Read as u can

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1) Promise

Shin Seikatsu

(New Life)

There is a 17th years old girl. She named Anggra, but, her friends often call her Ang. She lived in Bali with her father and her brother. She is a confident girl and spends more time to browse the internet and find different information about her idol. She started to fall in love with a Japanese musician who makes her life being lighter. She had a poor relationship with her father. Since childhood her father often left her to run the business, she has been accustomed to live her life with solitude. She never complained, that she knew was to keep going and get all his wishes without troubling others. Her preferred to live her life, in her own way. Her life continues until her decided to go to school in a place that makes it even more distant from her family and lived with her younger cousin named Koun.

Ang                      : Enough! I’ve decided! I'll go on to Yume College. I’ll move soon.
Dotoku              : Okay, don’t be regret it!
Ang                      : I never regret everything I’ve done, you remember that?
Dotoku              : Okay, if that so, why not you stay in our house that are close to the college?
  Stay with your cousin’s brother! There are many rooms, so don’t worry.
Ang                      : Cousin’s brother? Who?
Dotoku              : Koun!
Ang                      : What?
Dotoku              : Why? He is a good guy!
Ang                      : Okay, I’ll stay with him.
Dotoku              : Really? So when you’ll move?                                                                                              
Ang                      : Soon!
Dotoku              : So, just take care yourself. Take it, that your money for a month.
Ang                      : A month?
Dotoku              : Yes, I’ll go to Jakarta on 14th for 2 month. I’ll transfer the deficiency. I hope you
  okay here!
Ang                      : Don’t act like you never leave me before! Just think about big brother, I can’t
  take care of him any longer.
Dotoku              : Okay, I’ll send him to your mother homeland.
Ang                      : Do whatever you like! (Leave)

                2 Weeks Later . . .

Koun                   : Sister, come on! We have to move now.
Ang                      : Relax! Just bring your stuff!
Koun                   : Okay.
Oi                          : Where will you go?
Ang                      : Sorry big brother, I’ve to move now.
Oi                          : Why? How about me? Will you bring me with you?
Ang                      : Sorry, I can’t. You’ve to go to our mother homeland, you will live with grandma.
Oi                          : Why? How if I missed you?
Ang                      : Take this! I give this phone for you. Just call me if you need me, I’ll send you
  message after I bought a new phone.
Oi                          : So, now you really leave me alone?
Ang                      : Sorry, I can’t live like this any longer. You know that our father hate if me stay
  here. So I’ll move now.
Oi                          : Can I meet you again?
Ang                      : Of course, I’ll find you if I succeed.
Oi                          : Really? Just don’t forget me! I’ll feel lonely without you.
Ang                      : Don’t worry, I’ll stay by your side, even I’m far, I’ll always be there!
Oi                          : . . . Take care yourself, my little sister.
Ang                      : I will . . . okay, I’ve to go now. Don’t loss that phone!
Oi                          : Okay.
Ang                      : (Driving a car) . . . Why you look at me like that?
Koun                   : Uhm, can you driving slowly? I think we too fast.
Ang                      : Oh, sorry.
Koun                   : Sister, why you so angry? You have problem again with uncle Dotoku?
Ang                      : Not at all! Just relax!
Koun                   : I want, but I can’t.
Ang                      : Why?
Koun                   : How can I relax? Now I’m feeling so exited. This is our journey where we will find
  our new life.
Ang                      : Journey? New life?
Koun                   : Oh, sorry if I said a trouble.
Ang                      : Forget it! Why not you sleep now? After arriving home we have to tidy up
  everything, so that tomorrow we can immediately run the activity.
Koun                   : Okay!

                After 5hr

Ang                      : Koun, wake up! We already here!
Koun                   : Ah! Sorry. What can I do now?
Ang                      : Nothing. I’ve tidy up everything, now you can enter house, I’ll make something to
Koun                   : Ah. Thank you. (Go into house)
Ang                      : (Go to kitchen)
Koun                   : Sister, I’ll put up Uruha posters in your room.
Ang                      : Ah! Thanks.
Koun                   : My pleasure!
Ang                      : . . . Koun, come and eat!
Koun                   : Wait a minutes! (Sit and eat)
Ang                      : How it is?
Koun                   : This is so tasty, I love it!
Ang                      : That so? But you just eat the instant noodles. Try the soup and omelet, don’t forget your rice!
Koun                   : I still like it! Sister, why you move today? Don’t you still in 3rd high school? You’ll
  go to college next year and you still 17th years old.
Ang                      : Because I hate to life in that house.
Koun                   : That so. Sorry.
Ang                      : Go to shower after you done. I’m in my room if you need me.
Koun                   : Okay.
Ang                      : (Go to her room)
Koun                   : (Clean the table and think) my sister is a strong girl. I love her, I’ll always beside
  her and do everything for her. She is a kind girl, no matter whom, everyone will
  love her. (Go to shower)
Ang                      : (Take a glass of water and back to her room)
Koun                   : (Come to Ang room) Sister, can I come into your room?
Ang                      : Yes? Come in! (Browsing Internet)
Koun                   : (Sit beside Ang and plying Ang’s PSP) Sister, what you’re planning for
Ang                      : I’ll shopping everything we need, go to school to take my new uniform, and wash
  the car then I’ll sleep all day long. Why?
Koun                   : Can you bring me to my school tomorrow?
Ang                      : Okay, right now I’ll bring you to school every morning and pick you up in evening.
Koun                   : Hooray!
Ang                      : Okay, now you have to take a rest, you have to go to school tomorrow. I’m sure
  that you don’t want to be late. I’ll prepare your uniform.  (Prepared Koun
Koun                   : Okay. Thank you sister! (Go to bed)

                Next day . . .

Ang                      : Koun, wake up! Take a shower and eat your breakfast!
Koun                   : Huh? But it still early to go to school!
Ang                      : I forgot that you have to meet with the principal before you entering your class.
Koun                   : Eh? Why? I’m not making a problem?
Ang                      : Yes, but you’re the transferring student.
Koun                   : Huh, you right, I’ll take a shower now. Oh, can I eat in car?
Ang                      : Do everything you want.
Koun                   : Okay. (Go to shower)

                In Koun school

Ang                      : Excuse me, sir.
Principal             : Yes? Can I help you?
Ang                      : I’m Ang, Koun sister, he is transferring student.
Principal             : Oh, okay. Just leave him to me.
Ang                      : Ah! Thank you so much.
Principal             : Okay, I’ll take him to class.
Ang                      : Thank you for everything. Koun, take care yourself, okay?
Koun                   : Okay.
Ang                      : Just call me if you need any help!
Principal             : Ha-ha, don’t worry I’ll take care of him.
Ang                      : Oh! Thank you. Excuse me, sir. Bye Koun!
Koun                   : Bye!
Ang                      : (Go to car) huh!  Now I’ve to go to supermarket. Too many things that I’ve to do.

            In Supermarket

Cashier              : Good morning.
Ang                      : Morning.
Cashier              : You look little pale.
Ang                      : Really? (Stroked her face)
Cashier              : Okay, all some 150.000 rupiah.
Ang                      : (Give the money)
Cashier              : Thank you. Take care and have a nice day.
Ang                      : Thank you.
Security            : Thanks for coming.
Ang                      : Thank you. (Go to car and think) Huuh, they are so friendly, but it is only a mask
  covering. Who knows what they think are. This day is very tiring. I think I will go
  home and sleep at home. Aish! I forgot! I have to take my uniform. (Go to school)

                Sora High School

Ang                      : Excuse me.
Mr. Jill                 : Yes? May I help you?
Ang                      : I’m a transfer student from Shouri School.
Mr. Jill                 : I’m Mr. Jill, the principal in Sora High School. So you those transfer
  student! Welcome! What is your name?
Ang                      : My name is Anggra, but the other often calls me Ang.
Mr. Jill                 : Okay, Ang. This is your student ID brings this with you to take your uniform.
Ang                      : Thank you.
Mr. Jill                 : Okay, change it in Principal room.
Ang                      : Thank you, sir. Excuse me. (Go to principal room) Excuse me.
Ms. Farah         : Hey, who is this? (Smiling)
Ang                      : I’m Ang, the transferring student.
Ms. Farah         : Haah! I’ve heard about you! Come here and sit there. I’ve a pretty uniform for
  you. You bring the card?
Ang                      : Card? Oh, this?
Ms. Farah         : Yes, ha-ha. Relax, don’t be so nervous! This is for you. You get four uniforms.
  From Monday and Tuesday, you wear the gray one, in Wednesday and
  Thursday, you wear the white one, then for Friday and Saturday, you wear the
  Brown one.
Ang                      : Then . . .?
Ms. Farah         : Then? Oh, the last one! Ha-ha, I forgot it, for that you wear when you in sports
  lessons. And, this is your indoor shoes.
Ang                      : Okay, thank you Ms . . .
Ms. Farah         : Call me Ms. Farah.
Ang                      : Okay, Ms. Farah.
Ms. Farah         : Oh, I forgot it again! I’ve someone who can accompany you.
Ang                      : Accompany me?
Ms. Farah         : Yes! Han, come here! Ang, he is Han, Han, she is Ang.
Han                      : Hi!
Ang                      : . . .
Ms. Farah         : Ha-ha, adolescent! Han is the student council head. He can help everything you                     need. But, don’t forget to say thanks!
Ang                      : Thanks!
Ms. Farah         : Okay Ang, now you can back home, come here and study with your new uniform
  and new book tomorrow. Han will give your book in your house. Don’t be late!
Ang                      : Thank you. (Leave)
Han                      : This way.
Ang                      : Thanks.
Han                      : So, what your story?
Ang                      : Don’t bother me! Just bring my book to my house and get out as fast as you can!
  This is my address.
Han                      : Wow! You have your own name card? You must be so rich!
Ang                      : . . . (Go into car)
Han                      : Oh God! You have your own car? You can drive that? Can I try?
Ang                      : Yes, you can. . .
Han                      : Really?
Ang                      : If you be best friend with me!
Han                      : Of course. I’ll be your best friend!
Ang                      : Hey, It is not an offer but a challenge.
Han                      : Challenge?
Ang                      : Be my best friend . . . just if you can! (Drive the car and go)
Han                      : Just if I can? (Back to student council room)
Ang                      : Huh! I’m so tired. My first time for life alone! My first time? No! I used to live
  alone since childhood. I even take care of my brother. You must be Ang!
  Because you are not rubbish like your father think! Ah, how is Koun in his new
  school? I’ll call him! (Searching her phone) where is that phone? Huh! I
  gave it to Oi! Now I’ve to buy the new one! Oh God! Why today be so heavy
  day? (Searching phone store)
Employee         : Welcome, What kind of phone do you want?
Ang                      : Bring that to me!
Employee         : This one? (give the phone to Ang) that is the newest phone and have the best
  quality, you're smart in choosing.
Ang                      :  Can you stop talking? Give me the number, and give me the bill!
Employee         : Okay! This is your phone and your number. You can pay in cashier.
Ang                      : How much?
Cashier              : For all, 5.250.000 rupiah.
Ang                      : Thank you. (Go home)

                At Home

Ang                      : 02.46pm. Huh! I’ve to wash the car. Then I’ll sleep awhile. (Washing car,
  suddenly Han come)
Han                      : Excuse me!
Ang                      : Yes?
Han                      : Hi!
Ang                      : (Look at Han) what?
Han                      : I bring your books.
Ang                      : Put it in my room.
Han                      : Your room? I can go into your room?
Ang                      : Just put it!
Han                      : Okay! (Go into Ang room) Whooa! So she likes blue and pink? (Look at the
  draw) Eh? Who is she?
Ang                      : What are you doing here?
Han                      : Sorry, I just saw that picture.
Ang                      : . . . (See the draw)
Han                      : Who is she?
Ang                      : My mother.
Han                      : You paint the face of your mother? You are very clever, she looks so pretty in
  your paintings!
Ang                      : . . .
Han                      : Why? Do I say something wrong?
Ang                      : No. Sorry I’ve to pick up my brother from school.
Han                      : Can I go with you?
Ang                      : For what?
Han                      : For know more about you.
Ang                      : No, you can’t! Just back to your home now!
Han                      : I insist!
Ang                      : . . . Do whatever you like.
Han                      : Yosh! Where is your brother school?
Ang                      : Use your sit belt! (Spur the car quickly)
Han                      : Whoaaaaaa!!!!!! Heeeellppp meeee!!!!!
Ang                      : Why you screaming like that?
Han                      : Doesn’t we too fast? You scared me!
Ang                      : Really? Don’t you want to try my car?
Han                      : Yes, I want. But, not like this!
Ang                      : (Slowed down) Sorry.
Han                      : Haaah! Somehow I feel dizzy.
Ang                      : (Stared Han and give Han beverages) drink this!
Han                      : What is it?
Ang                      : Just drink! (Open the can and drink it)
Han                      : (Try to drink) Humph! What is this? The smell, the taste! Ah!
Ang                      : Beer! Doesn't it taste good?
Han                      : Huh! I’ve never drink that before!
Ang                      : Huh! Really?
Han                      : . . . (Hold his stomach)
Ang                      : (Look at Han) Sorry. Are you okay?
Han                      : Hemh! So, you live just with your brother?
Ang                      : . . . Yes.
Han                      : Your biological brother?
Ang                      : He is my cousin.
Han                      : Ah! That so! So, why you move here?
Ang                      : Here we are. Wait here, I’ll find my brother.
Koun                   : (From across way) Sisteeer! I’m here!
Han                      : (Go out from the car) Hey! There is your brother?
Ang                      : (Turn back) Koun! Why you in there? You have new friends?
Koun                   : Yosh! Hey, who are you? (Look at Han)
Han                      : Hey! I’m Han. How are you?
Koun                   : I’m good as my sister!
Ang                      : Go into car! (Into car)
Koun                   : Can I buy that? I’m so hungry!
Ang                      : No! We will eat together at home. I’ve call delivery!
Koun                   : Have you order my favorite? (Into car)
Ang                      : Yes!
Han                      : So, may I know why two of you move here?
Koun                   : Because my sister,
Ang                      : Because I want to continue my school in Yume College.
Han                      : Oh! That so!
Ang                      : Get out all! We’ve arrived!
Koun                   : (Go into house) I’m home!
Ang                      : I’m home!
Han                      : I’m home!
Koun                   : Hey, this is not your house!
Han                      : Ah? You right, sorry. I mean, excuse me.
Ang                      : . . . Why not you take a bath Koun?
Koun                   : Okay.
Han                      : You are such carefully sister! (Take a sit and read magazine)
Ang                      : You just say what you see! (Sit in the corner)
Han                      : Hey, this all is your art?
Ang                      : Yes. (Drink water)
Koun                   : You know she is the best one in art!
Han                      : Really?
Ang                      : Why you still there? You hear what I said?
Koun                   : Sorry, I just take my towel.
Ang                      : . . . (Go to washing her hand)
Han                      : Who is she? I think you're so obsessed with this girl? Whether you spend your
  time just to paint this girl?

                Knock, knock, knock . . .

Ang                      : Can you open the door?
Han                      : Yosh! (Open the door) May I help you?
Delivery order : I deliver your order on behalf of Ms. Ang. I delivered at the right address?
Han                      : Yes, thank you.
Ang                      : (Go out) how much?
Delivery order : 120.000 rupiah.
Ang                      : Take it. Take the remainder as tips.
Delivery order : Thank you Ms. (Leave)
Ang                      : (Prepared the table)
Han                      : Koun, come on. Your favorite is arrived.
Koun                   : Huh? Wait me! I’m come! (Go out from bath room)
Ang                      : Koun. Wear your cloth first!
Han                      : Ha-ha. Hey, you have a high school class don’t act like a child!
Ang                      : He right Koun! Wear you cloth now!
Koun                   : Okay, okay! (Wear his cloth and eat together)

                07.30pm . . .

Koun                   : Hah! It’s tasted good!
Ang                      : Are there no assignment of the teacher?
Koun                   : Ah! I forgot it! I was given the assignment of drawing, can you help me?
Ang                      : I’ll help you to make a sketch, but you have to finish it with your own. Okay! Bring
  your paint tools to my room, after you've tidied the dinner table.
Koun                   : Yosh!
Han                      : Can I help you?
Koun                   : Yes, please! (Wash the plate)
Ang                      : (Look at Han and Koun) . . . (Go into her room)

                Knock, knock . . .

Koun                   : Sister, I’m coming!
Ang                      : Where the drawing paper?
Han                      : Here!
Ang                      : What must I draw?
Koun                   : The teacher said that I’ve to draw my Idol!
Ang                      : So, who is your idol?
Koun                   : . . . I don’t have any one!
Han                      : What? You don’t have idol?
Koun                   : No!
Han                      : Why?
Ang                      : In fact he had, but he was ashamed to say it. He’s a narcissistic person, so his idol
  was himself.
Koun                   : Sister!
Han                      : Ha-ha. So, what will you draw Ang?
Ang                      : My idol! (Imagine the face of her idol)
Han                      : Your idol? Who is your idol?
Koun                   : You don’t know her idol?
Han                      : No!
Koun                   : She just has one idol since child till now!
Han                      : One?
Koun                   : Yes, You've seen her idol.
Han                      : Really?
Koun                   : Yosh! All the drawings are based on the face of her idol.
Han                      : So that girl is Ang idol?
Koun                   : Ha-ha . . . you make me can’t stop laughing!
Han                      : Why?
Ang                      : (Grinning and continues to draw)
Han                      : Why? There something wrong with me?
Koun                   : No! Not you! But your guess!
Han                      : My guess?
Koun                   : Hey big brother, come closer and hear me clearly!
Han                      : (Close to Koun) Why?
Koun                   : Her idol is a boy, not a girl. Ha-ha!
Han                      : What? But, he is so pretty! You see, his smile, his eyes, his hair, his nose, his style,
  everything! He is too pretty to be a boy!
Ang                      : And that is what makes me fallen in love with him! (Serious face)
Han                      : Huh? Really?
Koun                   : She said the truth!
Han                      : Huh! I think you would match if you together. The tomboy girl with a girly boy!
Ang                      : Hey, don’t judge people just from what you see. I'm sure he's not completely like
  that. That is just his style!
Han                      : Oh yeah? And the feeling that what you believe in and make you succeed to love
  him so far although the extent of fans.
Ang                      : Yes, I think so! Koun, I think I’ll finish this draw myself.
Koun                   : Okay, okay, I know that you don’t want I'm ruining the beauty of your idol.
Ang                      : I’m happy as far as you understand me.
Koun                   : Big brother, let’s play game!
Han                      : Okay! (Playing Play Station)
Ang                      : . . . (Look at clock) 09.30pm, I’m finish! Ha-ha, how pretty he is! Hah, I love him so
  much! Hey . . . (Looking down the bed) what, they asleep? Hah, if Han sleep
  here, how about tomorrow? Ah, where is his ID card (searching) Yosh, I found
  it! Now what? Haaah! I’ve to go to his house? Okay, I’ll take his uniform.
  (Cleaning her bed and leave)

                Han house . . .

Ang                      : So, this is his house? (Knocked on the door)
Han’s Mother : Can I help you?
Ang                      : I’m sorry for disturbing at night like this. I’m Ang, Han’s friends come here to take
  Han uniform.
Han’s Mother : Why? Han is not home tonight? Not usually?
Ang                      : I’m sorry, because of me Han can’t back home tonight, he helped me to my
  first day at school tomorrow morning. So he fell asleep, I was afraid to
  wake him up so I decided to take his uniform that he can go to school tomorrow
Han’s Mother : Ah! So you’re the girl that Han have told me before? Sorry because it was
  inconvenient. Please come in. I'll take Han's uniform for you, wait here! (Leave)
Ang                      : (Think) Huh! He had a kind mother!
Han’s Mother : (Give the uniform) Here, Han’s Uniform.
Ang                      : Oh! Thank you.
Han’s Mother : No problem, now you back home. That is not good if a girl on the way at night
  like this!
Ang                      : Okay, excuse me.
Han’s Mother : Be careful!
Ang                      : Uhm! (Go into car and back home as fast as she can)

                Ang House . . .

Ang                      : Finally I’m home (look into her room) Haah! They still sleep (covering Han and
  Koun). Better I prepared everything we need for tomorrow morning. (After 30
  minutes) Hah, I’m tired! I think I’ll sleep now.

                01.30am . . .

Ang                      : (See all Uruha posters that covered the walls of her room and occasionally see
  Han and Koun, hoping someone wake up and accompanied her.) I can’t sleep!
  (Suddenly a voice phone rang.) Father? Hallo!
Dotoku              : Ang! Why you were born so stupid? You know, you were much worse than dogs.
  You like animals! You’re rubbish! Why do you give your brother a phone? Why
  didn’t you tell me your number? You stupid girl! You dog!
Ang                      : . . . Sorry . . .
Dotoku              : (Turn off the phone) beep, beep, beep . . .
Ang                      : (Look at Uruha poster and think) what have I done? What I was wrong to stay
  close to my own brother? Why he hates me? Uruha, can you help me? What
  should I do? Uruha, you know that right now I really alone? You know, I lost my
  first love with a terrible way. My mother left for a better place. More destruction,
  my dad never expected me. He never appreciated me. Uruha, did you know
  how much it hurt my feelings? I am here just to have you, no matter that you didn’t
  know me, even you don’t know my existence. I still love you. Because
  whenever I see your smile I feel so excited. Somehow, for me you're the one
  who really inspired me. When I see you, the pain was getting lighter. Although
  many people who mocked me for loving you. I don’t care, because it's just your
  smile that could raise me to move again in the morning. Somehow I couldn’t hold
  back my tears again. I think this heart was too full of pain. It’s too much hate that
  my father gave. Uruha, keep smiling, for me who was too humiliated to be present
  in your life.

                Next morning . . .

Han                      : Ang, wake up!
Ang                      : Huh? Oh! I’m late?
Han                      : (Smiling) no, you not!
Ang                      : Hah sorry, I’m not made breakfast yet.
Han                      : Don’t worry! I’ve made breakfast for you. Koun said that you like to breakfast
  with wheat bread and eggs, so I made it for you.
Ang                      : Huh? But,
Han                      : Think of it as a thank you for helping Koun complete the task and not bother to
  pick up my uniform.
Ang                      : Huh! Thank you.
Koun                   : Sister, are you crying?
Ang                      : Huh?
Han                      : Your eyes!
Ang                      : (Stroked her eyes) Huh! You just a child! Don’t ask too much! Or I’ll not bring
  you to school!
Koun                   : Huh? Sorry! I’ll never ask too much again!
Han                      : Why not we eat the breakfast?
Koun                   : I’ll!
Ang                      : Okay, I will drink the milk and take shower.
Koun                   : Hokhey . . . (Talk with mouth that full of bread)
Han                      : I’m done! I’ll go to school now!
Koun                   : Haakkee Ker. . . (Talk with mouth that full of bread)
Ang                      : Wait! Why not you go to school with me?
Han                      : But, my bike?
Ang                      : It’s okay, just leave it here!
Han                      : Okay, if that so.
Ang                      : But, we have to bring Koun to his school first, its okay?
Han                      : It’s okay! (Smiling)
Koun                   : Hooray! We go to school together!
Ang                      : Don’t be so happy. I’m not ready yet! I need to shower and wear my uniform!
Koun                   : Okay, I’ll waiting sister!
Han                      : How about your breakfast?
Ang                      : I’ll eat in the car.
Han                      : Ah okay. (30minutes later)                                 
Ang                      : Okay, let’s go!
Koun                   : Sister, why not you let brother to drive?
Ang                      : Ah! You right, will you?
Han                      : Actually, I really want to drive your car. But,
Koun                   : Why?
Ang                      : Don’t say that you can’t drive!
Han                      : I just will say that . . .
Ang                      : Huh? Let’s go, I’ll drive . . .

                Koun School . . .

Cleo                    : Hi Koun, I just waiting you . . .
Koun                   : Oh, hi!
Cleo                    : Who are they?
Koun                   : My sister and her friend.
Cleo                    : Friend? I think they’re a couple.
Ang                      : . . .
Koun                   : Stop to think about that or you will regret it!
Cleo                    : Sorry. Let’s go!
Koun                   : Bye sis!
Ang                      : Bye!
Han                      : Take care!
Koun                   : Okay!
Han                      : Haah, such a happiness boy! I hope I can be like him!
Ang                      : Huh! Use your sit belt!
Han                      : Okay.

                After 30 minutes on the way . . .

Han                      : Wait here! I’ve to go to principal room then I’ll bring you to our class.
Ang                      : Oh okay. (Waiting for 7minutes)
Han                      : Hey, thanks for waiting.
Ang                      : It’s okay.
Han                      : Let’s go!

                In class         

Han                      : Morning class!
Students           : Morning Han!
Han                      : Oh, before we start the lessons I’ll introduce our new student. (Calling Ang)
  Okay, she is Ang, and she is transfer student from Shouri School. Say hi to
  your new friend.
Students           : Morning Ang!
Ang                      : Morning!
Students           : She’s face looks very cool. What’s wrong with her, what she can’t to express?
Han                      : Okay Ang, you can sit beside me.
Ang                      : . . . (Take a sit)

                Break time . . .

Han                      : Ang, let’s have some snack in canteen?
Ang                      : Huh? No, I don’t want to eat.
Han                      : Come on! You have to make friends with the other.
Ang                      : But,
Han                      : Just let’s go!
Ang                      : (Take her phone and go to canteen)
Han                      : What you want to eat?
Ang                      : Huh? Nothing!
Han                      : Come on! Oh, I want you to try my favorite. Wait here (Leave)
Jade                     : Hi (sit beside Ang)
Ang                      : . . . (Take her phone and try to go)
Jade                     : Wait! (Hold Ang hand) I’m sorry for disturbing you. I just want to know more
  about you. I just want to be your friend.
Han                      : (Bring some meal) Hey! You’ve new friend?
Ang                      : She’s so annoying!
Jade                     : I just want to be your friend!
Han                      : Ah! Jade, if you want to sit here try not to talk too much! She hates hustle.
Jade                     : Ah? Sorry.
Ang                      : What did you bring to me?
Han                      : This! Just try and you’ll like it!
Ang                      : (Start to eat) . . .
Han                      : How is it?
Ang                      : It’s good. Thanks.
Han                      : That so? (Start to eat)
Jade                     : Hi, Ang?
Ang                      : (Look at Jade and raised an eyebrow)
Jade                     : I’m Jade! Nice to meet you!
Ang                      :  Huh! I’m too.
Jade                     : Really? So, will you be my friend?
Ang                      : Sorry, I think I’ll back to class and sleep. (Leave)
Han                      : Just what I said to you? Which section you can’t digest of what I said?
Jade                     : Sorry.
Han                      : (Leave)
Jade                     : Han! Wait!
Han                      : (Saw and tried to approach Ang) Ang?
Ang                      : (Looked up) Huh?
Han                      : You sleep?
Ang                      : No, I just close my eyes!
Han                      : Huh, really?
Ang                      : What you mean with that question?
Han                      : Why you act like stranger?
Ang                      : What?
Han                      : No smile, no talk, no ask . . . why?
Ang                      : I don’t like that!
Han                      : What? What did you hate?
Ang                      : I hate to act like I’m a good girl! I hate act to seek attention!
Han                      : But you shouldn’t treat Jade like that. He just wants to know you.
Ang                      : . . .
Han                      : Just try to smile, even just a little.
Ang                      : (Gave a cynical smile to Han)
Han                      : (Smiling)
Ang                      : (Think on her mind) why he gives the other smile easily? Why I can’t do that?
Jade                     : Ang, I’m so sorry for disturb you.
Ang                      : (Look at Jade)
Jade                     : I really don’t want to make you angry.
Han                      : Jade, Ang just told me, that she will be your friend, but don’t tell it to the other.
Jade                     : Really? So we will be friend, Ang?
Ang                      : I think yes.
Jade                     : So, can I know your home?
Ang                      : Han!
Han                      : (Look at Ang then look at Jade) yes, of course you can!
Ang                      : Huh?
Jade                     : Whoa! Thank you, I promise that I’ll come to your house often.

                Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnggg . . .

Students           : Hey, back to your place. The teacher will come!
Jade                     : Huh? Bye Ang, I’ve to back to my class.
Han                      : Bye Jade!
Jade                     : Bye Han!
Ang                      : So she is not a student of our class?
Han                      : Yap! Why?
Ang                      : That’s good!
Han                      : . . . ?
Teacher             : Afternoon class!
Students           : Afternoon ma’am!
Teacher             : Have you made the assignment that I gave to you?
Students           : Yes ma’am.
Dey                      : (Knock the door) excuse me ma’am.
Teacher             : Ah! Dey? Can I help you?
Dey                      : Yes ma’am, the principal told me to call the student named Ang and Han.
Teacher             : Okay. Han and Ang, come here, the principal just call two of you.
Ang                      : (Walk to front the class) excuse me (go to principal room)
Dey                      : Eh? How dare she is! She not gives me a smile!
Han                      : Hey! Calm down! She was like that! Don’t be so angry!
Dey                      : Eh? You know her?
Han                      : Yes! I even stay at her house last night.
Dey                      : What? But, she is new student! How dare you are!
Han                      : Don’t be negative thinking! I sleep with her brother!
Dey                      : Huh? Really?
Han                      : Yosh!
Dey                      : But, how are her parents?
Ang                      : (Look back at Dey)
Dey                      : (Shocked) Wa. . . why . . . why she look at me like that?
Han                      : I think you'd better stop talking.
Dey                      : And I think better I walk first. I hope you will keep her from me!
Han                      : Okay! (Come closer to Ang) Hey, why not you try to smile with her?
Ang                      : I can’t!
Han                      : Why?
Ang                      : I feel there is no time to smile at her. She talks too much!
Han                      : Huh?
Dey                      : (Knock the door) Excuse me Ms.Farah. Here I bring Ang and Han.
Ms. Farah         : Ah? Where is Ang? Come here darling!
Ang                      : . . .
Han                      : Miss, can’t you stop to call the other with darling?
Ms. Farah         : Ha-ha, of course . . . not!
Han                      : Huh? So, why you called me and Ang to come here?
Ms. Farah         : I heard from students that you are the difficulties in finding new friends, so I will
  give you friends. They will accompany you anywhere and everywhere. Except a
  specific place.
Ang                      : Such bunch of people who loved to talk!
Han                      : Ang!
Ang                      : Thanks!
Ms. Farah         : No problem! So, I’ll introduce your new friends . . . the one in there is Jizen, he
  will help you if you need any help. And that boy is Aikyou, he will help you to
  make your assignment, and that girl in the corner is Bella, he will help you
  wherever. The last is someone who brings you here, Dey, she will help you to
  know this school and our rules. Oh, I heard that you have made friend with Jade
  right? That’s good, she is such a smart girl, but I think she is talk more.
Ang                      : Just like their principal!
Ms. Farah         : You said something Ang?
Ang                      : No, nothing!
Ms. Farah         : Okay, if that so, now you can back to your class. They will always accompanying
Ang                      : Thanks!
Han                      : Hey, you shouldn't talk like that to principal.
Ang                      : Relax! She not heard me!
Dey                      : Huh! Rude girl!
Ang                      : Really? Did you know how the feel of punch from a rude girl?
Dey                      : Huh? So you will punch me? Oh, please!
Ang                      : (Ready to hit)
Han                      : Ang! (Catch Ang’s hand) I begging you please don’t be like this! She will be
  your friends, why you can’t accept her?
Ang                      : (Look Han eyes and look at Dey) just give me space! You’re nothing for me!
Jizen                    : Dey, are you okay?
Dey                      : Humph! I’m okay.
Aikyou                               : (Look at Ang that walk away)
Bella                    : Aikyou, what did you see?
Aikyou                               : Huh? Nothing!
Han                      : Sorry all, I think I’ll follow Ang. We gathered in the parking after school!
Aikyou                               : Okay!
Jade                     : Hey! What happen here?
Dey                      : Your friend just wants to punch me!
Jade                     : My friend?
Bella                    : Ang.
Jade                     : Why? I’m so sorry for that, but, I’m sure that she doesn’t want to do that.
Dey                      : Huh, really?
Jade                     : Yes, of course!
Dey                      : I can’t believe you!
Jade                     : Why?
Dey                      : Because you are too stupid!
Bella                    : Enough!
Jade                     : You Malicious!
Day                      : What?
Jade                     : (Run away)

                After school

Han                      : Ang, can we talk?
Ang                      : What?
Han                      : Will you be my friend?
Ang                      : Huh?
Han                      : I will not ask to be your friend, but I ask that you be my friend.
Ang                      : What you talking about? I never need any one of you!
Han                      : But, I need you Ang!
Ang                      : . . . ?
Han                      : Be my friend, be the part of us!
Jade                     : Please Ang, be the part of us!
Bella                    : Be my friend Ang!
Jizen                    : Be my friend, please!
Aikyo                  : Will you be friend with us?
Ang                      : (Look all of them)
Dey                      : Sorry Ang, but, will you be friend with us?
Ang                      : (Took a key from his pocket and into the car. Rolled down her car) get in the car!
  I'll take you to my house.
Jade                     : Eh? So we are friend? Ha-ha! Dey, you should retract your statement (into the
Han                      : (Look at Dey and into the car)
Jade                     : Everyone ready?
All                         : Yosh!
Han                      : Ah, I forget. We should pick up Ang brother!
Bella                    : Ang brother?
Jizen                    : So you have a brother?
Han                      : Yes, she had!

                In Koun school

Ang                      : Wait here!
Han                      : I’ll go! (Follow Ang)
Ang                      : . . .
Han                      : Koun!! (Calling Koun)
Koun                   : Brother! (Run to Ang and Han)
Ang                      : Koun, do you have a friend that can bring you home today?
Koun                   : Huh? Why?
Cleo                    : Yes, he has!
Ang                      : You?
Cleo                    : Hi! I’m Cleo, I’m is Koun friend, but I can’t bring Koun home today. Huh! But
  don’t worry! I know who can bring Koun home today!
Ang                      : You talk too much too!
Han                      : Ang! She just wants to help us! Ah! Hi Cleo! I’m Han, Ang friend. Can you
  help us to bring Koun home?
Cleo                    : Yes! But, not I can bring Koun home.
Han                      : So, who can bring Koun home?
Cleo                    : Come on, follow me! I will bring you to my friend! (Run to parking area)
Octa                    : (Go into car)
Cleo                    : (Knock on the car) Octa, can you help me?
Octa                    : Cleo? (Out of the car)
Koun                   : (Look at Octa face) Hi?
Octa                    : Hi! (Smiling)
Cleo                    : Eh? (Look at Koun)
Koun                   : (Shifts Cleo and talk to Octa) Can you bring me home today?
Han                      : How pretty!
Ang                      : Hey Han listen to me, that is a boy!
Han                      : What?
Cleo                    : Hey! How can you know? You the first one know that he is a boy without
Ang                      : I don’t know. Consider it a coincidence!
Han                      : Uruha!
Ang                      : (Stared at Han)
Han                      : So, he is really a boy?
Cleo                    : Yosh!
Koun                   : Don’t mind them, come take me home! (Get into Octa’s car)
Ang                      : (Stared at Koun with coldly eyes)
Han                      : (Look at Ang face) Okay! Let’s home too, Ang?
Ang                      : (Go to car)
Han                      : (Into car) what’s wrong, Ang?
Jade                     : Huh? (Look at Ang) Why?
Ang                      : Koun!
Han                      : Why?
Ang                      : You see his eyes? You see the way he looks at Octa?
Han                      : Yes, so?
Ang                      : I think, there is . . .
Han                      : What? . . . You think that Koun like Octa?
Ang                      : (Looking down) just forget it! (Drive the car)

                In Ang house

Ang                      : I’m home!
Cleo                    : Hi sister! Welcome!
Ang                      : (Looking around) where is Koun?
Cleo                    : At kitchen. Why?
Ang                      : Where is Octa?
Cleo                    : In bathroom.
Ang                      : Huh! Told Koun come to my room!
Cleo                    : Okay.
Ang                      : (Calling the other and go to her room)
Jade                     : Whoa! It’s cool!
Jizen                    : Your house like a castle!
Han                      : And the owner looks like vampire!
Ang                      : . . .
Aikyou                               : Your room is so clean! You clean it yourself?
Ang                      : Yes.
Dey                      : Hey! This your cloths, right? (Staring to Han)
Han                      : Yes, you right!
Bella                    : You sleep here?
Han                      : Yosh!
Dey                      : You sleep together?
Han                      : Hey! I’ve told you to not to be negative thinking right?
Dey                      : Huh?
Jade                     : I believe that is nothing bad happened. That I said true, Ang?
Ang                      : Yes, may be!
All                         : . . .
Koun                   : (Knock on the door) Sister, you call me?
Ang                      : Koun! Come here!
Koun                   : (Come in) yes?
Ang                      : Did you feel that to Octa?
Koun                   : (Shocked) Feel what? What you mean?
Ang                      : Don’t act to being stupid!
Koun                   : What did you say? Don’t ask that stupid think again!
Ang                      : . . . (Staring Koun eyes deeply)
Han                      : Hey! Calm down, your friend will stay here, right?
Koun                   : Huh? Yes, they will.
Jade                     : That’s true? If that so, why not we make a BBQ?
Dey                      : Hah! I love BBQ!
Jade                     : You love eat, Dey!
Aikyou                               : If so, let’s tell your friends, Koun!
Koun                   : Okay.
Bella                    : Oh! Let’s buy the purposes for BBQ!
Han                      : Ang and I will go to buy it!
Jade                     : I’ll go with Ang!
Han                      : No, you can’t! I thought you would be more useful if still here and helping others
  to prepare for the BBQ tools.
Jade                     : But . . .
Ang                      : I think he’s true!
Jade                     : If you say so, Ang!
Han                      : Let’s go! (Leave)
Aikyou                               : (Looking Ang)
Koun                   : Hey, can you help me?
Octa                    : Yes! What should I do for you?
Koun                   : (Stared at Octa's face so deep)
Octa                    : Koun? What should I do for you?
Koun                   : Ah? Oh! Please, help me to prepare for the BBQ, with the others.
Octa                    : Oh, okay!
Koun                   : You too! (Pointing Cleo)
Cleo                    : Okay!
Dey                      : Why Ang and Han are so long?
Jade                     : Be patient Dey, they will come soon.
Aikyou                               : (Look at Ang’s car) they’re comes!
Dey                      : Hah! Finnaly!
Han                      : I’m sorry for waiting!
Bella                    : No problem. You bring the meat?
Han                      : Yes! Here! (Give the meat)
Jizen                    : What will we use to grilling the meat?
Ang                      : There are charcoals that can we use.
Bella                    : Koun, can you take the charcoals for us?
Koun                   : Of course, come on Octa!
Octa                    : Okay!
Ang                      : Ah! Let me talk to Octa. Cleo, can you help Koun?
Cleo                    : I’ll!
Koun                   : But,
Ang                      : Just bring the char here!
Koun                   : (Take the char)
Octa                    : Yes, sister? (Come to Ang)
Ang                      : (Embrace Octa’s shoulder) Nothing, I just want to be with you!
Octa                    : Ah? That’s so.
Koun                   : (Bring the char with Cleo) Here we are! (Look at Ang and Octa)
Ang                      : (Hold Octa hand)
Koun                   : Sister, what are you doing?
Ang                      : Ah? What?
Koun                   : Your hand!
Ang                      : Why? You’re jealous?
Octa                    : (Stared to Koun)
Koun                   : (Blush) No! But,
Ang                      : What?
Koun                   : Just don’t hold his hand!
Ang                      : Okay, okay, just bring him with you!
Koun                   : (Hold Octa hand and go to kitchen)
Han                      : You shouldn’t do that to him!
Ang                      : What I'm worried about it right! What should I do now? I don’t want to ban it, but
  I'm afraid other people booed him!
Jade                     : Don’t worry about it! He'll be fine as long as he believes in himself.
Ang                      : You right!
Aikyou                               : Hey, come here, the BBQ is done. Let’s try it!
Han                      : Okay!
Jade                     : Wait me! (The phone rang)
Ang                      : Sorry, I’ve to take a call. Just enjoy your BBQ!
Jizen                    : Okay!
Ang                      : Hallo!
Oi                          : Sister, it’s me!
Ang                      : Big brother? How are you there?
Oi                          : I’m fine! Grandma just brings me to school today, and I’ve a new nanny!
Ang                      : Really? That’s good! How your school?
Oi                          : There was so fun! I found many things!
Ang                      : Many things?
Oi                          : Yap, they help me to make milk!
Ang                      : Ah! You mean, new friends?
Oi                          : Yes, but, I prefer to call things.
Ang                      : Hah! But, you can’t assume humans like things!
Oi                          : Okay. I understand! Ah sister, I’ll call you again later, grandma told me to sleep.
  Bye! (Turn off the phone) beep, beep, beep . . .
Ang                      : . . . Bye . . . (Look at her phone and put it in her pants pocket)
Dey                      : Hey, this is your BBQ! It’s tasted good!
Ang                      : Ah, thank you (Searching Koun. Phone rang again) Sorry, you hear, my phone?
Dey                      : Oh, Okay!
Ang                      : Hallo?
Dotoku              : Hey, how are you there?
Ang                      : What is it?
Dotoku              : Huh! Why are you being so to your own father?
Ang                      : Father? So now you remember that you have a child?
Dotoku              : Don’t be like that. I just want to say that I’ll move to Japan.
Ang                      : So?
Dotoku              : I will meet with the client.
Ang                      : Client? Why don’t you just say you'll stay there with your new wife?
  It’s not a problem for me!
Dotoku              : I'm glad if you understand.
Ang                      : And I’m glad if you away from me!
Dotoku              : Huh, you are very similar with your deceased mother.
Ang                      : Huh? Sorry, I don’t have time for you. Just call me when you dying! I’ll come to
  see your soul on fire! (Turn off the phone)
Han                      : Hey, are you okay?
Ang                      : Yes!
Dey                      : Ang! Come here, we have beer for you.
Ang                      : (Come closer) Huh?
Jade                     : Han and Koun said that you love to drink that!
Ang                      : Ah! Thanks! (Gathered around the campfire)
Aikyou                               : (Sit beside Ang) Ang, why not you tell us about your idol?
Ang                      : Huh?
Jizen                    : Han said that you just have one idol since you child?
Bella                    : Eh? That is true, Ang?
Jade                     : I just found out that there are people who can keep her feelings for so long.
Ang                      : Uhm! (Drink the beer)
Han                      : Why not you tell us? I believe that they want to know about your love story!
Cleo                    : Brother Han is right! I really want to know about your love story, sister!
Octa                    : I’m too. Can you tell us?
Ang                      : No, I can’t!
Koun                   : Please, sister. Tell it to them!
Jizen                    : Yes, please tell us!
Dey                      : I’ll tell you everything about our school to you, if you tell me how to keep your
  feelings for so long!
Bella                    : I’ll help you to make your assignment!
Han                      : Hey, it’s your duty! (Stared to Bella)
Bella    : . . .
Ang                      : Okay, I’ll tell you. Just don’t be so noises!
All                         : Okay!

TSBBStm Family story
Thanks For Reading


  1. It's awesome!!! can u make more story? it's enjoyable!!!

  2. Ok, we make many story, but, it not complate easyly. . .
    so, just check it often . . .

    BTW, thx for being TSBBStm Koibito

    -ADMIN&TSBBStm Family-
