Read as u can

Thursday, October 18, 2012

2) Promise

14-Nenkan no Ai
(14 Years Love)

Ang                      : First, I was a very cheerful girl, I was very happy when people come near me. I
  know everybody who is near my house. I really like the music, I love to help mommy
  knit and clean the house, I'm very happy to be near mom with my brother. The
  more I matured I often spend my time browsing the internet, and my friend
  introduced me to type of music visual kei. I love it and continue to search for
  information about that type of music. Until I found a group called "The Gazette",
  I really liked them, especially the guitarists, Uruha. I love Uruha. And one day
  mom introduced me to a boy named Yuki, he is a mama's nephew, he was very kind
  to me and always accompanies me. Until one day my mother died of illness,
  people stay away, though slowly, but they really left me, except Yuki and my idol.
  Yuki stay with me, he always supported me, in any case. (Drink the beer and
Han                      : Yuki is a very nice person.
Aikyou                               : You said he's always with you. He's your boyfriend? Do he is not jealous
  of your character is really adore Uruha?
Ang                      : Hembh! He is very nice person! Yes, he is my boyfriend, he never jealous about
  what I’ve done. He actually helped me to collect all the objects associated with
Jizen                    : That’s true?
Ang                      : Yes.
Jade                     : So, what happen then?
Ang                      : Coincidentally, he's birthday same with me. Then, we plan to celebrate with
  friends. Because he couldn’t drive a car, so I was driving. Somehow, then our car
  tires slipping and we hit a road divider. Yuki died instantly. People are getting
  away from me, I really do live alone. People thought that I was jinxed, I think,
  maybe my father hates me because he thought I was jinxed. So I stay away from
  the crowds, I hate people who are being friendly to me. I hate people who insult
  my mother, Yuki, and Uruha. From then on, I became very covered and hate to
  talk much to strangers.
Cleo                    : Your life is so hard.
Bella                    : So therefore you're act cold on people.
Ang                      : I guess so!
Jade                     : So you prefer to live alone and adore Uruha from afar.
Ang                      : So, so! Because too much hatred that people give to me. I chose to live alone. I
  prefer to dwell at home, not go to school, not playing, not having fun with others.
  My father forced me to home schooling. After some time, I went back to school.
  But I'm still a stranger to them. No one dared to approach me, they thought I was
  dangerous. The longer, the more I am convinced that I only have Uruha as best
  man. Only he who hears all my sorrows, well, you know, even if only a fans, it
  makes me love him. Our age within 14 years, though.
Aikyou                               : So you will still keep a sense of it?
Ang                      : Yes, I’ll!
Dey                      : Until when will you keep it?
Ang                      : Until later on, until the world really forgotten me.
Octa                    : You’re a taft girl.
Ang                      : You just say what you see. I just same like you!
All                         : . . .
Han                      : (Looking around and yawn) Hoahemh! Hah, doesn’t it’s too late?
Jade                     : Huh? (See the watch) yes, you right!
Koun                   : Octa, are you tired?
Octa                    : Uhm! Just a little!
Koun                   : If that so, let’s go to bed? Stay here tonight, tomorrow weekend, anyway.
Octa                    : Okay.
Koun                   : Let’s go, Cleo!
Cleo                    : Okay! Bye all sister and brother!
Jade                     : Bye! Okay, I’ll clear up this all. Somebody help me!
Dey                      : Okay, Bella, Jizen and Aikyou. Come help us!
All                         : Okay.
Ang                      : (Go into car) Huh, I love starry night! (See the sky through the windshield)
Han                      : (Sit on the ground and rested his head on the car door) its so happiness day!
Ang                      : I think so! (Wear a headset and play songs from The Gazette)
Aikyou                               : (Looking Ang and approach her) Hi!
Ang                      : Hi!
Aikyou                               : May I in?
Ang                      : Yes.
Aikyou                               : Ang, can I talk to you?
Ang                      : Yes, what is it? (Closed her eyes and enjoy the music that she plays)
Aikyou                               : Ang, in fact I like you. From the first moment I saw you. This may be too fast for
  you, but I really feel it. I hope my words not change anything. (See towards Ang)
Ang                      : . . . (Asleep)
Han                      : (Shocked and think) what did he does? So stupid!
Aiokyou            : Hah? Ang, you sleep? (Stroking Ang hairs)
Jade                     : Aikyou, can you help me?
Aikyou                               : Ah? Okay! Bye Ang (Leave)
Dey                      : Where is Han?
Jizen                    : I don’t know.
Bella                    : He will come later.
Aikyou                               : Help me pick-up this toaster.
Jizen                    : Okay.
Han                      : (Sigh) Ang, you really asleep?
Ang                      : No! (Open her eyes slowly)
Han                      : So you just pretend?
Ang                      : What did you expect?
Han                      : Why not you listen to Aikyou words?
Ang                      : You know? I really hate to talk about feelings. Because I'll just keep my feelings
  to 4 things!
Han                      : 4 things?
Ang                      : My mom, Yuki, Uruha, and my best friends!
Han                      : Aikyou not be your best friend?
Ang                      : He just knows me! I don’t like people who give the impression of cheapo!
Han                      : Ah! I got it! But, why not you tell him about it? I think it will make him understand.
Ang                      : He will know with his own way!
Han                      : Okay. Let’s go. (Go into house)
Dey                      : Hey, where have you been? You run away so don’t have clean up all this?
Han                      : I've just been out to buy milk, I met a girl, and I get her phone number! (Laugh)
Bella                    : Really? (Leery)
Jade                     : Ang! Your room is full of Uruha posters. I think you really love him!
Ang                      : Huh? You come into my room? (Cold face)
Jade                     : Sorry. I want to put this tool. I think it Koun room, so I just go!
Ang                      : Do you never hear about what is privacy?
Jade                     : I’m so sorry!
Ang                      : Don’t ever come to my work room again!
Jade                     : I’ll!
Han                      : Ang, come here!
Ang                      : (Looked at Han) come on. I think they need our help!
Jade                     : Okay. (Smiling)

                After 30 minutes

Koun                   : Haah! It’s so tiring!
Cleo                    : Yes, you right.
Octa                    : (Sigh)
Koun                   : Octa, are you okay?
Octa                    : Huh? Uhm! I’m okay.
Koun                   : Really?
Octa                    : Yes. Don’t worry about me! (Smiling)
Jade                     : Hey, you have a special relationship, do you? Why you really care about Octa?
Koun                   : Sister, what are you talking about?
Han                      : Sorry Koun, she is such a stupid girl. Don’t hear what she said.
Koun                   : Uhm! Okay.
Jizen                    : I feel so tired! I think I’ll back home now and sleep.
Aikyou                               : Bella, we have to back home too!
Bella                    : Okay!
Dey                      : Jizen, bring me home! Can you?
Jizen                    : Okay!
Jade                     : Hey! What about me? (Panic) I don’t want to walk! My home is so far you know!
Han                      : Ang, can we stay here for tonight?
Ang                      : . . .
Han                      : Please!
Koun                   : Hey, you will stay here. Why not we sleep together in the backyard? There are
  some tents, we can pretend as if camping! This will be fun!
Dey                      : I think the party is not over now!
Octa                    : Ha-ha . . . I think so!
Cleo                    : Can I be in same tent with you? (Begging on Koun and Octa)
Octa                    : Of course! (Smiling)
Koun                   : But,
Ang                      : Okay, just do whatever you want guys!
Jizen                    : Okay, where is the tent? I will prepare of it.
Koun                   : There are the tents.
Aikyou                               : I’ll help.
Koun                   : I’m too, Octa, just stay here and see! I’ll make it be great tents for you!
Octa                    : Huh? (Shy)

                After 15 minutes

Han                      : Okay ladies the tents are ready. Let’s go to the tents!
Jade                     : Hooray! Ang, can I be in same tents with you?
Ang                      : I’m with Han!
Aikyou                               : (Stared at Ang)
Han                      : Huh?
Jade                     : Han. Please!
Han                      : Okay!
Ang                      : (Stared to Han) . . .
Han                      : I can’t ban her!
Ang                      : Gotcha! Why not you sleep with her and I’ll sleep in my room.
Han                      : Come on Ang!
Ang                      : You decide everything as you like. So enjoy all of your work yourself.
Han                      : Ang? Please!
Ang                      : (Sigh) okay, I’ll stay here!
Han                      : Yosh!
Dey                      : Okay, it was all getting their tent. Let’s take a rest!
Cleo                    : Night all!
All                         : Night!
Ang                      : (See the watch) Huh! I can’t sleep again! I need my Uruha poster to sleep!
Jade                     : (Delirious) Huh! Ang! Don’t leave me! (Hugged Ang)
Ang                      : Aish! What the hell is this!
Han                      : Hey! Are you okay? (Help Ang to free from Jade hug)
Ang                      : Huh! This girl is so irritating! Does she a lesbian?
Han                      : Just say what you want! But don’t say it in front of her!
Ang                      : Huh!
Han                      : Let sit out until you're sleepy?
Ang                      : I need beer! (Out from tent)
Han                      : I put the rest of your beer in the fridge.
Ang                      : . . .
Han                      : I’ll take it for you, wait there.
Ang                      : Yes! (Waiting)
Han                      : Hey! This is your beer.
Ang                      : What about you?
Han                      : I’ve soda for me!
Ang                      : Ah! (Looked up) there are many stars tonight. So beautiful! But, not as
  beautiful as Uruha's face!
Han                      : Ohm! So, so!
Ang                      : Hey Han! Did you also have a love like that I feel?
Han                      : Huh? Loves? (Stared Ang)
Ang                      : Yap! You know. There are many things that can describe the love!
Han                      : Oh! (Looked up) so, what makes you so love Uruha?
Ang                      : I don’t know. I think his smile that makes me fallen in love to him. But, you know,
  when you believe in something, it also comes a sense of doubt annoying. As I'm
  sure that he is the one that I love, a sense of hesitation comes. Make me think to
  forget it. When I tried to forget, that just made his smile embedded in my mind.
  Every time I see his happiness smile. As if. . .
Dey                      : Aikyou! You hear that? I think you can’t get her as your girl!
Aikyou                               : Its make me hard!
Octa                    : Koun! I think you had a great sister!
Cleo                    : I really want to be like her.
Koun                   : . . . her life is so hard!
Jizen                    : It is okay, Bella?
Bella                    : Yes! I think Han can make her feel better.
Han                      : As if?
Ang                      : Somehow. You know. Ah! Do you have something you really watch because you
  feel it is very important in your life and are very difficult to forget?
Han                      : Yes, I’ve
Ang                      : Such is. I felt an Uruha smile is a treasure in my life. When everyone is leave me,
  just his smile that first I see when I open my eyes in the morning, and also to
  accompany me and led me to get a nice dream. You know, he was key in my life to
  live my every weigh day.
Han                      : Then, you believed that just he who can make you smile and strong, right?
Ang                      :  Yes, I think so.
All                         : . . .
Octa                    : (Out from tent) Hi!
Han                      : (Looked back) Hi, Octa? You awake?
Ang                      : Do our conversation awaken you?
Octa                    : Ah! Not at all! But, I hear a little about what you talking about.
Ang                      : Sorry.
Octa                    : It’s okay.
Han                      : Hey, this for you. (Give soda to Octa)
Octa                    : Oh! Thank you.
Han                      : As you wish!
Ang                      : Hey Octa! How can you get so pretty?
Koun                   : (Inside tent) what the hell she is! Why she ask such a stupid things!
Ang                      : You see! I’m a girl. But, I can’t be a good girl.
Octa                    : Ah? Why you ask like that? I am not prettier than you. You know, you have a
  much beauty upon me.
Ang                      : I never able to be nice. I’m roughly. I even rude and arrogant! You know, I really
  don’t ever want it. But all it made me evolve into a vicious creature. I am feeling
  the pain. So heavy! Make me hate all sweet and beautiful things. Makes me think
  that all of this is fakes!
Octa                    : Sister, you’re a good girl, even more! You know, you strong! You clear up your
  problem without creating other problems. Even you take care of your brother.
  You’re carefully person. You know, there are not many girls like you!
Han                      : Ang, don’t blame yourself for all this. We there for you, and will always be
  there with you! So don’t worry about what the other said! You have us as your
  best friend and family.
Ang                      : Thanks Han thanks Octa! Its make me better.
Octa                    : That’s good. Ah sister, if you want I’ll help you to collect more things about
  Uruha. You want it?
Ang                      : Ah? Will you? Of course I want it! Thank you so much!
Han                      : If that so. The other and I will help you too.
Jade                     : (Out from tent) If that so, we can find it tomorrow. And, why not we sleep now?
Han                      : Ha-ha! Okay. Let’s go to sleep all!
Jizen                    : Dey! You stepped on my foot. away from there!
Dey                      : Hey, relax!
Koun                   : Octa!!! Where is my Octa?
Cleo                    : Oh God! Why everyone is so noise!
Bella                    : Aikyou, this is not your tent! Where is Jizen?
Jizen                    : Bella, I’m here!
Octa                    : Koun, I’m here. Don’t be so afraid like that!
Koun                   : Why you leave me?
Jade                     : Hey! It’s rainy, let’s into house!
Han                      : Koun, Aikyou, Jizen! Help me clear up this. Hurry up!
Aikyou                               : Okay!
Ang                      : Hey all! Let’s sleep in my room after you clear it up!
All                         : Okay!
Koun                   : Hey! What about you sister?
Ang                      : That’s your idea! So, just clear it up!
Koun                   : Huh? Octa, go into house, don’t catch a cold!
Octa                    : But, I want to help too.
Ang                      : Come on Octa, just hear what he said!
Octa                    : Huh?


The rain fell.
Accompany me to clash and went to sleep.
So calm, so enjoyable.
Makes me want to repeat it!
Today become the best day I've ever have.
With them, my best friend, my brother and you my beloved one. . .
Wished to remain and will always keep this sense, although only to the extent of a fan.
Mom, help me get through all this
Yuki remains to be the best for me
Uruha, keep smile for me, because just your smile that can make me strong everyday
And all my friends
Please, stay to stand by my side
I love you all
I’ll remember every second that we spend
Together . . .
Thank you for being in my life.


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