Read as u can

Monday, May 12, 2014

About Us - Eps 2

            3 weeks later . . .

Maya   : Okay! This is my first time in college I’ve to learn to enjoy my day here!
Sasha    : Hei,how are you?
Maya   : (Shocked) You! Ah! I’m fine, what about you?
Sasha    : I’m fine. You my junior, right?
Maya   : Yeah!
Sasha    : What is your name?
Maya   : Maya, Masashi Maya
Sasha    : Cool! I’m Sasha Melbank
Maya   : What semester you are?
Sasha    : I’m semester 5 and from interior department
Maya   : Okay, I’m from fashion design department
Sasha    : Cool! By the way, I’ve to join my class. Bye now!
Maya   : Okay. . . . Ah!
Sasha    : Yeah?
Maya   : Meet me on break time? Will you?
Sasha    : Okay! (Go to class)
Maya   : Cool!!! (Smiling)
Gin      : I see what you did with him!
Maya   : (Shocked) Who? Who you mean???
Gin      : Come on Maya! I wonder what he thinks about you!!!
Maya   : . . . . . . . . .
Gin      : Come on! The class will start! (Go to class room)
Maya   : (Following Gin)
Gin      : (In classroom) Hi guys
Anita   : You late!!
Gin      : Sorry, I’ve some business
Joe       : So . . . (look at Maya) your business?
Gin      : Yeah, business!! She is Maya, my sexy friend!
Joe       : Sexy friend? Hi, I’m Joe!
Maya   : Hi.
Anita   : (Stop drawing) Hi, I’m Anita, Anita Hino, nice to meet you.
Maya   : Hi, nice to meet you too.
Gin      : She interest with Sasha.
Joe       : God! Sasha? You know he is G?
Maya   : Uh! No I’m not interest with him!
Gin      : Yes, she is!
Anita   : Don’t hear them. What your department?
Maya   : Me?  I’m from fashion design.
Anita   : Great! I’m too!
Maya   : Really? Cool!
Anita   : (Look at Maya) Yeah, cool~
Gin      : Maya, I just want you to be careful!
Maya   : Be careful about what?
Gin      : Sasha . . . he has a girlfriend, yeah the name is Marry Lin from interior department and he has
  a boyfriend. I don’t know much about his boyfriend but the name is Ken Jin. He not school
Maya   : . . . . . .
Gin      : Are you okay?
Anita   : Maya, don’t think about it too much, you just know him and I’m sure you’ll forget him
  soon (smile).
Joe       : MAYA!!
Maya   : (Take a deep breath) so, he is a bi? Yeah! I’m okay, I’m really fine.
Gin      : It’s good if you okay.
Anita   : Hey, the professor comes!!

            Till break time come . . .

Joe       : Hey, want to break with us?
Maya   : Uhm . . . y . . .
Gin      : I think she can’t (look at class door) someone waiting for her!
Anita   : (Look at class door) well, well . . . just meet him!
Maya   : Sorry . . . my next class with him and . . . with you (look at Anita).
Maya   : It’s okay! I’ll meet you in next class.
Joe       : Okay, see you tomorrow.
Gin      : So, see you tomorrow!
Maya   : Uhm! (Go outside).
Gin      : Maya! I’ll go to your home tonight. . . .
Maya   : Okay, just text me . . . (leave).

          Outside class . . .

Sasha    : Hi . . .
Maya   : (Blush) hi . . . what are you doing here?
Sasha    : Uh! I think you want me to meet you on break time?
Maya   : Uh! Yeah . . . but, I think you not meet me in my class.
Sasha    : Yeah! I meet you outside your class.
Maya   : Ahh . . . okay . . . let’s have a break, wanna go to canteen?
Sasha    : Uhm . . . the next class is at 2 pm and now still 12pm, we still have 2 hr. you can drive a car?
Maya   : Yeah!
Sasha    : Okay! (Give the key to Maya) let’s go to coffee shop!
Maya   : But, I don’t know the place.
Sasha    : Just drive!
Maya   : (Take the key and drive)
            At canteen

Joe       : So, where will they go?
Anita   : I don’t know!
Joe       : May be to hotel or motel?
Gin      : Shut up she is a good girl. I know she will never do something dirty like that!
Anita   : Aha! I know, someone here get burn of his jealous!!
Gin      : (Eat his meal)
Joe       : (Look at Gin) she is tomboy!! Really, really, really tomboy!
Gin      : Yeah!
Joe       : well, I don’t see the sexy part of her sexy part of her! But, why you say she is your sexy
Gin      : She is sexy!! Of course not now, coz we’re in campus, you can’t wear sexy cloth here!
Joe       : So, how you know she is sexy?
Gin      : I’m her FRIEND remember?
Anita   : Well, I’m sure you like her for a long, long time!!!
Gin      : stop saying nonsense and eat your meal! (Think on his self) she is my ex and yeah I’m still
  love her.

            At the coffee shops

Sasha    : So . . . what do you think?
Maya   : Yeah, About what?
Sasha    : I know you always look at me from our first meet, and now you looking at me from first we
  sit here. So, I ask you, what do you think about me?
Maya   : uhm . . . that is . . . you . . .
Sasha    : Come on! Just say it!
Maya   : Are you a bi?
Sasha    : (Shocked)
Maya   : Oh please, don’t mad at me, I just asking. Sorry if I hurt you . . .
Sasha    : Maya . . . I know you a good person. But, why you ask that to me?  (Drink his coffee)
Maya   : That is . . . my friends . . .
Sasha    : So, your friends? (Smile) well, I think I can’t hide it from you . . . yeah I’m a bi, I have a
  girlfriend at campus and a boyfriend outside.
Maya   : In same time (think on herself). Why, why you try to hide it from me?
Sasha    : I don’t know I just can’t say it to you (smiling) so, what now, you already knew that I’m a
Maya   : Why?
Sasha    : . . . I don’t know, I like my girlfriend at first because I think she is good, I be with her and try
  to leave my boyfriend. But, I was wrong, she just want my money, and my money and my
  money. Not with my boyfriend, he is good he always be there for me, and he do everything
  for me. So, I back to my boyfriend and try to leave Marry (my GF), but she won’t break up
  and choose to have an affair with me. I don’t know what I’ve done!!!
  Maya : (Look at Sasha face that turn red with tears fell on his cheeks) don’t cry (rub Sasha
Sasha    : (Look at Maya eyes) why you so kind to me? I’m not a normal person!
Maya   : Stop saying nonsense. I’m here to make friends with you, so don’t worry! (Smile) oh yeah,
  can I borrow you phone?
Sasha    : Yeah! (Give his phone to Maya)
Maya   : (Write her number) here my number, you can text me if you need me, I will try to be
  always for you.
Sasha    : (Smile) thanks, do you always like this to everyone?
Maya   : Ah! (Blush) not at all, just my best friends, and family, plus someone important for me.
Sasha    : I like you!!
Maya   : (Blush) doesn’t it too fast?
Sasha    : Ha-ha! Your face turns red! You’re so cute!!
Maya   : Why not we back to campus?
Sasha    : (Smile) okay.

          At campus

Marry   : Sasha! (Look at Maya)
Maya   : Hi, I’m Maya.
Marry   : Honey, why you lunch with her? Who is she?
Sasha    : Stop that!! She is my best friend, my best best best friend.
Marry   : She new junior. Well honey, I want to go to salon tomorrow, can you give me money?
Maya   : (Talk in her mind) how can he get this kind of girl?
Sasha    : (Give money to Marry) don’t disturb me!
Marry   : Okay, bye honey. (Look at Maya and leave)
Sasha    : Sorry for that.
Maya   : Now I know what you mean with money. Yeah, forget it and let’s go to class.
Sasha    : (Grab Maya hands)
Maya   : . . . can we just . . .
Sasha    : No, we can’t! I want it still like this!!

            At class room . . .

Maya   : Sasha, everyone look at us.
Sasha    : Don’t worry about them.
Anita   : Hey! (Hug Maya from behind)
Sasha    : (Give Anita sarcastic look)
Anita   : (Look at Sasha hands that grab Maya) so . . . sorry . . . (let Maya go)
Maya   : (Look at Sasha) are you okay?
Sasha    : (Smile) it’s okay, you must be Maya friend. Maya fried is my friend. (Hug Maya hand
Maya   : Well, hi Anita . . .
Anita   : (Smile) no class for now the professor is busy with her business. Why not you back home?
Maya   : (Look at Sasha)
Sasha    : Okay, I’ll back home too . . . bye all . . . Bye Maya, I’ll text you. . .

Maya   : (Smile)
Anita   : Ok, bye Maya, I’ll text you too! (laugh)
Maya   : Stop teases me!!


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