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Monday, May 28, 2012

The Gazette "Because You are Mine eps 6"

Ruki                 : Pretty boy!
Miyavi              : Why? (read a magazine)
Ruki                 : What now? This is over? I don’t know, I feel something bad will happen to us!
Miyavi              : I don’t know. I think Reita father will not let we go too far. But, don’t worry,
  No matter what everything is fine a head!
Ruki                 : Really? I hope that you said is right!
Miyavi              : . . . (Think on his mine) I hope so, Ruki!
Ruki                 : Will you sleep with me tonight pretty boy?
Miyavi              : (Look at Ruki) sure! (Smile and go to bed)

At 11.30 PM

Uruha              : (Go out from her room and drink water. Suddenly she fined Aoi that alone in
  Backyard. (Closer to Aoi) Aoi-chan? What are you doing here?
Aoi                   : Uru-chan? Nothing, I just can’t sleep. What about you?
Uruha              : I’m too. (Sit beside Aoi)
Aoi                   : Uru-chan . . .
Uruha              : . . . (Look at Aoi face) Yes?
Aoi                   : . . . Where are Yuri and Aoi?
Uruha              : In their room.
Aoi                   : Aa~
Uruha              : Why?
Aoi                   : Will you hear what will I said now?
Uruha              : Absolutely, yes!

            . . .

Aoi                   : I love you!
Uruha              : Eh? You really feel that?
Aoi                   : Yes, I said the truth about all my feelings.
Uruha              : So ka? If that so, can you hug me?
Aoi                   : (Look and hug Uruha) . . . Why? . . .
Uruha              : I, I . . . I don’t know why! I don’t know . . . I fell there is something bad will happen
                          with you, I’m afraid that I’ll lose you. I feel that I miss you so much. I feel that is
                          so . . . empty. I think . . . (cry) please, just don’t leave me!
Aoi                   : . . . stop . . . everything is fine as far! Don’t worry, I’ll always beside you. No matter
                          what, I don’t care even this is my last word. But I promise I’ll do everything to save
                          you. Because you are mine!
Uruha              : Aoi-chan, will you still love me even I’m not Shima?
Aoi                   : Yes, Because of that, I said “Because you are mine”.
Uruha              : Please, just keep like this, don’t leave me or let me down.
Aoi                   : I promise . . . (Look Uruha eyes and kiss her)

            Uruha room

Reita                : (Wake up) Anee-chan, where is Uruha?
Yuri                  : Outside, maybe she with Aoi-kun.
Reita                : Anee-chan, what should I do now?
Yuri                  : Why?
Reita                : Actually, Uruha-chan is Shima, they are one person.
Yuri                  : (Wake up) really?
Reita                : Yes!
Yuri                  : If that so, just tell them about it!
Reita                : I can’t, I think Aoi is start to loving Uruha.
Yuri                  : Don’t be so stupid Rei-chan! You know, if Aoi really start to love her that will be
                          great, Aoi love the same person that means Aoi not dishonest. He loves Uruha and
                          Shima that is one person. Oh God! How strong love that you have made?
Reita                : You right. If that so, I’ll tell them tomorrow. I think now Aoi and Uruha will have a
                          great night.
Yuri                  : What you mean with “great night”?
Reita                : Nothing, just back sleep now!

            Backyard . . .

Aoi                   : Want to walk?
Uruha              : Where?
Aoi                   : I remember there is supermarket that open 24hr.
Uruha              : Okay. (Take a walk)
Aoi                   : Uruha did you know how important you in my life?
Uruha              : Eh?
Aoi                   : (Look at Uruha, smiling) you more important than myself.
Uruha              : . . . (Smiling)

            Suddenly someone attack them . . .

Aoi                   : What the hell?
Uruha              : Aoi-chan, your back!
Gangster 1        : Two of you must die!!
Aoi                   : Kick the gangster.
Uruha              : Help!!! (Screaming)
Kai                   : (Back from supermarket) Aoi-san!! (Catch Uruha and kick the gangster)
Shou                : Uruha, are you okay?
Uruha              : Aoi-chan!! Please help him!
Shou                : Stay here! (Run and help Aoi)
Gangster 2       : (Shoot Uruha)
Uruha              : (Look the gangster and call Aoi deeply) Aoi-chan . . .
Aoi                   : (Run and safe Uruha) . . . Uru-chan, are you okay?
Gangster 2       : Come one! We killed that boy.
Gangster 1        : (Run)
Shou                : Aoi-san! You’re blinding!!
Kai                   : Oh shit! He shoots Aoi!
Aoi                   : I’m sorry, I can’t keep my promise. (Fall in Uruha arms)
Uruha              : (Looked Aoi face) Why . . . why you do that? Aoi-chan?
Aoi                  : (Breath slowly, smiling and smoothly said) don’t be so mad. I do that . . . because, you are (close his eyes)
  mine. . .
Uruha              : Aoi-chan . . . wakes up! Wake up! Please, wake up! Aoi-chan . . . wakes up, please!
Kai                   : Uru-chan . . . stop crying, come on we bring Aoi to hospital. (Help Uruha carrying
Shou                : (Call the other)

            At hospital

Kai                   : Doctor, how is my brother condition?
Doctor              : He is in down condition, he loses much blood, I’ll check his condition again
Kai                   : Thank you doctor. (Entering Aoi room) Aoi-sama, thank you for adopted me, thank you
                          for care my lives, thank you for keep me from that wild life. Aoi-sama, please
                          wake up you are too important to keep that pain, please, wake up. I’m sorry if
                          I’m cry, I’m sorry to looks so weak, but it’s me if you leave me like this! I can’t lose
                          you Aoi! I . . . I, I don’t know what will I do without you! Please, wake up! (Go out
                          and run away)
Reita                : Kai-san! (Following Kai)
Yuri                  : I’m so sorry for your brother, Ruki-chan.
Ruki                 : Why? Don’t say that! You act like Aoi will die! Kai said that Aoi will never dead! So
                          don’t act like that!! (Crying)
Miyavi              : Uru-chan, come on you have to eat! Just a little, please just eat this!
Uruha              : Thank you, but I don’t want to eat yet, I’ll eat that if I want. Just leave me with
Miyavi              : . . . Okay, I’ll give you time with Aoi-kun (Leave Uruha)
Aoi                   :  (In his mind) what is it? Why everything is dark? Why I can’t feel my body? Where
                          is I’ am . . . Uru-chan, help me . . .

1 Month Latter . . .

Ruki                 : (At moving cloud hill) Kai-chan, will Aoi get well?
Kai                   : Absolutely yes!
Miyavi              : Will you check Aoi and Uruha condition?
Yuri                  : Since Aoi-san in hospital, Uruha never sleep and eat. Finally she was sick!
Reita                : Anee-chan, shut up!
Yuri                  : Why you so rude? By the way? When will you tell them about Uruha?
Shou                : Tell what?
Reita                : I’m sorry actually Uruha and Shima is one person.
Ruki                 : One person?
Kai                   : Really?
Miyavi              : Why not you tell it to Aoi-kun?
Reita                : I don’t know, I’m afraid to tell about it. . .
Miyavi              : You will never can say that to them!!

2 Months Latter . . .

Doctor              : Their condition was dropped!
Kai                   : Doctor please does something to help them!
Doctor              : I’ll . . .
Ruki                 : What happen?
Kai                   : Aoi and Uruha condition was dropped.
Miyavi              : What should we do now?
Kai                   : Doctor tries to make them better.
Uruha              : (Looked Aoi face) don’t worry Aoi-chan, I’ll still here.

3 Months Latter . . .

Shou                : Uruha, are you okay?
Uruha              : Yes, I’m okay. I just feel little tired.
Ruki                 : Did you have drink your supplement?
Uruha              : No, I’ll drink that latter.
Miyavi              : Uru-chan, please keep your condition!
Kai                   : Here, I make it for you to eat.
Yuri                  : Kai was a perfect chef!
Uruha              : Thank you, but I really not want to eat yet.
Ruki                 : Really? If that so, why not you take some rest now?
Uruha              : (Smiling) Thank you for care of me. I love you all, thanks for everything, you all
                          the best. I’m sorry if there was mistaken I made. Now I will take a rest in Aoi side.
Kai                   : Don’t talk like that.
Shou                : If that so, we will wait in waiting room. (Go out)
Uruha              : (Look at Aoi face) . . . Aoi-chan, you are the best man ever I have. You know, first
                          time I saw you, you are so scare me, ha-ha (laughing) but as long as time move, I
                          know who you are, you are a good man, full of responsibility, care with the other,
                          you always help the other and you can make me by your side. You know, first time
                          you said “because you are mine” to me, that word make me feel like I’m fly, first
                          time i heard that word, I feel that I’m not the best girl for you. But, as far you by
                          my side, you make me feel that we are the best couple ever in this world. . .
                          Aoi-chan, I feel so tired, I want to sleep now, will you still by my side? I will still here
                          for you, because I’m yours . . . (hold Aoi hands and asleep)
Doctor&Nurse  : (Run to Aoi room)
Miyavi              : What happen? (Try to enter Aoi room)
Nurse               : Please wait here. Doctor wills exam the patient.
Ruki                 : What happen? Why they looks like . . . .
Yuri                  : Calm down Ruki, everything will better, nothing bad can you think.
Shou                : Kai, come on!
Kai                   : (Walk) what it is? Did now the time?
Reita                : Kai, don’t say like that, you remember with Ruki?
Kai                   : I’m tired! I’m tired to act like I’m strong! I’m weak! I’m weak! You heard me Ruki, I
                          just a weak brother. I can keep this feeling again, its hurt! It makes me cry! It’s too hurt!
Ruki                 : (Crying)
Yuri                  : Don’t cry Ruki!!
Miyavi              : (Help Kai to wake up) Kai, please don’t cry!
Kai                   : What you mean with that word? So what wrong with your eyes and that tears? Its
                          hurt! I know you feel it too.
Miyavi              : I’m sorry Kai I’m so sorry (hug Kai)
Doctor              : (Go out) Sorry. I can’t do more!
Ruki&Kai          : (Run and entering Aoi room)
Kai                   : Stop! You can’t take them! Please, don’t bother them! They still sleep, please don’t
                          bother them! Go away!!
Ruki                 : (Hug Aoi and Uruha) Aoi-chan, actually Uru-chan and Shima-chan is one person.
                          Please wake up. Will you let it pass away? Aoi-chan wakes up! Stop scary me!
                          Stop act like this! I hate it! You too Uru-chan, please wake up! I’m waiting you
                          two to wake up, please don’t end like this!!
Kai                   : (Carrying Aoi and Uruha) come on Ruki, we take them home.
Ruki                 : (Help Kai)
Miyavi              : Kai stop it! Please, don’t like this! Please Kai!
Shou                : Kai-chan, you are the best brother that ever Aoi have, please don’t do that to Aoi
                          and Uru-chan.
Reita                : Kai, don’t you think that you make Aoi and Uru-chan sad in there? They watch
                          you like this they saw what you do with their body.
Yuri                  : Ruki-chan, you are a good boy, did you can let Aoi-chan and Uru-chan feel sad
                          when they saw two of you like this? Please Ruki-chan, let them sleep in the best
                          place, I believe that they happy in there, because they are still together and they
                          are have a good brothers like both of you.
Ruki                 : (Cry)
Kai                   : (Crying and keep hug Aoi) I can’t, I don’t want like this . . . (screaming)
                          I HATE IT!!!!!!!

1 Year 3 Months Latter . . .

Miyavi              : Hi Uru-chan and Aoi-kun, how are you there? Hope so you all fine there . . . now I
                          come with my wife and my Daughter, what do you think about them? Doesn’t
                          my wife look pretty? How about my daughter, she is so cute right? She will grow
                          up and be a good girl like Uru-chan. Did you know, now Reita life with his wife,
                          and Yuri life with her father, Yuri decide to continued her father business, and . . .
                          now Kai-chan and Ruki-chan life in my house in Japan and schooling in the best
                          school there. Ruki-chan still hate when I call him with “Little Boy” but he loves to
                          call me “Pretty Boy”. Aoi-chan, you are my best friend ever, we grew up together,
                          we play, and go wherever together, till now, you still be my best friends, I promise
                          I’ll keep Kai-chan and Ruki-chan as you keep me. I love both of you. Sleep well,
                          my bestfriends. Oh, one more, about Shou-chan . . . he told me to give this leter to
                          you, I’ll read it for you . . .

“To: Aoi & Uruha

          Aoi-kun, don’t be so jealous with me, I don’t feel that feelings like you to Uru-chan I just want two of you happy together. Now I life in France with my Girlfriend, I will marry next month I hope you come there with Uru-chan I keep one invitation for you two. I know that I can’t see two of you, but I believe that we can feel your presence, because, we’ll never can’t forget everything about our memory together. I will tell our story to my children and all my friends in France. I’ll always remember every second we spent together, I hope we can meet again in other life.
          We . . . Me, Aoi-kun, Uru-chan, Reita-kun, Yuri-sama, Miyavi-san, Ruki-chan, and Kai-san. Take care yourself in there, I pray for your happiness.

You’re Friend,

*** The End ***

About The Story

This is just a fictive, we write this story because we love “The Gazette” and we’re GAZEROCK.
Just enjoy it, we hope you like the entire story that we have made.

Thank You.

Writer                          : Mitha Anggra
Editor                           : Diah Kumala, Ade Widnyana, Bella, Wisnawan, Dwira, Ihsan.

Special Thank’s            : TSBBS member “will always do the best and work together” and all the                                                  reader of the story.


The Gazette "Because You are Mine eps 5"

Next morning in Reita house . . .

Miyavi              : (Come in to Reita house) what is it? Someone must be here lately. What can I find
  here? Letter! For Uruha?? Oh shit, this must be from Reita. I must give this to
  Uruha. (Run to Shou house)

Shou                : Hey, you late.
Miyavui            : Sorry, I just back from Reita house.
Shou                : Reita? Uruha brother?
Miyavi              : Yes, and I found this letter. I think we have to give it to Uruha soon.
Shou                : Okay, we go to Aoi house now.

            At Aoi house . . .

Miyavi              : Kai, where is Uruha?
Kai                   : Upstairs, why? What happen? (Stop cutting grass)
Miyavi & Shou  : (Go to upstairs)
Kai                   : Hey!! I’m talk with you!! (Go to upstairs)
Aoi                   : What happen? Why you run in the house?
Miyavi              : This read it now! (Give the letter to Aoi) that for Uruha, I found it in Reita house.
Aoi                   : (Read the letter) what the . . . this letter from the gangster, they said that we have
  to give Uruha to them and give them some money like they want. Or, they will
  kill Reita.
Uruha              : (Hiding behind the wall and think) what should I do now?

Ruki                 : Uru-chan. Are you heard what Aoi said?
Uruha              : Em. I heard that.
Shou                : Oh dear, that not bad at all. We can thing the better way to safe Reita.
Aoi                   : Uruha you stay here with Ruki, me and the other will go to find Reita.
Uruha              : Why? I want to help Reita too. I miss him I want to see his face.
Miyavi              : But, if you go with us, they will make you hurt.
Uruha              : I don’t care, I’d love if they kill me, but don’t Reita. He safe my life, I think this is
  my turn to safe him.
Shou                : What should I do now? (Look at Aoi)
Aoi                   : If that you want you can go with us. But, keep in touch.
Kai                   : Okay, we go now, I’ve prepared the car.
Ruki                 : Where the gangster place?
Aoi                   : Almost here. Stop, there is the place.
Ruki                 : Are you scared Uru-chan?
Uruha              : Just a little. What about you?
Ruki                 : Me, I’m so excited! Finally I can act like detective.
Miyavi              : What? You said act? You think we in film? Stop thinking that stupid thing!
Ruki                 : Sorry.
Aoi                   : Ssst! There is some one. Hiding! (Hiding behind the wall)
Uruha              : That is Reita!! (Try to run)
Kai                   : (Catch Uruha) stop, you can’t do that, if you screaming we all will die right now!
Uruha              : (Quite) But, there is Reita with them, where will they go?
Shou                : We follow them now!
Aoi                   : Okay, Shou you go with Uruha, Ruki and Kai to that building, I’ll follow them with
Shou                : Okay. Come on!
Uruha              : Why? Why just you two? I want to follow them too I want to know what they do
                          with Reita. Please take me with you Aoi.
Aoi                   : Uruha, just go with Shou, I promise that you can see Reita face soon. (Following
                          the gangster)
Gangster 1        : What should we do now? He still not talks where his sister is. You sure you put the letter in the right place?
Gangster 2       : Yes, I’m sure. And I think his sister will come to us. (Walk in to building)
Aoi & Miyavi    : (Following the gangster)
Miyavi              : What will they do?
Aoi                   : Just see.
Gangster 1        : Hey! Where your sister, hurry up tell us!
Reita                : Never! Just forget her! This is our problem, don’t bring her in!
Gangster 2       : Yes you right, this is our problem. So why not you just pay your dept!!! (Screaming)
Gangster 1        : Why? Why you quite? You can’t pay that? If that so, I’ll find her and bring her to
                          become a slave!
Reita                : (Revolt) don’t do that! You can’t do that with my sister! I’ll pay that dept, but
                          don’t hurt her!!
Gangster 1        : Shut up!! (Hit Reita)
Gangster 2       : Come on leave he here, we have to meet boss now. (Walking out)
Miyavi              : Oh shit! We have to safe Uruha soon!
Aoi                   : Come on, we have to safe Reita first. (Walk closer Reita)
Miyavi              : Hey, wake up! Wake up! We have to run now!
Reita                : (Open his eyes slowly) who are you?
Miyavi              : I’m Miyavi, you remember me? This is Aoi, he take care of Uruha since they keep
Aoi                   : Come on, we have to run, or they will catch all of us!
Miyavi              : (Try to free Reita) ooh! Come on! Aoi help me, it’s too hard!
Aoi                   : (Help Miyavi)
Reita                : Hurry up, they come!
Gangster 3       : Hey! Who are you! Go away from he!
Miyavi              : You go away from us!
Gangster 3       : (Call the other)
Aoi                   : Shit! It will be hard. Miyavi, keep to free him! I will take them.
Miyavi              : Help Reita to run away.
Gangster 1        : Hey, where will you go? Do you forget them? (Showing Uruha and the other)
Reita                : Uruha! Why you bring her here?
Shou                : Sorry Aoi.
Aoi                   : Uruha? (Quite) where is Ruki? (Searching Ruki)
Miyavi              : Aoi-san, where is Ruki?
Aoi                   : There! There is Ruki, up of them.
Reita                : Let her go!! Don’t bother my sister!
Gangster 1        : You want her? Come on! Take her from me!
Reita                : (Stand up) let her . . . (fall)
Miyavi              : (Help to Reita stand up) don’t do that! You can’t take her if your legs like this.
Reita                : So what can I do now?
Aoi                   : Just quite.
Gangster 2       : Hey mom! Have you finished your conversation?
Ruki                 : (Jump) let her go, or I’ll cut your neck!
Gangster 3       : What are you doing? Go away from me!
Aoi                   : Run!!!! (Carrying Reita and run away)

            Outside the building

Gangsters         : Hey, where will you go?
Aoi                   : Shit! Everyone, get ready, we will fight now! Kai you first Ruki, Uruha keep Reita!
K, R, U              : Ready!
Aoi                   : All, attack them!!
Gengster 1        : Take that irritating boy.

            Fighting . . .

Aoi                   : (Hitting by behind) all, run!
Ruki                 : Aoi-san!! No!!
Gangster 1        : Take him and bring to warehouse!
Miyavi              : No time come on!
Ruki                 : No! They catch Aoi-san!!
Kai                   : Come on Ruki! (Carrying Ruki)
Shou                : (Help Uruha stand up) I’m sorry for Aoi.
Miyavi              : Stop! Now we back home and give Reita better place. Tomorrow we back here.
                          (Carrying Reita)

            Aoi house . . .

Ruki                 : (Go to Aoi room)
Miyavi              : Little boy!
Kai                   : Don’t bother him. He must be depressed for today. (Attend Reita)
Reita                : I’m sorry. Can I talk with Miyavi?
Kai                   : Okay, Uruha follow me. (Go to upstairs)
Uruha              : (Close to Ruki) Ruki-chan, I’m sorry for Aoi.
Ruki                 : Leave me alone.
Uruha              : I’m sorry, please forgive me. (Hug Ruki)
Kai                   : Ruki, I know what you feel. . .
Ruki                 : (Stand up) ya, I know you know what I feel. I know that you know everything!! I
                          know that all! But, you don’t understand with what I feel!!!
Uruha              : Ruki . . . what should I do for you?
Ruki                 : Why not you just leave me alone!!!
Uruha              : (Cry) Sorry Ruki, I’m so sorry.
Kai                   : (Help Uruha to walk) come on, I’ll bring you to your room. Better you take a rest
                          now, I know it’s hard for you. Ruki, I want to talk with you later!

            Living room . . .

Miyavi              : What is it?
Reita                : First, I apologize for Aoi and thanks for take care of Uruha. I just want to told you,
                          about that the gangster.
Miyavi              : No! I don’t want to hear anything about the gangster. Just told me, why you can
                          have problem with them?
Reita                : Actually, they catch me because Uruha.
Miyavi              : Because her? Why?
Reita                : Because, I’m the son of chief from that gangster. My father wants me to back
                          home and continues his business, but I reject his wish because I have Uruha. So he
                          try to bring Uruha with him just for me back home, but I still reject he, because I
                          don’t want Uruha know who I’ am, I’m afraid if Uruha can’t accept the fact about
                          me. And I know one way to bring Aoi back.
Miyavi              : How difficult it is! Why not you say the truth?
Reita                : No time to talk about it. Just think about Aoi. I know my father, and he does
                          what he talking about.
Miyavi              : So, how can we help Aoi?

            Aoi room . . .

Shou                : Ruki, are you okay?
Ruki                 : Why you come here? Can you leave me alone?
Shou                : Ruki, I’m so sorry about Aoi.
Ruki                 : Shut up! Why everyone always say sorry? Did you know what the main of “sorry”?
Kai                   : Ruki!! Why you so rude? Did you know, Aoi hate rude person!!
Shou                : Kai?
Kai                   : Why you act like Aoi dead? You think Aoi weak? So they can kill Aoi easily?
Ruki                 : . . .
Kai                   : Answer my question!!
Ruki                 : No! He is not weak. They can’t kill him!!
Kai                   : So? Why you act like that?
Ruki                 : Sorry.
Kai                   : Did you know what the main of “sorry”?
Ruki                 : Yes. . .
Kai                   : What?
Ruki                 : I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!!!
Kai                   : Why not you say that to Uruha and Shou?
Ruki                 : Shou-chan, I’m sorry.
Shou                : No problem.
Miyavi              : (Open the door) I know how to safe Aoi!!
Kai                   : Really?
Ruki                 : How?
Miyavi              : Tomorrow we will go to house of chief from that gangster.
Reita                : (Come in to Aoi room) I think we need to take a rest now! Tomorrow I’ll bring you
                          all to my father house.
Kai & Ruki        : Your father?
Miyavi              : He the son of chief that gangster.
K, R, S              : . . .
Reita                : I’ll sleep in Uruha room.
Ruki                 : What? But . . .
Reita                : What? That’s problem for you?
Ruki                 : Yes, you two are can’t . . .
Reita                : So why?
Kai                   : Can you just let him, Ruki?
Ruki                 : But . . .
Kai                   : You want to sleep together? You can sleep with me tonight!
Ruki                 : No thanks!
Shou                : . . .
Miyavi              : (. . .) I’ll sleep in living room with Shou. Come on, Shou.
Shou                : Okay.

            Next night . . .

Reita                : Are you ready guys?
Ruki                 : Ready!!!
Kai                   : I’m ready!
Shou                : Ready! But, where is Uruha?
Reita                : She is in my older sister house. She is safe there.
Ruki                 : Your sister? How if the gangster find her there?
Reita                : Imposible. My sister is out from home since she 5th years, he hate father so much, so
                          she will never help him to find Uruha.
Miyavi              : Okay, can we go now?
Kai                   : Wait here, I’ll prepare the car. Come on! (Go to chief gangster house)
Reita                : Here we are. Follow me.
Gangster 4       : Hey! What are you doing here?
Reita                : I want to talk with your boss!
Gangster 5       : What are you talking about? You thing who you are?
Reita                : You really want to know who I’ am? Introduce, I’m Suzuki Ryo!
Servant Chief   : Mr. Ryo? You back home? Come on, the master waiting you.
Reita                : I’ll in if you let my friends in too.
Servant Chief   : Of course. You all can in too. Welcome.
Ruki                 : Where is Aoi?
Reita                : Just wait.
The master       : My son! Finally you back home.
Reita                : Don’t be happy too fast. I come here, because I want my friends back.
The master       : Your friends? I don’t know who is your friends.
Reita                : Stop fooling around. You know, I always get A+ in shoot class, so don’t playing
                          game with me!!
The master       : Haha, okay. Servant, bring him here.
Ruki                 : Aoi!!!
The master       : You see? He is okay, I’m not hurt him.
Reita                : Give him to me.
The master       : Give him to you? Oh son, don’t try to make it too easy, you know I love game. So
                          let’s do some game?
Miyavi              : What you want?
The master       : I will let him go, if you stay here and continue my business.
Reita                : Just that? You said that a game? That easy just let him go I’ll still here.
The master       : Oh really? That looks easy? Okay, let him go.
Kai                   : (Hold Aoi) Aoi, are you okay?
Aoi                   : Don’t do that! He will kill you.
Reita                : Just run away wait me in streets that you find Uruha. I’ll meet you there.
Miyavi              : Come on. (Carrying Aoi and run away)
Reita                : Now, is just you and me, why not we play a game for one more time?
The mmaster   : What game you like?
Reita                : Hide and seek. How if I run and hiding, and you try to find me again?
The master       : That look fun, but I want to play cat and mouse, you a mouse and try to run
                          away from me the cat? Nyaa!
Reita                : Okay, we will play two of that game. Get ready!

            Fighting . . .

The master       : (Shoot Reita leg)
Reita                : Shit! (Keep run away)
The master       : Keep searches the girl! He will never give up if that girl still lives!

            On the streets

Kai                   : Oh shit, he’s hurt!! Ruki help him!
Ruki                 : Reita-san holds on, we will bring you to hospital.
Kai                   : (Driving car) Ruki band his leg!
Ruki                 : Yosh!

            In hospital

Kai                   : Excuse me, please help my friends, someone shoot his legs.
Receptionist      : Oh God! What happen? Relax I’ll call doctor for you (Call doctor)
Doctor              : Come on. (Examination Reita leg)

            One hour

Kai                   : How it is?
Doctor              : He is fine, but, his leg can be normal yet, may be it will like first in 2 weeks.
Kai                   : Really? That’s okay. Thank you, doctor.
Aoi                   : How is he?
Kai                   : He is fine. What about you?
Aoi                   : I’m fine.
Doctor              : If that so, I’ll examination the other patient. You can take the drugs in chemist.
Kai                   : Okay.
Miyavi              : Where is Ruki?
Aoi                   : He buys some water for us.
Miyavi              : Okay, I’ll bring Reita to car.
Aoi                   : Okay, I’ll wait Ruki here.
Ruki                 : Aoi-san, this drinks it. (Give Aoi water)
Aoi                   : Thanks.
Ruki                 : Where the other?
Aoi                   : They in car, come on. We have to back home.

            Aoi House

Uruha              : Aoi-chan (run and hugs Aoi)
Aoi                   : Ouch! My hands!
Uruha              : Sorry. I’m worrying you. I can’t sleep all night long.
Aoi                   : Really? (Think on his mind) she worries about me? Does she feel that?
Uruha              : Yes, I said the truth!!
Reita                : So you not worry about me?
Uruha              : Reita-san? What happen with your leg?
Reita                : Nothing. I just stumble and fall.
Uruha              : Really? But that’s looks so hurt!
Reaita              : Don’t worry, I’m okay!
Uruha              : You always say that you okay, but you don’t understand what I feel.
Yuri                  : He always likes that!
Reita                : Anee-chan? What are you doing here?
Yuri                  : Hey, I just want to know your condition. And, you just told me to keep Uru-chan,
Reita                : Okay, you have seen my condition, why not you just back home now?
Yuri                  : So, you pursue me?
Reita                : Yes, I’ am!
Yuri                  : (Jump and hit Reita) how dare are you! If you say that word again, I’ll kill you
                          right now!!
Reita                : Sorry!!! Aargh Anee-chan . . . Pardon me!!
Uruha              : Anee-chan . . .
Aoi                   : . . . (Drink a glass of water)
Miyavi              : I don’t know if those boy have a strong sister. . .
Ruki                 : I just think what kind of family he had?
Kai                   : I can’t imagine it!
Shou                : I don’t want to imagine his life or his family, but I worry about his sister.

To be continued . . .