Read as u can

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Family - Part 1

Title                        : Family

Author                     : D.K

Editor                      : Anggra Mitha & D.K

*Note                     : Half of this story based on real experience 

                                 from the cast

(Third POV)
A petite girl humming softly on the bench near school’s yard. Although the school already ends for the day she still sits there waiting someone.
“Emily~”. A tall figure running towards Emily with her wide smile. “Sorry, did you wait too long?”
“Yeah, and I hate every second of it” Emily said crossing her hand in front of her chest
“Hehehe, you’re my friend, when I’m suffering, and of course my friend also need to suffer….a bit. The teachers really make it long for just a catch up test. They asked me questions that not even related to the test”
“Ang, I know for sure it’s you who asked them and then you chatted with them” Emily point her finger to Ang with –that’s it- face.
“Aey, I can’t help it. That’s called socialization.” Ang pout.
“No when you have a test in front of you to finish.”
“Yeah, and that’s my specialty” with a proud posture Ang lift two of her thumb in the air.
Not long after that they start to laugh until their stomach hurts. Because the sun was set, they decide to go back to their home.
The two of them is friend along with 3 more of them. They know each other not from a long time ago when they still freshmen in high school. This time is their third year, the year where their day full of test and test and test. (That sucks *^*)
(Emily’s POV)
As usual I’ll be the first comes to school with my friend Kristen. We go to school together and almost going everywhere together. And then my friend will fill up the class and I doubt Ang will come in the morning (its rare sight), she will pop up when it’s already 8 AM (in my place the student must come 15 minutes before 8.00).
The lesson start and the teacher come in. I spend the day at school almost for 8 hours but it’s not a worst day because my friends are there.
-break time
“Em, where’s your math homework? I want to borrow it” Ang said with her hand asking in front of me.
“Haa~ when will you write your homework yourself Ang?” I give her my home work and she start write with a full speed.
“Share it with me too. Damn and it’s long” and here I have another friend who doesn’t like do her homework, Aowie.
“Dea, did you done your homework?” I asked my seat mate and she nodded
“I did, but there are some of them I still don’t know how to answer it” she show me and I tried to tell her how to answer it. I think she is the sane one in my circle of friend, but sometime she can lose her mind too.
(Third POV)
-after school
“Do you want to go to mek man?(that’s how one of our canteen called)” Ang asked to her friends.
“No, I want to go straight to home” Emily answer with a shake of her head.
Mean while Aowie already at the park lot ready to go home. She always be the first when the school end, and of course we follow suit her example.
-at Aowie’s home
Aowie live with her big family. She has a lot of siblings. She is the second child of five siblings. She is a dog lover. And she has a lovely-evil- little brother and sister.
-at Dea’s house
Dea is a good child, she is the good model as what parents want. She live with her parents and she has an older sister. She also a dog lover just like Aowie.

-at Emily’s house
She has a younger sister and a younger brother. She sometimes-always- hate the how her sister act, she is a rude girl with a frown glued to her face. She always say one word to her younger brother, “you useless”.
-at Ang’s house
Sometimes she is alone at home because her father is a bit-lot- busy, sometimes she has a guest stay in her house, She like to spent her day with her friend or family or she used to draw something in her sketch book, sometimes in other books too (A/N : she draw it in wherever she want, even in my book --‘). She has an older brother who seems like to lazy around.
-at Kristen’s house
She spend almost all her time to stay at home if she doesn’t have anything to do. Her parent is busy because they work from morning ‘til afternoon. She also have an older brother who like a lot like her.
The day pass quikly, the third year student now have their last test. They struggling to answer the test to have their final score at least not under 80 (T.T).
After the test done they feel like a stone on their shoulder was removed from them and they feel relaxed again.
“Hey Wie, in what college will you signing?” Emily asked with interest, honestly she even doesn’t have any college name yet to asign
“hmm, I’ll go to the same collage like my sister, Foreign Language Collage,  (STIBA) Saraswati” Aowie said while still looking at her handphone. This is her anyway.
“What about you Ang?” Emily turn to see Ang
“I think, I will try to go to Indonesian Art Institute (ISI), and I will take fashion design as my course.” Ang said “What abut you Em?”
“I don’t know” with a -hard thinking- face Emily answer “It’s hard for me to choose”
“Why don’t you choose something you like?”
“I...” Emily thinking again “I don’t know what I like, it’s blur”
“What about a teacher? Your Mom is a teacher, right?”
“Euwww, I can’t!. Imagine yourself in front of a lot of eyes, as if ready to eat you alive and rip you to pieces” Emily said excessively with her hand on her head
“The student not an animal you know” Ang sweet drop
“Who said the student is an animal?, I’m a student and I’m not an animal”
“But from what you sa....” Emily cut off Ang that still talking “I did, but I didn’t say they animal, it’s just..(whispering)they are scary people”

“Uh...yeah whatever” Ang go away dragging Dea and Aowie leaving Emily alone in the class with her fantasy. And the time Emily aware she was left alone, she storm out and run after them.

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