Read as u can

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Gazette "Because you are mine eps 3"

At book store . . .
Uruha              : Eh? Shou-san, you’ll buy a book?
Shou                : Yes, I like to read book. I think, you like to read book too, right?
Uruha              : Em! You right. But I never can pay that entire book. So, I just can borrow it from                   my friends or from library.
Shou                : If that so, now you can chose all book that you want, I’ll pay that for you.
Ruki                 : What about me? Do you will pay that for me too?
Kai                   : No! If he pays that for you, he will regret it!
Ruki                 : Why?
Kai                   : Cause you’ll never read it.
Shou                : Ha-ha, I think Kai is right. You will never read it.
Uruha              : Ruki-chan, if you want, we can chose book together. If one times you want to
  read a book, you can borrow it from me?
Ruki                 : Really? Yes, I want.
Shou                : Ha-ha, good girl.
Kai                   : Ruki-san! You’re so irritating.
Ruki                 : No, I’m not!
Kai                   : Yes, you are!
Uruha              : Enough, I’m so hungry now can we buy something to eat?
Shou                : Yes, we can. There is food court, we can eat there. (Walking slowly)
Uruha              : Really? Where? Can I eat everything I want? (Following Shou) honestly, I never
  come to mall before.
Shou                : What? So, where you go if you felt bored?
Uruha              : Nothing, I just sleep at home.
Shou                : So, how if you want something and you can’t find that you want at home?
Uruha              : Reita will go out and searching everything I want and take it home. Reita will do
  everything for me. (Smiling)
Ruki                 : Hey, I want to sit here.
Shou                : Okay.
Kai                   : Waiters!! (Calling waiters) hey, what you want, here the menu.
Ruki                 : I want this one, what about you, Uru-chan?
Uruha              : Ah? Let me see. (Looking menu)
Kai                   : I want a glass of coffee and one cake.
Uruha              : I want a milkshake and one cake like Ruki-chan. Shou-kun, what about you?
Shou                : Eh? (Looking menu and looking the other) give me a glass of tea and one cake
  like Kai. (Give back the menu to waiters)
Ruki                 : Shou-kun, when you back from France?
Shou                : 1 week ago.
Ruki                 : Hey, how is there?
Shou                : Fun, there is so romantic.
Ruki                 : Are you found a pretty girl? Do you have new girl friend there?
Shou                : (Shy) no!
Ruki                 : Stop fooling around! Your face becomes red!
Shou                : Eh? (Hiding him face) actually, I like one girl, but, she had boyfriend.
Ruki                 : That’s too bad for you. . .
Shou                : Hem. . . I know, and that’s making me sad. . .

Suddenly Aoi come . . .

Aoi                   : Calm down darling, I’m here for you. (Laughing)
Uruha              : Aoi-san??
Aoi                   : Oh? Hi! (Take a sit)
Ruki                 : Why you here?
Aoi                   : What you mean with that question? So you think this is your mall?
Ruki                 : Em! Don’t be so mad, I just asking.
Shou                : Aoi! How are you?
Aoi                   : I’m good, as always.
Shou                : Aa~ So, you’re alone?
Aoi                   : No! I’m with Miyavi, he still in book store, he will come later . . . (eat Uruha cake)
Uruha              : . . . .
Aoi                   : Why? Something bother?
Uruha              : Em Em! Nothing. (Drink milkshake)
Miyavi              : Hi all!
Ruki                 : Hi pretty boy!
Miyavi              : Hi little boy!
Ruki                 : Don’t call me with that name!
Miyavi              : (Laughing around)
Ruki                 : Stop it!
Uruha              : Miyavi?
Miyavi              : (Look at Uurha) Eh? Uruha? Uru-chan?
Uruha              : Where is Reita? Where is my brother?
Miyavi              : Uru-chan, calm down! Please!
Aoi                   : Uru-chan, stop it!!!
Uruha              : (Lay down and crying) where is my brother?? (Look at Miyavi)
Miyavi              : I don’t know! I think he run with you! Last I saw you run with him when . . .
Uruha              : So, you mean, he not run with you? And, that mean, they catch him?
Shou                : Calm down, better we go to other place! Here is too many people, they can hear
  about what we talking!
Aoi                   : Uruha, why not you just go home with me now?
Miyavi              : Can we talk about it in your home, Aoi?
Aoi                   : Ok.

Go to Aoi house . . .

Shou                : So, tell us everything about Reita!
Uruha              : He right, please tells me about Reita!
Miyavi              : I’m sorry, I don’t know much about him yet. Last I know he had a big dept
  with gangster but I don’t know why he can have a trouble like this, he never tell
  me about it. He just told me that he loves you so much and he will always take
  care of you. Till last I saw him running on the street with you, after that I never
  heard about he again. I think he go to other town with you. I’m sorry Uruha, I
  can’t much help you.
Uruha              : Is that so? I’m worried about him. How if something bad happened to him? I don’t
  want that he hurt. (Sad)

Aoi                   : Don’t be so sad!  We will help you just believe us. We will find the better way to
  help Reita.
Kai                   : He right! We will help you, Uru-chan. (Smiling)

To be continued

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