Read as u can

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Family - Part 2

An Update! Yay ~(^.^~)(~^.^)~
I hope the first chapter not so much boring to read ne..
Here you are the part 2 →
Part II
(Third POV)
Ang walk to class with her usual grin trade mark. She plop down to her seat and start chattering with everything she remembers to said.
“Hey, where are you signing to collage” Ang said to Emily who busy with her laptop
“Hmm, I think I’ll try Undiksha.” Emily answers “Tomorrow I’ll go there for 3’s far though”.
“At least you have somewhere to sign.”
The next day Emlily goes to Singaraja for her test at Undiksha.
Emily got message that the result was out, she look at Undiksha’s website and found her name was there, she happy but when she thinks about it again she not keen on the distance. Then she decided to talk it again with her family that she wants to try go to STIBA.
-At school (after the test)
“So...How’s your test?” Ang asked.
“Did you pass?” now Dea’s turn to ask.
“Yeah” Emily said “but I will start collage at STIBA, the same like Aowie”
“Eh? Why?” Dea shock.
“Hmm, it’s nearer than if I go to Undiksha” Everyone stares at Emily with –you-must-be-kidding-me- stare. “It’s a pity though. My Mother also a bit disappointed. And what about you Dea?”
“Me? I go to STP (Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata), it’s near my house”
“Why not go to UNUD (Universitas Udayana)?”
“(Shrugging) at first I want to go there, but I don’t know why I change my university choice”
-At night
Emily’s phone vibrate on her study table, there is a message from Ang.
[Ang: Em, do you have a free time tomorrow?]
[Emily: No, why?]
[Ang: company me to signing at ISI]
[Emily: eh? You not sign yet?]
[Ang: eheheheh, nope. Could you?]
[Emily: yea, yea. Remember to pack the necessary things like your raport and wallet]
[Ang: kay]
-the next day
Ang comes to Emily’s house and goes to ISI to registering. After arrive, they goes to the administration. Ang told Emily to stay at the lobby and wait for her. Emily sits there with 2 of Ang’s friends, and suddenly something or rather someone is catching Emily’s eyes.
Someone with long hair, sexy lips, a tall feet and slender yet solid body come from the entrance administration direction towards the place where Ang try to finish her register thing. ‘This guy, if Ang look him she must be squealing mess now’ Emily though.
After an hour or so, Ang really coming with a smile like grin and her hands clapped together in front of her chest. Just like what Emily though.
“Emily~ Ha’a~” poking Emily and still wearing that smile on her face.
“I know why you act like this. Geez. When you see a guy with beautiful face, you act like someone gives you a happy gas”
“I’m not!? It is true he is pretty but I am not acting like that. I’m acting normal” she straighten her posture and her facial face, but after a while she go back with her grin on her face.
“(sweat drop) O~kay” Emily said while shift her gaze toward that pretty guy.

(Ang’s POV)
After that I go back to the administration stance to fill my questionnaire leaving Emily’s bored expression. She just like that can’t see her friend happy, huff.
I walk to the administration stance and start write down my answer on the questionnaire. And then that pretty guy move closer to me. I look up at him because I feel his gaze toward me.
“Sorry, uhm do you have a spare pen?” he asked me while his hand pointed to my pen.
“Uh? Oh? Uhm, wait here” I half run to Emily with happy face and start rummaging my bag that still place on Emily’s lap. Emily look at me with a confuse stare.
“What are you searching Ang?” Emily asked helping me with opening the bag wider.
“You have it with you Ang. Don’t you holding on it”
“Not this pen. Another pen duh”
I got the pen, I handed it, he mumble a thanks and I try to peek down on his note then I see that he was writing down his name. My lips start to mimic his name that written on the paper ‘U-Ru-Ha’. Oh that’s his name. Wow a good name to a good looking guy.
Uruha gives back my pen and he smile to me. He walks away outside the building to someone that waiting for him inside a car. I try to see the one inside the car ‘It’s a guy, is he a family?’ I though, but like always I shrug it off. After that I go back to Emily giggling. Emily raises her eyebrow then smirk at me.
“I know his name” I said happy.
“Really? Who?” Emily asks as excited as me.
“Uruha? That’s a good name”
“Right, right”
“Are you done?” Emily suddenly asks changing the topic.
“Hnmm, yup”
“Then let’s go home” she glance towards me and try drag me out.
“Eh~ . No. Can’t we stay here a bit?” I plead
“I’m tired. Ang if you want to see that Uruha guy, you can do it later. You’re in the same campus duh”

“Okay okay” I walk side by side with her and glance a bit to Uruha direction when we outside the administration building. I need to be friend with him, I exclaim.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

About Us - Eps 3

          Biip . . . biip . . .

Maya     : (Open her phone) Oh, it’s from Gin. Brother!! Brother!!
Kato      : Yeah! I’m upstairs!
Maya     : (Go to upstairs) lend me money. My friend will come in 30 minutes.
Kato      : Yeah! Yeah! Just take it in my wallet. There up the TV.
Maya     : Okay! (Leave)
Kato      : Hey! Buy me cigarette!
Maya     : Okay! (Go to minimarket)

          30 minutes later . . .

Gin        : Hey, where are you from?
Maya     : You already here? (Show the plastic bag)
Gin        : Hey Kato!
Kato      : How odd!
Gin        : Yeah, I want to finish my homework with Maya.
Kato      : So, you school with my sister? How coincident!! Maya where my cigarette?
Maya     : Here!
Kato      : Okay, just take your time! (Go upstairs)
Maya     : Come in, so you want me to help your homework, huh?
Kato      : Yeah! He he . . .
Maya     : Okay, what homework?
Gin        : Drawing and English, but I can do the drawing can you do the English for me?
Maya     : Okay, oh yeah! Take that! I buy it for us.
Gin        : Beer? Oh, Maya! Can act more like girl, you know like girl!!
Maya     : (Look at Gin and look herself) I’m a girl, don’t you know that?
Gin        : Maya! Your style! You look like boy! Even you have a long hair, but no wonder you are a girl! Come on! Can
  you look sexier?
Maya     : You even not drink your beer, but you drunk already?
Gin        : (Finish his drawing) Maya . . . (Drink his beer) now I know why he like you!
Maya     : (Stop writing and look at Gin) He like me? How you know?
Gin        : I’m a boy and he stills a boy!!
Maya     : Oh! Let’s go out! Your English is done.
Gin        : Okay!! (Drive the car) where will we go?
Maya     : Diner café? I want to eat something.
Gin        : Okay!

            At dinner café

Gin        : Don’t think about him too much!
Maya     : (Eat her f. fries) Yeah! Hey, Gin . . . you think how he can like me?
Gin        : Because you’re tomboy?
Maya     : (Look at Gin)
Gin        : Yeah . . . he is a bi! That mean he still can fell love to girl, but he can fell love to a boy too . . .  then, he get
  both of that from you. You are a girl, that mean he can be normal, and you are tomboy, that mean he still
  can act spoiled, you know like a girl  . . . (act like girl)
Maya     : (Look at Gin and laugh) hahaha, how can you think that far . . . but . . . maybe you’re right (think on
  herself) I don’t know, maybe you’re right, maybe . . . not . . .
Gin        : I think he will really like you!!

            Biip . . . Biip . . .

Maya     : (Open her phone) . . .
Sasha    : Hi, it’s me Sasha, I miss you!!
Gin        : (Look at Maya phone) well, well . . . he will really, really, really like you!
Maya     : I feel like I’ve done something wrong! Really, really, really wrong! (look at Gin)
Gin        : This is not your fault at all. I know you just want to help. But, sometime we need to be bad person. You
  know, like really bad person!!
Maya     : I don’t know . . . I like him . . . yeah, not love just like. But, if it still likes this, he will fell something
Gin        : (Drink his beer) why not you replay his text? Told him to come here and act like you want to be his
  friends, not his lover. (Eat Maya sandwich)
Maya     : (Look at Gin that eats her sandwich) yeah you’re right! I’ll tell him to come here. (Call Sasha)
Gin        : Okay!!
Maya     : Hallo!!
Sasha    : Hi! You need me?
Maya     : Yeah! Can you come here? I just start my dinner.
Sasha    : You invite me to dinner? Yeah! I’m happy! Where the place?
Maya     : I’ll text you the address!
Sasha    : Okay! (Turn off the phone)
Maya     : (Send text to Sasha)
Gin        : So?
Maya     : Well, yeah! He will come.

            45 minutes latter . . .

Sasha    : (Smile) Hi, Maya! (Look at Gin)
Maya     : Hi! Have a sit. I don’t know what you like, so I just ordered juice for you, yeah I know you not drink alcohol
  like me.
Sasha    : It’s okay! (Look at Gin while drink his juice)
Maya     : He is my old friend, the name Gin. Your junior at campus too.
Sasha    : Okay! (Grab Maya hands) Hi Gin, nice to meet you!
Gin        : H . . . Hi! Nice to meet you too. . .  (Look at Maya)
Maya     : (Smile)
Sasha    : So . . . you Maya friend?
Gin        : Yeah, actually (Grab Maya hand) I want it more than friend!! (Smile)
Sasha    : What you mean? (Give Gin sarcastic looks)
Gin        : Yeah! Actually I’m the one who told Maya to tell you come here. Coz I just want you to know that Maya
  will never be more than friend with you!!
Sasha    : What did you said? (Look at Maya) that is true?
Maya     : Sasha . . . no . . . it just . . . Gin!! What are you doing’?
Gin        : (Whispers to Maya) Maya, remember!! We told him to come that for make him know that you just want his
Maya     : Ya, but . . . Sasha . . . Don’t cry! (Hold in Sasha hand and think on herself) Oh my God!! His hand feels so
  soft! Like I want to hold it forever!!!
Gin        : (Whispers to Maya) Hey, Maya!!!!
Maya     : (Shocked) Ah! (Look at Sasha hand and look at Sasha face) Sasha, just don’t be so hurt. For now I just can
  be your friend. But, I still always be there for you! Don’t worry, I’m still yours . . . . . . . . . Friend.
Sasha    : (Look at Maya and Gin) I hate both of you!! (Leave)
Maya     : Sasha!! Hey!! Sasha!!
Gin        : Hey calm down!! Everyone looking at you!!
Maya     : (Take a sit) what I’ve done??
Gin        : I’m so sorry for that.
Maya     : I don’t know he will be that hurt! I’m so stupid!!
Gin        : Enough Maya! I will drive you home . . . you can take a rest at home. We will apologize to Maya at campus


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Family - Part 1

Title                        : Family

Author                     : D.K

Editor                      : Anggra Mitha & D.K

*Note                     : Half of this story based on real experience 

                                 from the cast

(Third POV)
A petite girl humming softly on the bench near school’s yard. Although the school already ends for the day she still sits there waiting someone.
“Emily~”. A tall figure running towards Emily with her wide smile. “Sorry, did you wait too long?”
“Yeah, and I hate every second of it” Emily said crossing her hand in front of her chest
“Hehehe, you’re my friend, when I’m suffering, and of course my friend also need to suffer….a bit. The teachers really make it long for just a catch up test. They asked me questions that not even related to the test”
“Ang, I know for sure it’s you who asked them and then you chatted with them” Emily point her finger to Ang with –that’s it- face.
“Aey, I can’t help it. That’s called socialization.” Ang pout.
“No when you have a test in front of you to finish.”
“Yeah, and that’s my specialty” with a proud posture Ang lift two of her thumb in the air.
Not long after that they start to laugh until their stomach hurts. Because the sun was set, they decide to go back to their home.
The two of them is friend along with 3 more of them. They know each other not from a long time ago when they still freshmen in high school. This time is their third year, the year where their day full of test and test and test. (That sucks *^*)
(Emily’s POV)
As usual I’ll be the first comes to school with my friend Kristen. We go to school together and almost going everywhere together. And then my friend will fill up the class and I doubt Ang will come in the morning (its rare sight), she will pop up when it’s already 8 AM (in my place the student must come 15 minutes before 8.00).
The lesson start and the teacher come in. I spend the day at school almost for 8 hours but it’s not a worst day because my friends are there.
-break time
“Em, where’s your math homework? I want to borrow it” Ang said with her hand asking in front of me.
“Haa~ when will you write your homework yourself Ang?” I give her my home work and she start write with a full speed.
“Share it with me too. Damn and it’s long” and here I have another friend who doesn’t like do her homework, Aowie.
“Dea, did you done your homework?” I asked my seat mate and she nodded
“I did, but there are some of them I still don’t know how to answer it” she show me and I tried to tell her how to answer it. I think she is the sane one in my circle of friend, but sometime she can lose her mind too.
(Third POV)
-after school
“Do you want to go to mek man?(that’s how one of our canteen called)” Ang asked to her friends.
“No, I want to go straight to home” Emily answer with a shake of her head.
Mean while Aowie already at the park lot ready to go home. She always be the first when the school end, and of course we follow suit her example.
-at Aowie’s home
Aowie live with her big family. She has a lot of siblings. She is the second child of five siblings. She is a dog lover. And she has a lovely-evil- little brother and sister.
-at Dea’s house
Dea is a good child, she is the good model as what parents want. She live with her parents and she has an older sister. She also a dog lover just like Aowie.

-at Emily’s house
She has a younger sister and a younger brother. She sometimes-always- hate the how her sister act, she is a rude girl with a frown glued to her face. She always say one word to her younger brother, “you useless”.
-at Ang’s house
Sometimes she is alone at home because her father is a bit-lot- busy, sometimes she has a guest stay in her house, She like to spent her day with her friend or family or she used to draw something in her sketch book, sometimes in other books too (A/N : she draw it in wherever she want, even in my book --‘). She has an older brother who seems like to lazy around.
-at Kristen’s house
She spend almost all her time to stay at home if she doesn’t have anything to do. Her parent is busy because they work from morning ‘til afternoon. She also have an older brother who like a lot like her.
The day pass quikly, the third year student now have their last test. They struggling to answer the test to have their final score at least not under 80 (T.T).
After the test done they feel like a stone on their shoulder was removed from them and they feel relaxed again.
“Hey Wie, in what college will you signing?” Emily asked with interest, honestly she even doesn’t have any college name yet to asign
“hmm, I’ll go to the same collage like my sister, Foreign Language Collage,  (STIBA) Saraswati” Aowie said while still looking at her handphone. This is her anyway.
“What about you Ang?” Emily turn to see Ang
“I think, I will try to go to Indonesian Art Institute (ISI), and I will take fashion design as my course.” Ang said “What abut you Em?”
“I don’t know” with a -hard thinking- face Emily answer “It’s hard for me to choose”
“Why don’t you choose something you like?”
“I...” Emily thinking again “I don’t know what I like, it’s blur”
“What about a teacher? Your Mom is a teacher, right?”
“Euwww, I can’t!. Imagine yourself in front of a lot of eyes, as if ready to eat you alive and rip you to pieces” Emily said excessively with her hand on her head
“The student not an animal you know” Ang sweet drop
“Who said the student is an animal?, I’m a student and I’m not an animal”
“But from what you sa....” Emily cut off Ang that still talking “I did, but I didn’t say they animal, it’s just..(whispering)they are scary people”

“Uh...yeah whatever” Ang go away dragging Dea and Aowie leaving Emily alone in the class with her fantasy. And the time Emily aware she was left alone, she storm out and run after them.

Monday, May 12, 2014

About Us - Eps 2

            3 weeks later . . .

Maya   : Okay! This is my first time in college I’ve to learn to enjoy my day here!
Sasha    : Hei,how are you?
Maya   : (Shocked) You! Ah! I’m fine, what about you?
Sasha    : I’m fine. You my junior, right?
Maya   : Yeah!
Sasha    : What is your name?
Maya   : Maya, Masashi Maya
Sasha    : Cool! I’m Sasha Melbank
Maya   : What semester you are?
Sasha    : I’m semester 5 and from interior department
Maya   : Okay, I’m from fashion design department
Sasha    : Cool! By the way, I’ve to join my class. Bye now!
Maya   : Okay. . . . Ah!
Sasha    : Yeah?
Maya   : Meet me on break time? Will you?
Sasha    : Okay! (Go to class)
Maya   : Cool!!! (Smiling)
Gin      : I see what you did with him!
Maya   : (Shocked) Who? Who you mean???
Gin      : Come on Maya! I wonder what he thinks about you!!!
Maya   : . . . . . . . . .
Gin      : Come on! The class will start! (Go to class room)
Maya   : (Following Gin)
Gin      : (In classroom) Hi guys
Anita   : You late!!
Gin      : Sorry, I’ve some business
Joe       : So . . . (look at Maya) your business?
Gin      : Yeah, business!! She is Maya, my sexy friend!
Joe       : Sexy friend? Hi, I’m Joe!
Maya   : Hi.
Anita   : (Stop drawing) Hi, I’m Anita, Anita Hino, nice to meet you.
Maya   : Hi, nice to meet you too.
Gin      : She interest with Sasha.
Joe       : God! Sasha? You know he is G?
Maya   : Uh! No I’m not interest with him!
Gin      : Yes, she is!
Anita   : Don’t hear them. What your department?
Maya   : Me?  I’m from fashion design.
Anita   : Great! I’m too!
Maya   : Really? Cool!
Anita   : (Look at Maya) Yeah, cool~
Gin      : Maya, I just want you to be careful!
Maya   : Be careful about what?
Gin      : Sasha . . . he has a girlfriend, yeah the name is Marry Lin from interior department and he has
  a boyfriend. I don’t know much about his boyfriend but the name is Ken Jin. He not school
Maya   : . . . . . .
Gin      : Are you okay?
Anita   : Maya, don’t think about it too much, you just know him and I’m sure you’ll forget him
  soon (smile).
Joe       : MAYA!!
Maya   : (Take a deep breath) so, he is a bi? Yeah! I’m okay, I’m really fine.
Gin      : It’s good if you okay.
Anita   : Hey, the professor comes!!

            Till break time come . . .

Joe       : Hey, want to break with us?
Maya   : Uhm . . . y . . .
Gin      : I think she can’t (look at class door) someone waiting for her!
Anita   : (Look at class door) well, well . . . just meet him!
Maya   : Sorry . . . my next class with him and . . . with you (look at Anita).
Maya   : It’s okay! I’ll meet you in next class.
Joe       : Okay, see you tomorrow.
Gin      : So, see you tomorrow!
Maya   : Uhm! (Go outside).
Gin      : Maya! I’ll go to your home tonight. . . .
Maya   : Okay, just text me . . . (leave).

          Outside class . . .

Sasha    : Hi . . .
Maya   : (Blush) hi . . . what are you doing here?
Sasha    : Uh! I think you want me to meet you on break time?
Maya   : Uh! Yeah . . . but, I think you not meet me in my class.
Sasha    : Yeah! I meet you outside your class.
Maya   : Ahh . . . okay . . . let’s have a break, wanna go to canteen?
Sasha    : Uhm . . . the next class is at 2 pm and now still 12pm, we still have 2 hr. you can drive a car?
Maya   : Yeah!
Sasha    : Okay! (Give the key to Maya) let’s go to coffee shop!
Maya   : But, I don’t know the place.
Sasha    : Just drive!
Maya   : (Take the key and drive)
            At canteen

Joe       : So, where will they go?
Anita   : I don’t know!
Joe       : May be to hotel or motel?
Gin      : Shut up she is a good girl. I know she will never do something dirty like that!
Anita   : Aha! I know, someone here get burn of his jealous!!
Gin      : (Eat his meal)
Joe       : (Look at Gin) she is tomboy!! Really, really, really tomboy!
Gin      : Yeah!
Joe       : well, I don’t see the sexy part of her sexy part of her! But, why you say she is your sexy
Gin      : She is sexy!! Of course not now, coz we’re in campus, you can’t wear sexy cloth here!
Joe       : So, how you know she is sexy?
Gin      : I’m her FRIEND remember?
Anita   : Well, I’m sure you like her for a long, long time!!!
Gin      : stop saying nonsense and eat your meal! (Think on his self) she is my ex and yeah I’m still
  love her.

            At the coffee shops

Sasha    : So . . . what do you think?
Maya   : Yeah, About what?
Sasha    : I know you always look at me from our first meet, and now you looking at me from first we
  sit here. So, I ask you, what do you think about me?
Maya   : uhm . . . that is . . . you . . .
Sasha    : Come on! Just say it!
Maya   : Are you a bi?
Sasha    : (Shocked)
Maya   : Oh please, don’t mad at me, I just asking. Sorry if I hurt you . . .
Sasha    : Maya . . . I know you a good person. But, why you ask that to me?  (Drink his coffee)
Maya   : That is . . . my friends . . .
Sasha    : So, your friends? (Smile) well, I think I can’t hide it from you . . . yeah I’m a bi, I have a
  girlfriend at campus and a boyfriend outside.
Maya   : In same time (think on herself). Why, why you try to hide it from me?
Sasha    : I don’t know I just can’t say it to you (smiling) so, what now, you already knew that I’m a
Maya   : Why?
Sasha    : . . . I don’t know, I like my girlfriend at first because I think she is good, I be with her and try
  to leave my boyfriend. But, I was wrong, she just want my money, and my money and my
  money. Not with my boyfriend, he is good he always be there for me, and he do everything
  for me. So, I back to my boyfriend and try to leave Marry (my GF), but she won’t break up
  and choose to have an affair with me. I don’t know what I’ve done!!!
  Maya : (Look at Sasha face that turn red with tears fell on his cheeks) don’t cry (rub Sasha
Sasha    : (Look at Maya eyes) why you so kind to me? I’m not a normal person!
Maya   : Stop saying nonsense. I’m here to make friends with you, so don’t worry! (Smile) oh yeah,
  can I borrow you phone?
Sasha    : Yeah! (Give his phone to Maya)
Maya   : (Write her number) here my number, you can text me if you need me, I will try to be
  always for you.
Sasha    : (Smile) thanks, do you always like this to everyone?
Maya   : Ah! (Blush) not at all, just my best friends, and family, plus someone important for me.
Sasha    : I like you!!
Maya   : (Blush) doesn’t it too fast?
Sasha    : Ha-ha! Your face turns red! You’re so cute!!
Maya   : Why not we back to campus?
Sasha    : (Smile) okay.

          At campus

Marry   : Sasha! (Look at Maya)
Maya   : Hi, I’m Maya.
Marry   : Honey, why you lunch with her? Who is she?
Sasha    : Stop that!! She is my best friend, my best best best friend.
Marry   : She new junior. Well honey, I want to go to salon tomorrow, can you give me money?
Maya   : (Talk in her mind) how can he get this kind of girl?
Sasha    : (Give money to Marry) don’t disturb me!
Marry   : Okay, bye honey. (Look at Maya and leave)
Sasha    : Sorry for that.
Maya   : Now I know what you mean with money. Yeah, forget it and let’s go to class.
Sasha    : (Grab Maya hands)
Maya   : . . . can we just . . .
Sasha    : No, we can’t! I want it still like this!!

            At class room . . .

Maya   : Sasha, everyone look at us.
Sasha    : Don’t worry about them.
Anita   : Hey! (Hug Maya from behind)
Sasha    : (Give Anita sarcastic look)
Anita   : (Look at Sasha hands that grab Maya) so . . . sorry . . . (let Maya go)
Maya   : (Look at Sasha) are you okay?
Sasha    : (Smile) it’s okay, you must be Maya friend. Maya fried is my friend. (Hug Maya hand
Maya   : Well, hi Anita . . .
Anita   : (Smile) no class for now the professor is busy with her business. Why not you back home?
Maya   : (Look at Sasha)
Sasha    : Okay, I’ll back home too . . . bye all . . . Bye Maya, I’ll text you. . .

Maya   : (Smile)
Anita   : Ok, bye Maya, I’ll text you too! (laugh)
Maya   : Stop teases me!!