Read as u can

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

About Us - Eps 3

          Biip . . . biip . . .

Maya     : (Open her phone) Oh, it’s from Gin. Brother!! Brother!!
Kato      : Yeah! I’m upstairs!
Maya     : (Go to upstairs) lend me money. My friend will come in 30 minutes.
Kato      : Yeah! Yeah! Just take it in my wallet. There up the TV.
Maya     : Okay! (Leave)
Kato      : Hey! Buy me cigarette!
Maya     : Okay! (Go to minimarket)

          30 minutes later . . .

Gin        : Hey, where are you from?
Maya     : You already here? (Show the plastic bag)
Gin        : Hey Kato!
Kato      : How odd!
Gin        : Yeah, I want to finish my homework with Maya.
Kato      : So, you school with my sister? How coincident!! Maya where my cigarette?
Maya     : Here!
Kato      : Okay, just take your time! (Go upstairs)
Maya     : Come in, so you want me to help your homework, huh?
Kato      : Yeah! He he . . .
Maya     : Okay, what homework?
Gin        : Drawing and English, but I can do the drawing can you do the English for me?
Maya     : Okay, oh yeah! Take that! I buy it for us.
Gin        : Beer? Oh, Maya! Can act more like girl, you know like girl!!
Maya     : (Look at Gin and look herself) I’m a girl, don’t you know that?
Gin        : Maya! Your style! You look like boy! Even you have a long hair, but no wonder you are a girl! Come on! Can
  you look sexier?
Maya     : You even not drink your beer, but you drunk already?
Gin        : (Finish his drawing) Maya . . . (Drink his beer) now I know why he like you!
Maya     : (Stop writing and look at Gin) He like me? How you know?
Gin        : I’m a boy and he stills a boy!!
Maya     : Oh! Let’s go out! Your English is done.
Gin        : Okay!! (Drive the car) where will we go?
Maya     : Diner café? I want to eat something.
Gin        : Okay!

            At dinner café

Gin        : Don’t think about him too much!
Maya     : (Eat her f. fries) Yeah! Hey, Gin . . . you think how he can like me?
Gin        : Because you’re tomboy?
Maya     : (Look at Gin)
Gin        : Yeah . . . he is a bi! That mean he still can fell love to girl, but he can fell love to a boy too . . .  then, he get
  both of that from you. You are a girl, that mean he can be normal, and you are tomboy, that mean he still
  can act spoiled, you know like a girl  . . . (act like girl)
Maya     : (Look at Gin and laugh) hahaha, how can you think that far . . . but . . . maybe you’re right (think on
  herself) I don’t know, maybe you’re right, maybe . . . not . . .
Gin        : I think he will really like you!!

            Biip . . . Biip . . .

Maya     : (Open her phone) . . .
Sasha    : Hi, it’s me Sasha, I miss you!!
Gin        : (Look at Maya phone) well, well . . . he will really, really, really like you!
Maya     : I feel like I’ve done something wrong! Really, really, really wrong! (look at Gin)
Gin        : This is not your fault at all. I know you just want to help. But, sometime we need to be bad person. You
  know, like really bad person!!
Maya     : I don’t know . . . I like him . . . yeah, not love just like. But, if it still likes this, he will fell something
Gin        : (Drink his beer) why not you replay his text? Told him to come here and act like you want to be his
  friends, not his lover. (Eat Maya sandwich)
Maya     : (Look at Gin that eats her sandwich) yeah you’re right! I’ll tell him to come here. (Call Sasha)
Gin        : Okay!!
Maya     : Hallo!!
Sasha    : Hi! You need me?
Maya     : Yeah! Can you come here? I just start my dinner.
Sasha    : You invite me to dinner? Yeah! I’m happy! Where the place?
Maya     : I’ll text you the address!
Sasha    : Okay! (Turn off the phone)
Maya     : (Send text to Sasha)
Gin        : So?
Maya     : Well, yeah! He will come.

            45 minutes latter . . .

Sasha    : (Smile) Hi, Maya! (Look at Gin)
Maya     : Hi! Have a sit. I don’t know what you like, so I just ordered juice for you, yeah I know you not drink alcohol
  like me.
Sasha    : It’s okay! (Look at Gin while drink his juice)
Maya     : He is my old friend, the name Gin. Your junior at campus too.
Sasha    : Okay! (Grab Maya hands) Hi Gin, nice to meet you!
Gin        : H . . . Hi! Nice to meet you too. . .  (Look at Maya)
Maya     : (Smile)
Sasha    : So . . . you Maya friend?
Gin        : Yeah, actually (Grab Maya hand) I want it more than friend!! (Smile)
Sasha    : What you mean? (Give Gin sarcastic looks)
Gin        : Yeah! Actually I’m the one who told Maya to tell you come here. Coz I just want you to know that Maya
  will never be more than friend with you!!
Sasha    : What did you said? (Look at Maya) that is true?
Maya     : Sasha . . . no . . . it just . . . Gin!! What are you doing’?
Gin        : (Whispers to Maya) Maya, remember!! We told him to come that for make him know that you just want his
Maya     : Ya, but . . . Sasha . . . Don’t cry! (Hold in Sasha hand and think on herself) Oh my God!! His hand feels so
  soft! Like I want to hold it forever!!!
Gin        : (Whispers to Maya) Hey, Maya!!!!
Maya     : (Shocked) Ah! (Look at Sasha hand and look at Sasha face) Sasha, just don’t be so hurt. For now I just can
  be your friend. But, I still always be there for you! Don’t worry, I’m still yours . . . . . . . . . Friend.
Sasha    : (Look at Maya and Gin) I hate both of you!! (Leave)
Maya     : Sasha!! Hey!! Sasha!!
Gin        : Hey calm down!! Everyone looking at you!!
Maya     : (Take a sit) what I’ve done??
Gin        : I’m so sorry for that.
Maya     : I don’t know he will be that hurt! I’m so stupid!!
Gin        : Enough Maya! I will drive you home . . . you can take a rest at home. We will apologize to Maya at campus


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