Read as u can

Monday, August 04, 2014

About Us - Eps 4

Abou Us

Eps 4

Next Day . . .

Ken     : Excuse me . . . can you help me?
Maya   : Yap? How can I help you?
Ken     : Do you know where Interior Department is?
Maya   : Ah, yeah! Just follow me!
Ken     : Thx!
Maya   : You’re new student or what?
Ken     : Oh no, I’m here to give this letter.
Maya   : Yeah, from who and what semester?
Ken     : From Sasha, Sasha Melbank, from semester 5.
Maya   : Sasha? Who are you?
Ken     : I’m ken, Ken Jin . . . I’m his . . .
Maya   : (Stop walking) His boyfriend?
Ken     : How you know? Sasha never tells me about you.
Maya   : Well, everyone knows about him, and I just guessing. By the way I’m Maya,
  Masashi Maya, from Fashion Design Department, semester one, and sometime
  I’m stuck in the same class with Sasha.
Ken     : Oh, okay! If that so, can I give this letter to you? (Give the letter to Maya)
Maya   : Okay! (Take the letter) but, may I know what happen to him?
Ken     : He is sick. But, I don’t know. I think he just avoiding someone, he look have a
  trouble. Hehehe
Maya   : Okay, I’ll go to class now. Bye!
Ken     : Okay, bye. Thx before!
Maya   : (Think on her mind while walking to class) He avoiding someone? I think he
  avoiding me. Do I hurt him that bad? Well, now he will hate me. I guess . . .
Tara    : Go awaaaaayyyy!!!! (Crush Maya)
Maya   : Ouch!! Da’ fucks with you?
Tara    : So . . . sorry . . . are you okay?
Maya   : Huh! I’m okay. You need to be careful next time!!
Tara    : Okay! Here your letter. (Give Maya the letter)
Maya   : (Take the letter) thx . . .
Tara    : (Look at Maya face?) hey, you my junior right? Your name is . . . Maya! Yeah,
  you the one who lunch with Sasha! Oh my God!! You just freshmen and you
  already be the trending topic for whole campus! Superb!!
Maya   : What you mean? Trending topic? (Walk to class)
Tara    : I’m your senior. I’m in the same department with Sasha. You lunch with Sasha
  right? I wonder what make you interest with him??
Maya   : You talk like I’m gonna take profit from him. Relax, I’m a rich girl!!
Tara    : Yeah, I can see that from your cloth! Well, I think he is your type then . . . (Take
  the letter from Maya hand) I’m his classmate, so it’s better if I bring this letter.
Marry : Hey, Tara! (Look at Maya) so, she is your type?
Tara    : What you mean? Go away you profiteer!!
Marry : (Swollen and leave)
Tara    : Sorry about her, I think she hate you coz the rumor. Even she is the one who
  spread the rumor. Hahaha . . . (Go to class)
Maya   : What’s wrong with me? I feel like I’m not meant to be here . . .
Gin      : (Come from behind) Hey! You still thinking about last night, huh?
Maya   : (Look at Gin and Nodded)
Gin      : Come on, I will apologize to him that he will not hate us anymore (smile)
Maya   : It’s useless, Sasha is not here!
Gin      : Yeah I know, that’s why we have to find him!
Maya   : Not, that! I mean he isn’t come to campus today!
Gin      : Oh, well! So what now?
Maya   : I don’t know. I will back home. I don’t want to join the class today.
Gin      : Wait me at café, I’ll try to get Sasha address, we will go to Sasha home and
Maya   : I’ll go with you. (Thinking) I don’t like him, I don’t love him. I don’t have any
  feelings for him. But . . . I just need to apologize and it will be normal, yeah like
  really normal.
Gin      : Well, where will we starting from?
Maya   : . . . I know his classmate, Tara Kira. Tall body, yellow skin, yeah . . .  handsome
  . . a little . . .
Gin      : Okay, I’ll find him. Wait here (go into interior department) Hello, who is Tara
  here? Tara Kira? . . . . .
Tara    : (Come from outside) I said it’s not work!
Diao    : So, what you want?
Gin      : You! Tara Kira?
Tara    : Yeah?
Gin      : You know where is Sasha house?
Tara    : Haha . . . who are you? His BF?
Gin      : Say whatever you want. Just give me his address or I’ll kick you!
Diao    : Hey! What you want?
Gin      : (Look at Diao) Oh my God! Another pretty boy!
Diao    : What your problem? I know I’m pretty, but I’m not gay!! So, stop look at me like
Maya   : (Come from outside) sorry, can you just give me Sasha address?
Diao    : You, Maya? I think you a girl?
Maya   : I’AM A GIRL!!! Can’t you see, I have long hair!!
Diao    : Yeah, I’ve long hair too… Sasha has long hair too…
Maya   : Oh God!!! Forget it!! Let’s back home Gin!
Gin      : (Following Maya)
Diao    : Ho-ho, they’re serious!!

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