Read as u can

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Gazette Club "Yume Gakkou"

In Ruki and Reita room

Ruki                      : Wake up!!
Reita                    : Argh! Can you more relaxed please?
Ruki                      : Yes, I can, but if you wake up from my bed! I can’t clean it if you stay in there!!
Reita                    : Haah. You so irritating!
Aoi                       : What is it? Come on Ue-chan wake up we have to go to school now, Yu-kun and
  Shima-chan has made our breakfast. Come on!
Reita                    : Haah. It’s too fast I need sleep one more day!
Ruki                      : What? Day? Oh come on!! We have to go to school today is Yu-kun first day in
  our school. Come on Ue-chan!!
Reita                    : Huh! You right Yu-kun first day, I’ve to fast!!! (Run to bath room and wear his

Let’s welcome our star . . .

First Ruki:
This tiny boy who looks so sexy, named Matsumoto Takanori and born February 1st in Kanagawa Prefecture. He had a not good enough relation with his Parents, even he has a tiny body he is a clear boys who loves cleans. And he never can keep himself for not to shop he is a shopaholic.

Second Aoi:

A boy who is the oldest than his friends, named Yuu Siroyama was born January 20th in Mie. Between his friends he is who has an adult think and loves foods that cook with love.

Third Reita:

Born Mei 29th in Kanagawa Prefecture, Kantou, East Japan. Have named Ryo Suzuki he being a boy who has a habit to hide his nose with noseband. This boy who loves Punk music is a boy who hates insect. He is hard fans from Sex Pistols.

Fourth Kai: 

With his cute face and charming smile, was born October 28th in Tokushima and got named Yutaka Uke. Being more calm then his friends, love to cooking and have a dream to be a Chef. This mayo lover had a close relation with his mom, he is a full of love person.

Last Uruha: 

Blessed with pretty face and sexy this boy makes all his female friends jealous with his beauty. Named Kouyou Takashima who born June 9th in Kanagawa. He loves a gentle and adult person. He is very care about his perform, he love to wear a beauty cloth. He being a boy who fallen’ in love easily and loves to teasing his friend (Kai). Even he loves a beauty thing, he is an alcoholic and he can’t away from alcohol.

Uruha and the other just arrived to their school and prepared to enter their class.
Uruha                 : Are you ready?
Kai                        : Yes, I’ am.
Headmaster     : Let’s welcome our regard The Gazette club and one more special from them.
  There is new student who will join with The Gazette club. Let’s welcome Uke
  Yutaka, you can ask more to them after class time and can find them in their room.
  See you next time.
Aoi                       : Come on!
Kai                        : Just that?
Ruki                      : So what you want?
Kai                        : But you said that we are special.
Reita                    : Because of that, we have to keep our image! Don’t let them think that we are so
  easy boy. You know, we are really special!
Kai                        : Oh, that so, sorry I don’t know.
Uruha                 : Here we are, this is our room.
Kai                        : Whoa! Here is not looks like a class.
Ruki                      : There is your place, take a sit, they will come in 5minutes.
Kai                        : They?
Uruha                 : All the student who just known you!

Knock, knock, knock . . .

Aoi                       : Come in!
Students           : Kyaaaaaa!!!!! Yama-sama, this is bento I made it with my love special to you.
Aoi                       : Thank you, it’s so cute, how can you know what I’d like?
Students           : Taka-chan, how are you today? I make this sweater to you. That’s for you in next
  winter, I don’t want you catch a cold.
Ruki                      : Oh thank you so much.
Students           : Ue-chan I just bought this CD from Sex Pistols, this is the newest CD, and if you want you can take it.
Reita                    : Really? I can take it? Much obliged.
Students           : Shima this is “Moet Chandon” from my dad, he said I’ve to give this for you.
  Please, take it with you.
Uruha                 : (Jump and take the wine) Of course I’ll take it! Thank you my girl. (Try to open
  and drink the wine)
Students           : Kyaa! Shima you are so pretty, how can you get that silky skin?
Students           : Shima, will you marry me in the future?
Students           : Shima, can I get a kiss from you?
Students           : Shimaaaa!!!
Uruha                 : Hey, calm down, I love you all, I can’t marry all of you right? Ha-ha, oh right, this is
  our new friends, you can call him Yu-kun, he is my boy! Ha-ha
Kai                        : Douzoyoroshiku . . .
Students           : How cute!!
Students           : He is so charming!
Students           : His smile melting me!
Students           : Shima, he is really your boy?
Uruha                 : Ha-ha, no, just kidding! I’m yours darling!
Students           : Kyaa!! Shima, you are so sweet!
Students           : Yu-kun, what the specific thing you’d like?
Kai                        : Me . . . ?
Uruha                 : His love to sleep, he always asleep whenever and wherever he close with pillow.
Students           : Really? If that’s so, I really want to be a pillow that you bring to sleep.
Kai                        : (Smiling) Thank you, but you don’t need to change to be a pillow.
Students           : Why? I will do everything for you, Yu-kun.
Uruha                 : Because, if you change to be a pillow, I can’t see your sweet smile longer.
Students           : Shima, you made me shy.
Headmaster     : Okay everyone I think this is the great time to back to your class! Right now! I
  think Shima already drunk!

Students           : Huuh! Why you so stubborn? (Back to class)
Headmaster     : What? I’m your headmaster you can’t be so rude to me! Huh! Why all the student
  is so rude to me?
Aoi                       : Whats wrong? Don’t ask about that stupid thing to me!
Headmaster     : Okay, this is not an easy time for you! I’ve great news for all of you!
Ruki                      : What is it?
Headmaster     : We just got an invitation from neighboring schools.
Reita                    : Neighboring school? That is a girls' school right? For what they invite us?
Headmaster     : They will celebrate the birthday of the school and will hold a festival. They asked
  that all members of "The Gazette" club come to their events.
Kai                        : Events? Can I stay here? I think better I sleep then go to that event.
Headmaster     : No! Of course not! All of you have to come there. Ok! Take this!
Reita                    : What is it? Invitation? But, headmaster . . .
Headmaster     : (Leave “The Gazette” room)
Uruha                 : “Hime Gakko”?
Aoi                       : “Hime Gakko”? Give it to me! There is a school where the students selected by
  a very strict and is famous for its beauty.
Uruha                 : Beauty? I’ll go!!! I’ll take one of the prettiest.
Aoi                       : Shima!!!
Uruha                 : Why? So you jealous? Apparently you begin to love me!
Aoi                       : Taka-chan!! Take him away from me! He really drank!
Ruki                      : Shima-chan stops it!
Kai                        : Yama-san can I eat this bento? I feel really hungry.
Aoi                       : Huh! Yes, you can. Oh, we will come there it’s a good time to introduce Yu-kun
  to Hime Gakko students.
Uruha                 : If that so, let’s make them going crazy!
The Gazette   : We’re ready!!!!

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