”
“I though you would like it. I know you have a thing with that Aoi” Emily mumbles the last part.
“I do” Emily surprises with Aowie boldness. “But you could ask me if I want it or not Em. I’m not prepared for something like this” Aowie softened her voice and hold Emily’s shoulder “You need to promise me you would not do such a reckless thing like this again”
Emily nodded. No for long, their friends or rather Emily’s friend and Aowie crush coming. Aoi wear short jeans that close his foot just after his knee, red long sleeve that he roll upside. Behind him there is a shorter guy with blonde hair, with the same style and a child like face grinning towards them, the different is his sleeves are short.
“Ruki!!” Emily shouts right beside me.
“Yo. ‘sup” The shorter man that called Ruki greet. “So this is your friend that you talking about Em?”
“I hope you not talked unnecessary things with him Em” I said with a glare as a bonus.
“Of course not Wie.” She scratches her neck.
After that we go to a lot of place. Emily often runs first ahead of me with Ruki and left Aoi with me to talk to. I admit I enjoy talking with Aoi. He really has an adult figure, and I like it.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry Wie, My Mother message me, I need to go home now, my cat sick and need to head to pet clinic” Emily look at me with a pleading eyes.
“That’s okay. Go home I don’t want to be the cause of your cat death”
“I’ll take you home” Ruki said searching for his motorbike key in his pocket. “If its okay Aoi will take you home Aowie” he add.
“Eh? No it’s okay” I refuse with smile
“That’s not okay. How can we make a girl walk home alone, right Aoi?” Ruki ask Aoi
“Eh? That’s right. I’ll take you home. You can count on me” Aoi smile and pats Ruki’s shoulder.
“Okay. Then we’ll get going. Bye” Ruki said showing Emily to where he parks his motorbike, after they out of Aoi and Aowie sight Ruki sighing all his tension.
“I hope this will work” Emily said looking behind her.
(Emily’s POV)
Ruki and I decide to go eat something. I know Ruki when I’m still in junior high. We didn’t really close that time, but we become close eventually. Ruki is a very cheerful person. He will get upset when I say he is a girl, but with his height and face, oh that’s so impossible.
“Em, do you want to go home after this?” Ruki asked me while he still munching his food.
“Don’t talk while eat Ruki. No, I think I’ll drop by bookstore. Do you want to tag along?” He really has childish manner.
“Uhmm, I don’t think I can. I have plane with my Girlfriend after this”
“Hm. Okay then”
(Ruki’s POV)
“Okay then Em, I’m going. Bye” I wave my hand to her and walk out from this restaurant.
“Yeah” Emily still sit and eating her dessert there. I feel a bit guilty to her, spent her time alone :(. (A/N: T.T)
My motorbike runs fast on the quite street, catching the time. I smiling remembered I’m going to my Girlfriend’s place. She is so cute. Her round face is my favorite. I feel like want to plant my kiss all over her cute face. I don’t even know I already at her house while thinking of her.
“Oh Ruki. You’ve come” and older woman come greet me telling me to come inside.
“Yeah Mam.” I smile to her.
“I’m sorry you need to wait a bit for that girl. Shessh, sometimes she can be so slow” The older woman or her mother said while rubbing her temple.
“No, it’s okay” speaking of slow, Emily’s face suddenly pop out in my mind. I surrounded with slowpoke people.
“Ruki!?. Sorry, did you wait too long?” a girl at my height with a glasses come out from the other room.
“No. I just came” her mother go back leaving us in the living room but before that she whispering something to her daughter ‘give him a drink Dea’.
“Do you want to drink something?”
“Nah, I already eat with friends before” I really lucky getting girlfriend like Dea. She tolerate me still hanging out with my friend, I don’t like someone clingy.
Riing … Riing …
“Hello?” who the hell call me at this kind of time.
“Ruki??” I heard a sniffle at the other line.
“Hello? Em? What’s wrong?” I asked worried
“Ruki(whine) can you…can you come and save me?”
“What? What’s wrong? Are someone attacking you?” I half yelled make Dea seems a bit worried about what was happening.
“I -hic- I-I… don’t have money anymore~” she sobbed.
“Just come here you prick!. I need help here.” Emily snap.
“Geez Em. Is that how you asking for help?” I glance to Dea. “Okay. Stay put there, don’t wandering around. DON’T buy anything anymore.”
“Yeah. What am I? a stray dog?” I could feel Emily rolled her eyes.
Okay, now what should I say to Dea. I can’t just canceling our date to some trash like Em (A/N : Oiiii!!).
“Something wrong Ruki?” She looks at me with a worried face.
“Um, Dea I…” “It’s okay. Don’t you want to help your friend?” she cut my line before I got to tell her things.
“It’s that really okay?” Uncertain, I asked once more
“Hu-un (nodded). But. . .”
“I want to go along with you. I can’t help become worried. Your friends are my friends.”

After that I go to Emily’s place where her face really likes a dog whining. She look so happy when I come, or my money is come. From there I know that Emily with Dea is friend, and that’s ended up with Emily wailing over Dea who smile and just petting her back.

Monday, August 04, 2014

About Us - Eps 4

Abou Us

Eps 4

Next Day . . .

Ken     : Excuse me . . . can you help me?
Maya   : Yap? How can I help you?
Ken     : Do you know where Interior Department is?
Maya   : Ah, yeah! Just follow me!
Ken     : Thx!
Maya   : You’re new student or what?
Ken     : Oh no, I’m here to give this letter.
Maya   : Yeah, from who and what semester?
Ken     : From Sasha, Sasha Melbank, from semester 5.
Maya   : Sasha? Who are you?
Ken     : I’m ken, Ken Jin . . . I’m his . . .
Maya   : (Stop walking) His boyfriend?
Ken     : How you know? Sasha never tells me about you.
Maya   : Well, everyone knows about him, and I just guessing. By the way I’m Maya,
  Masashi Maya, from Fashion Design Department, semester one, and sometime
  I’m stuck in the same class with Sasha.
Ken     : Oh, okay! If that so, can I give this letter to you? (Give the letter to Maya)
Maya   : Okay! (Take the letter) but, may I know what happen to him?
Ken     : He is sick. But, I don’t know. I think he just avoiding someone, he look have a
  trouble. Hehehe
Maya   : Okay, I’ll go to class now. Bye!
Ken     : Okay, bye. Thx before!
Maya   : (Think on her mind while walking to class) He avoiding someone? I think he
  avoiding me. Do I hurt him that bad? Well, now he will hate me. I guess . . .
Tara    : Go awaaaaayyyy!!!! (Crush Maya)
Maya   : Ouch!! Da’ fucks with you?
Tara    : So . . . sorry . . . are you okay?
Maya   : Huh! I’m okay. You need to be careful next time!!
Tara    : Okay! Here your letter. (Give Maya the letter)
Maya   : (Take the letter) thx . . .
Tara    : (Look at Maya face?) hey, you my junior right? Your name is . . . Maya! Yeah,
  you the one who lunch with Sasha! Oh my God!! You just freshmen and you
  already be the trending topic for whole campus! Superb!!
Maya   : What you mean? Trending topic? (Walk to class)
Tara    : I’m your senior. I’m in the same department with Sasha. You lunch with Sasha
  right? I wonder what make you interest with him??
Maya   : You talk like I’m gonna take profit from him. Relax, I’m a rich girl!!
Tara    : Yeah, I can see that from your cloth! Well, I think he is your type then . . . (Take
  the letter from Maya hand) I’m his classmate, so it’s better if I bring this letter.
Marry : Hey, Tara! (Look at Maya) so, she is your type?
Tara    : What you mean? Go away you profiteer!!
Marry : (Swollen and leave)
Tara    : Sorry about her, I think she hate you coz the rumor. Even she is the one who
  spread the rumor. Hahaha . . . (Go to class)
Maya   : What’s wrong with me? I feel like I’m not meant to be here . . .
Gin      : (Come from behind) Hey! You still thinking about last night, huh?
Maya   : (Look at Gin and Nodded)
Gin      : Come on, I will apologize to him that he will not hate us anymore (smile)
Maya   : It’s useless, Sasha is not here!
Gin      : Yeah I know, that’s why we have to find him!
Maya   : Not, that! I mean he isn’t come to campus today!
Gin      : Oh, well! So what now?
Maya   : I don’t know. I will back home. I don’t want to join the class today.
Gin      : Wait me at café, I’ll try to get Sasha address, we will go to Sasha home and
Maya   : I’ll go with you. (Thinking) I don’t like him, I don’t love him. I don’t have any
  feelings for him. But . . . I just need to apologize and it will be normal, yeah like
  really normal.
Gin      : Well, where will we starting from?
Maya   : . . . I know his classmate, Tara Kira. Tall body, yellow skin, yeah . . .  handsome
  . . a little . . .
Gin      : Okay, I’ll find him. Wait here (go into interior department) Hello, who is Tara
  here? Tara Kira? . . . . .
Tara    : (Come from outside) I said it’s not work!
Diao    : So, what you want?
Gin      : You! Tara Kira?
Tara    : Yeah?
Gin      : You know where is Sasha house?
Tara    : Haha . . . who are you? His BF?
Gin      : Say whatever you want. Just give me his address or I’ll kick you!
Diao    : Hey! What you want?
Gin      : (Look at Diao) Oh my God! Another pretty boy!
Diao    : What your problem? I know I’m pretty, but I’m not gay!! So, stop look at me like
Maya   : (Come from outside) sorry, can you just give me Sasha address?
Diao    : You, Maya? I think you a girl?
Maya   : I’AM A GIRL!!! Can’t you see, I have long hair!!
Diao    : Yeah, I’ve long hair too… Sasha has long hair too…
Maya   : Oh God!!! Forget it!! Let’s back home Gin!
Gin      : (Following Maya)
Diao    : Ho-ho, they’re serious!!

Family - Part 3

I am so sorry~ (bowing my head many times).
I am such a lazy writer. But it’s hard to get the idea to what am I gonna write first. Even when I asked my friends opinion about what need to be add they just shrug me off (desperate cry).
On with the story. . .

 (Third POV)
The time flies so fast. Now theyre collage students. Aowie and Emily went to STIBA, Dea went to STP, Kristen went to UNUD and Ang went to ISI.
~Time Skip~
(Emily’s POV)
“How about we stay here a bit while waiting for our class begin Wie?” I ask sitting to one of the balcony there waiting for her.
“Okay” she said sitting beside me.
“What we get for the first period?” I checked my hand phone for my schedule.
“Don’t know”
After a while waiting we decided to go to our class. We talk a lot of stuff that catching our eyes, from something to someone, just likely a gossip girl.
But suddenly when I turn around to face Aowie, she already sitting on the floor and someone was apologizing to her.
This someone also if I say has a rather beautiful face. Although a piercing on his lips didn’t do anything to make his face scary. He has a black hair, a shoulder length.
“Ah! I am very sorry about this” helping Aowie get up “I’m in hurry, I didn’t see my way. I’m sorry. Did you hurt somewhere” He asked worried
(Aowie’s POV)
Ughhh. . .
I don’t know how to say this. But really, here he is someone with gorgeous face looking at me with a concern face.
“Wie. . . Aowie? He is asking you” Emily said with a hint giggle on her tone.
“Oh? Uhm? I- I am fine. Nothing to worry about” I said straightening my posture.
“What did you say before?” He turns to ask Emily.
“Huh? What did I said?” Emily said confuse. I want to smack my face, sometimes she can be a little slow. She need to repair that brain of her or if can buy a new one. (A/N: Hey!!)
He frown and then sighing by Emily’s act “Her name. What is her name you said?”
“Oh~” Emily nod “Aowie. Her name is Aowie. Is something wrong with that?”
“No. Just, her name is the same like mine. I am also Aoi” he then smile at me make me want to turn like a jelly.
“Really?” I asked unbelievable.
“Yup” and then his friend called him with the name that has a similarity with me. ‘It’s really the same’ I thought. Unlucky me, my best friend snap me from my daze. Ishh.
“Earth to” Emily wave her hand in front of my face “We need to go to class”
“Yeah yeah. I know.” Stomps passing her “Do you think I can see him again?”
“Who?” she smirk
“The gardener. Of course that Aoi guy”
“Who knows? From where he heading to, he is Japanese literature student, isn’t he? And a senior on top of that, because we didn’t see him when our orientation day”
-Break time
“I’m hungry” I said to Emily who is sits beside but looking to my hand phone.
“Then eat” Emily said also looking to her phone.
“I want to go to canteen”
“Then go” she said bored.
“You don’t want to eat?”
“I bought one before”
“Geez” I stand up and take her phone away. “Hey!?” She half yelled.
“Company me” Emily’s sighing but stands none then less companying me to canteen. (A/N: I’m hopeless against my friend T.T)
Emily said she doesn’t want to buy anything so she waiting for me at one of canteen’s table. When I busy with choosing my food to buy I heard a familiar voice beside me. I turn to see that deep yet smooth voice source.
“Oh. It’s you” The familiar voice as turn to be Aoi asked.
“Hi” I smile to him, the sweetest smile I have.
“Are you alone?” he look down to me with his tall legs I feel humiliated because our different height. He looks so mature with black T-shirt warp with white vest and those tight jeans around his slender foot. Oh so sexy >.<.
“No. I’m with friend, she is waiting there” I point to where Emily sits. She wave her hand to us, I bet she knew Aoi was right beside me before me.
“Hoo. I’m sorry if I’m rude. But…She is so small for a collage student, isn’t she?”
“It’s okay, even you said that directly to her it wouldn’t be a big problem, she is to kind never taken anything too deep to her heart.” I shrug “But I don’t know if she keeps grudge. Nah, she isn’t that kind of person as I know her”
“You know each other for a long time I assume” He seems amused with how I explain my friend.
“That’s true” Emily suddenly pop up behind us startle me a bit. This kid . . . “I hope you not saying anything weird to him” she glare to me
“Oh~ I say a bunch of weird things about you Em” I smirk
She pouts but said nothing to retort back. “Are you done? Lets get back to class, it’s getting crowded here” she said with a pleading tone.
“Okay. Then Aoi, I am going to class first. See you” I said dragging Emily out of canteen.
“See you” Emily wave her hand to Aoi who return her motion with a smile.
(Third POV)
-the next day at campus
Emily half running toward her class not wanting the other class disturb by her footsteps. Her face set into a smiling face with a little laugh escaping her mouth. On the class her eyes land on Aowie first.
“What that creepy grin for, Em?” she asked raising her eyebrow.
Emily pouts but changes it back into a smiley face “I got interesting news for you”
“What interesting news you possibly have for me Em?” Emily looks at Aowie with disbelieving eyes.
“You…I worked so hard to get this arranged. So you can meet with that Aoi guy in a long time, but this is how you would pay me? With this kind of attitude?” Emily place both her hand on her and glaring at Aowie who has a shock face.
“You what?” Aowie don’t believe her, but if this chance is true than why not take it seriously.
“You will not take that attitude towards me young woman” Emily pointed to Aowie with her small finger.
Aowie scoff “Fine. What did you say before MOM?” Aowie ask with smile.
“That’s better. You can delete the ‘MOM’ part” finally Emily sits down. “Like I said before. I have a friend that befriend with Aoi and ask him if he can ask Aoi to go out tomorrow. With us of course” Emily chirped happily.

TBC. . .