Read as u can

Monday, May 07, 2012

The Gazette "Because you are mine eps 1"

Hi all, this is a story written by my works "Mitha anggra". I make it when I'm bored and just sheer fun, so if there are in mistakes please understandableBut it would be fun story, so. . . please read. . .

One day, there is a girl . . .
She was alone, she don’t know who is herself, till someone named Reita take her from the streets and give her name “Uruha”, he make Uruha being his Sister. Reita love her and always take care of her, but . . . one day, Reita to be dept with the gangster and that make them have to run away, from place to place, from house to house . . . in one time, Reita told Uruha to keep run and save her life. Reita said everything will better a head and they can meet again in future, but . . .

Reita                : RUN AWAY!!!!!! (Showing Uruha way to run away)
Uruha              : No! I want to be with you, I can’t leave you!! Come on, we can run together!
Reita                : As your brother I told you to go . . . now! (Screaming)
Uruha              : But I want to be with you! You’re my everything, I don’t have anyone, I’m
  nothing without you. Please go with me. (Crying)
Reita                : Keep runs Uru-chan! Everything will better a head and we can meet again in
  future, I promise I’ll find you latter. Now! Just go and leave me, I’ll okay as
  always . . .

Uruha              : (Run away and cry)
Reita                : Take care yourself Uru-chan, I’m sorry if I can’t keep my promise.
Uruha              : (Clash someone on the streets) I’m sorry . . . (wipe her tears)
Aoi                   : Okay, no problem. (Looking Uruha face) Hey, are you okay?
Uruha              : Yes, just . . . (Hit by behind and falling down in Aoi arms)

Gangster          : You! Uruha, right? Go with me and find your brother.
Aoi                   : What you mean? She is mine! Don’t take her or you will regret it!!
Gangster          : Stop that nonsense! She is Uruha, Reita sister, let her go with me!
Aoi                   : (Jump and kick him) I warn you!
Gangster          : (Falling back)
Uruha              : What are you doing? (Panic)
Aoi                   : Shut up!! Come on, follow me, you will save! (Hold Uruha hand and bring her
  run away.

Stop . . .

Uruha              : Where we will go?  Why you help me?
Aoi                   : Go to my house. Just follow me now, and you can take rest there.
Uruha              : Why? Why you help me??
Aoi                   : Because you are mine!
Uruha              : But . . . (Speechless)
Aoi                   : (Keep walking) this is my house, I’ll introduce you with my both younger brother.
Uruha              : Eh?? (Can’t talk more)
Ruki                 : Welcome! Eh? Shima? You have dead!
Aoi                   : Stop! She is mine, Ruki, bring her to my room and give her towel for shower, Kai,
  please make a hot tea for her.
Kai                   : Ok. But . . . she is Shima!
Aoi                   : I don’t want to talk about it now!
Ruki                 : (Go to upstairs with Uruha) Hi, I’m Ruki, I’m the youngest brother, I like you, and
  you look so pretty, please (showing way to bathroom) so, what your story? (giving
  the towel)
Uruha              : Leave me alone! I’ve to shower now! (Close the door)
Ruki                 : Oh? Okay! (Walking slowly)
Uruha              : (Open the door) Uhm! By the way, thx I like you too.
Ruki                 : (Look at Uruha) Hem! (Smiling and walking down) Aoi. Where you find that girl? She
  Looks like Shima!
Aoi                   : Don’t ask! (Drink a glass of coffee) What do you think about her?
Ruki                 : Okay. She is so pretty and looks like Shima. Why?
Aoi                   : Do you like her?
Ruki                 : Of course. (Smiling and reading magazine)
Aoi                   : If that so! I warn you! Don’t disturb her!!
Ruki                 : (Confused) But I like her, I like Shima . . .
Aoi                   : I WARN YOU!
Kai                   : This is it, hot tea and sweet bread ala chef Uke Yutaka (proud with himself)
Aoi                   : Thanks. Now, I want two of you clean room in upstairs for her! (Walk to meet
Kai & Ruki        : My pleasure. (Run to upstairs)
Uruha              : What are you doing here? I’m not using any clothes yet.
Aoi                   : Oh! I’m sorry. (Waiting out of room)
Uruha              : (open the door) why?
Aoi                   : Uhm, I’m really sorry about . . .
Uruha              : Okay, no problem.
Aoi                   : Yap! So, let’s go to dining room, Kai just made hot tea and sweet bread for you.
Uruha              : Really? (Walking down)
Aoi                   : Please! (give Uruha sit)
Uruha              : Oh thank you. (Sit and eat the bread) Uhm, why you and your brother care of
Aoi                   : Because you are mine. (Smiling)

Kai                   : Everything is clear Big Brother. Your princess now can take a rest.
Aoi                   : Okay! Let’s go, you can take a rest now!
Uruha              : Eh? Thank you so much.
Ruki                 : As you want.

Go to upstairs . . .

Uruha              : I sleep here?
Aoi                   : Yes, of course.
Uruha              : So? Where you will sleep?
Aoi                   : Your side.
Uruha              : (Confused) my side?
Aoi                   : Ha-ha . . . I mean my room is next your room, there is Kai room, next from my
  room, and that room in the corner is Ruki room. If you need something, you can
  find us.
Uruha              : Ah! Ha-ha, okay, if that so, I’ll take a rest now.
Aoi                   : Okay, have a sleep well.
Uruha              : You too, Bye.
Aoi                   : Bye. (Leave and enter his room)
Uruha              : (Close the door and think) Why they so kind to me? They make me remember
  with Reita. Oh my God, what happen with Reita outside there? God, please take
of him, I don’t want he feel hurt. (Lie on the bed and asleep)

To be continued . . .

How? Did you enjoy it? if you liked this story, so please wait for the next episode . . .

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