Read as u can

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Family - Part 2

An Update! Yay ~(^.^~)(~^.^)~
I hope the first chapter not so much boring to read ne..
Here you are the part 2 →
Part II
(Third POV)
Ang walk to class with her usual grin trade mark. She plop down to her seat and start chattering with everything she remembers to said.
“Hey, where are you signing to collage” Ang said to Emily who busy with her laptop
“Hmm, I think I’ll try Undiksha.” Emily answers “Tomorrow I’ll go there for 3’s far though”.
“At least you have somewhere to sign.”
The next day Emlily goes to Singaraja for her test at Undiksha.
Emily got message that the result was out, she look at Undiksha’s website and found her name was there, she happy but when she thinks about it again she not keen on the distance. Then she decided to talk it again with her family that she wants to try go to STIBA.
-At school (after the test)
“So...How’s your test?” Ang asked.
“Did you pass?” now Dea’s turn to ask.
“Yeah” Emily said “but I will start collage at STIBA, the same like Aowie”
“Eh? Why?” Dea shock.
“Hmm, it’s nearer than if I go to Undiksha” Everyone stares at Emily with –you-must-be-kidding-me- stare. “It’s a pity though. My Mother also a bit disappointed. And what about you Dea?”
“Me? I go to STP (Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata), it’s near my house”
“Why not go to UNUD (Universitas Udayana)?”
“(Shrugging) at first I want to go there, but I don’t know why I change my university choice”
-At night
Emily’s phone vibrate on her study table, there is a message from Ang.
[Ang: Em, do you have a free time tomorrow?]
[Emily: No, why?]
[Ang: company me to signing at ISI]
[Emily: eh? You not sign yet?]
[Ang: eheheheh, nope. Could you?]
[Emily: yea, yea. Remember to pack the necessary things like your raport and wallet]
[Ang: kay]
-the next day
Ang comes to Emily’s house and goes to ISI to registering. After arrive, they goes to the administration. Ang told Emily to stay at the lobby and wait for her. Emily sits there with 2 of Ang’s friends, and suddenly something or rather someone is catching Emily’s eyes.
Someone with long hair, sexy lips, a tall feet and slender yet solid body come from the entrance administration direction towards the place where Ang try to finish her register thing. ‘This guy, if Ang look him she must be squealing mess now’ Emily though.
After an hour or so, Ang really coming with a smile like grin and her hands clapped together in front of her chest. Just like what Emily though.
“Emily~ Ha’a~” poking Emily and still wearing that smile on her face.
“I know why you act like this. Geez. When you see a guy with beautiful face, you act like someone gives you a happy gas”
“I’m not!? It is true he is pretty but I am not acting like that. I’m acting normal” she straighten her posture and her facial face, but after a while she go back with her grin on her face.
“(sweat drop) O~kay” Emily said while shift her gaze toward that pretty guy.

(Ang’s POV)
After that I go back to the administration stance to fill my questionnaire leaving Emily’s bored expression. She just like that can’t see her friend happy, huff.
I walk to the administration stance and start write down my answer on the questionnaire. And then that pretty guy move closer to me. I look up at him because I feel his gaze toward me.
“Sorry, uhm do you have a spare pen?” he asked me while his hand pointed to my pen.
“Uh? Oh? Uhm, wait here” I half run to Emily with happy face and start rummaging my bag that still place on Emily’s lap. Emily look at me with a confuse stare.
“What are you searching Ang?” Emily asked helping me with opening the bag wider.
“You have it with you Ang. Don’t you holding on it”
“Not this pen. Another pen duh”
I got the pen, I handed it, he mumble a thanks and I try to peek down on his note then I see that he was writing down his name. My lips start to mimic his name that written on the paper ‘U-Ru-Ha’. Oh that’s his name. Wow a good name to a good looking guy.
Uruha gives back my pen and he smile to me. He walks away outside the building to someone that waiting for him inside a car. I try to see the one inside the car ‘It’s a guy, is he a family?’ I though, but like always I shrug it off. After that I go back to Emily giggling. Emily raises her eyebrow then smirk at me.
“I know his name” I said happy.
“Really? Who?” Emily asks as excited as me.
“Uruha? That’s a good name”
“Right, right”
“Are you done?” Emily suddenly asks changing the topic.
“Hnmm, yup”
“Then let’s go home” she glance towards me and try drag me out.
“Eh~ . No. Can’t we stay here a bit?” I plead
“I’m tired. Ang if you want to see that Uruha guy, you can do it later. You’re in the same campus duh”

“Okay okay” I walk side by side with her and glance a bit to Uruha direction when we outside the administration building. I need to be friend with him, I exclaim.

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