Read as u can

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Gazette Club "Hime Gakkou"

Uruha and Aoi room

Kai                        : How about this?
The Gazette   : (Look at Kai)
Uruha                 : Oh, Yu-kun what’s wrong with you? Just wait and I’ll make you looks great!
Kai                        : Huh? Thanks, but please don’t make me look pretty!
Ruki                      : Shima-chan, how about my cloth? Doesn’t its great!
Uruha                 : Yeah! That’s good for you! Huh, it’s clear Yu-kun, go to mirror and see yourself!
Kai                        : (Go to mirror) Oh GOD! That was me? Looks so great! But, why I look like
Ruki                      : It’s okay Yu-kun, you still look charming!
Kai                        : Oh, thank you!
Aoi                       : Hei, are you ready guys?
Uruha                 : Yama-sama you look great! As always (Look at Aoi eyes)
Aoi                       : (Look at Uruha eyes) Thank you, Shima-chan. You too!
Reita                    : Ehem! I think we will be late!
Aoi                       : Ah! Let’s go guys. We have a tight schedule!
The Gazette   : Let’s go!

Let’s welcome our star . . .

First Ruki:
This tiny boy who looks so sexy, named Matsumoto Takanori and born February 1st in Kanagawa Prefecture. He had a not good enough relation with his Parents, even he has a tiny body he is a clear boys who loves cleans. And he never can keep himself for not to shop he is a shopaholic.

Second Aoi:
A boy who is the oldest than his friends, named Yuu Siroyama was born January 20th in Mie. Between his friends he is who has an adult think and loves foods that cook with love.

Third Reita:
Born Mei 29th in Kanagawa Prefecture, Kantou, East Japan. Have named Ryo Suzuki he being a boy who has a habit to hide his nose with noseband. This boy who loves Punk music is a boy who hates insect. He is hard fans from Sex Pistols.

Fourth Kai:
With his cute face and charming smile, was born October 28th in Tokushima and got named Yutaka Uke. Being more calm then his friends, love to cooking and have a dream to be a Chef. This mayo lover had a close relation with his mom, he is a full of love person.

Last Uruha:
Blessed with pretty face and sexy this boy makes all his female friends jealous with his beauty. Named Kouyou Takashima who born June 9th in Kanagawa. He loves a gentle and adult person. He is very care about his perform, he love to wear a beauty cloth. He being a boy who fallen’ in love easily and loves to teasing his friend (Kai). Even he loves a beauty thing, he is an alcoholic and he can’t away from alcohol.


                Hime Gakkou . . .

Aoi                       : Here we are, Hime Gakkou!!!
Kai                        : Huuuaaah!! It’s so beautiful!! (Looking around the school)
Uruha                 : (Looking at one girl) Yeah! Beautiful!! (Approach the girl)
Ruki                      : He started again!
Uruha                 : (Talk to the girl) Hi, are you okay?
Kana                    : Yes, I’m okay, why?
Uruha                 : Ah! Doesn’t it pain?
Kana                    : Pain? I’m okay at all . . .
Uruha                 : Really? But, I just see you fell from the sky! I think you are angel!!
Kana                    : Uh? (Shy) How could you say like that? You make me shy!
Reita                    : Shima-chan stops it! Her face is turning red!
Kana                    : (Looking at Reita and the other) Ah! So you are guys from Yume Gakkou?
Ruki                      : Yes, we are!
Kana                    : Much obliged! Introduce, I’m Kana, I’m student council in Hime Gakkou. Let me
  bring you to aula.
Uruha                 : (Following the girl) how pretty!
Kana                    : (Looking at Uruha and smile) here is Hime Gakkou aula, please, take a sit!
Aoi                       : Entering aula. (Entering aula and take a sit)
Ruki                      : I think Uruha falling in love with her!
Reita                    : I think so!
Kai                        : Really? It’s so fast?
Kana                    : Why you following me?
Uruha                 : Because you so beautiful! I want to see your pretty face close! (Close to Kana
Yui                        : Ehem! What are you doing here?
Kana                    : Ah, Yui-sama! Nothing, we just . . .
Yui                        : Kissing?
Uruha                 : Hey, relax please! So why, if she and I kissing? There is problem with you?
Yui                        : How dare you are! Who are you?
Uruha                 : Huh! I’m Uruha, prettiest member of The Gazette and secretary of student
  council from Yume Gakkou!
Yui                        : So, you Uruha?
Uruha                 : Yes, I’ am!
Yui                        : I’m Yui, head of student council from Hime Gakkou!
Uruha                 : Huh! So, Aoi ex-girlfriend?
Kana                    : Ex-girlfriend?
Aoi                       : What happen here? Uruha, you kiss Kana-chan?
Uruha                 : Uh! Yes, I kiss her.
Aoi                       : (Stared at Uruha)
Uruha                 : Why? She not ignores my lips! You know, we do french kiss!
Kana                    : . . .
Ruki                      : Hey, what happen?
Aoi                       : Taka-chan, why you with her?
Ruki                      : Her? Hikaru-chan is my girlfriend!
Hikaru                 : Hi, Yama-sama . . .


Thelma               : (Fall back) Ouch!
Kai                        : Are you okay? Let me help you.
Thelma               : Uh!
Kai                        : I’m so sorry! I’m little bit sleepy.
Thelma               : It’s okay.
Yui                        : Okay, who is he now?
Aoi                       : He is Kai.
Yui                        : Huh, new member! (Leave)
Aoi                       : (Following Yui)
Uruha                 : Hei Kana, so . . . want to kiss me again?
Kana                    : Uh! You make me shy!
Uruha                 : Really? If that so, let’s find good place for us!
Kana                    : Aah!
Kai                        : Where will you go?
Uruha                 : Go to heaven!! Find your own heaven!
Kai                        : Huh?
Ruki                      : I’ll go too! Take care Yu-kun, and have a great time with her!
Kai                        : What you mean? Guys, come on! Huh, why they leave me alone!! (Take a sit)
Thelma               : . . . Uhm, I’m here with you. So, you’re not alone. I’ll accompany you.
Kai                        : Acctually, why I have to come here? What kind of jerk this event?
Reita                    : Yu-kun, you can’t talk like that!
Kai                        : Huh?
Reita                    : Look at Thelma, you afraid her!
Kai                        : (Look at Thelma) Oh! I’m sorry, Thelma.
Thelma               : Uhm, its okay.
Mika                     : Ue-chan!! (Run and hug Reita)
Reita                    : Ugh! (Catch and hug Mika)
Mika                     : Ue-chan, I miss you!!
Kai                        : . . . Mika??

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