Read as u can

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Gazette "Because you are mine eps 2"

Next day . . .
Ruki                 : (Knock on) Morning, wake up, time too breakfast!
Uruha              : Hey, I’m here. . .
Ruki                 : Eh? Why you in Aoi room? Are you sleeping . . . together?
Uruha              : No! I just try to wake him up . . . nothing happen then.
Ruki                 : Really? (Suspicious) okay, if that so, come to breakfast now. Kai just try a new
Uruha              : Okay. (Little run)
Kai                   : Morning.
Uruha              : Morning . . . heeemh . . They look so delicious . . .
Kai                   : Yap? Thank you.
Ruki                 : Enjoy your meal!!!
Uruha              : Eh? We eat without Aoi?
Kai                   : Aoi still sleeping.
Uruha              : But he just woke up.
Kai                   : If you wake him up and leave him, so . . . he will back sleep.
Uruha              : Ah. Okay. (Eat the meal slowly)
Kai                   : Uruha-chan . . . sorry I mean Uruha-sama, are you Japanese?
Uruha              : No problem, just call me as you like. Hem! I’m Japanese, same with you eh?
Kai                   : Yes. But, why you stay in England?
Uruha              : I don’t know, actually I don’t know who I’ am, I just remember . . . I cry in the
  streets then Reita find me and bring me go with him.
Kai                   : Reita?
Uruha              : He is my brother, he makes me being his sister, and he takes care of me.
Kai                   : Ah, that so.
Ruki                 : So? Where you met with Aoi?
Uruha              : On the streets, he helps me and brings me here. That makes me part with Reita.
Ruki                 : I understand what you feel.
Uruha              : Thanks, oh, may I know something?
Ruki                 : Yes, of course.
Uruha              : Who is Shima? First time we meet you call me Shima.
Ruki                 : Shima! (Shocked and look at Kai)
Kai                   : Nothing, he always calls any girls with Shima. (Turn right)

Uruha              : Really? But, I’m feeling something different. I’m sorry, but, I think Aoi hate to talk
  about her? Why? I just want to know who Shima is.
Ruki                 : Shima is Aoi ex-girls. She’s gone 2 years ago, but Aoi still loving her till now and . . .
Aoi                   : Enough!
Uruha              : Aoi-san, you wake up?
Aoi                   : (Quite and look at Ruki) why you talk about her? (Hitting Ruki)
Ruki                 : (Falling back) I’m sorry. . . I just . . .
Aoi                   : Shut up! Why you talk too much? (Kick Ruki leg)
Uruha              : Stop it! I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, it’s all is my fault! Please stop it! I’m so sorry. (Cry
  and hug Aoi from back)

Kai                   : Are you okay? (Wake Ruki up)
Ruki                 : Yes, but . . . it’s hurt. (Hold his leg)
Uruha              : Why you do that? You hurt your brother! If you want you can do that for me,
  because it’s all is my fault.
Aoi                   : (Squat and hold Ruki leg) I’m sorry with your leg, I don’t want to make you hurt.
Ruki                 : (Quite)
Aoi                   : Come on, I’ll bring you to sofa . . . (carrying Ruki)
Ruki                 : I’m sorry to talk too much, I know that you hate talk about her, but I think Uruha
  need to know about her. I’m sorry.
Aoi                   : Just forget it! (turn on the TV and smoking)
Kai                   : I’ll walk around with Uruha, didn’t you have to visit Miyavi? (Looking Aoi)
Aoi                   : Yes, I’ll visit Miyavi at 02.00 pm. (Go to upstairs) take care Uruha!
  If you got any problem, just call me! (Disappear in the wall)
Uruha              : Miyavi?? (Thinking)
Kai                   : Yes, Miyavi. Why? You know him?
Uruha              : Ah! No, I don’t know. (Smiling)
Ruki                 : May I go with you?
Uruha              : Of course yes.
Ruki                 : Thank you.
Kai                   : Can you help me to bring this? (Give Ruki a big bag)
Ruki                 : Yes.
Uruha              : Where will we go?
Kai                   : Park.
Uruha              : Uhm. You talk fewer person, eh?
Kai                   : As you see. Here we are, this is the park I mean, wait here with Ruki, I’ve go to
 Shou house.
Uruha              : Okay. (Searching place to sit)
Kai                   : (Leave)
Ruki                 : Uruha-chan, come here!
Uruha              : Yes?
Ruki                 : Look up! (Lay down)
Uruha              : Why?
Ruki                 : Just lie on my side!
Uruha              : (Lay herself) whew?? That looks so beautiful!
Ruki                 : Here you can see the beautiful cloud that
  moving slowly. Em! First time I came here with Aoi.
Uruha              : Really? He is a good brother eh?
Ruki                 : Uhum! Actually, we’re not a siblings, we same, Aoi find me on the streets and
  bring me with him (look at Uruha)

Uruha              : Why you look me like that?
Ruki                 : You know? Your face is really same with her. I don’t know what I must feel,
  actually my heart is so sick, but, I’m happy to see your  face.
Uruha              : Her? You mean, Shima?
Ruki                 : Yes. Shima, she is Aoi girlfriend, Aoi love her so much, she’s so pretty and always
  care with me and Kai. Every day she come to our house and helps us to cleaning
  house, she teach Kai how to cooking and teach me how to be a good person,
  but . . .
Uruha              : But? Why?
Ruki                 : She’s gone!
Uruha              : Gone? What you mean, gone?
Ruki                 : I don’t know. One day she not comes to our house, and one week later Aoi back
  home and he went wild, he destroy all thing near of him.
Uruha              : Why? What happen?
Ruki                 : Aoi, come to Shima house, and he met with her parents, he ask about Shima, but
  Aoi just got a bad news, almost two week Shima not back home, her parents had
  to call police, but we got nothing. We never found her. And from that days, Aoi
  never smile and talk to other people. He choose to life alone, till you come, he
  back like first slowly.
Uruha              : I’m sorry to make you recall your bad memories. I’m so sorry.
Ruki                 : No problem.
Uruha              : Ano! Do you know who is Miyavi?
Ruki                 : Yes, of course I know. That pretty boy, he is Aoi best friends. Why you ask about
  him? You know him?
Uruha              : Em! Reita . . . he have best friend named Miyavi, I think they is a same person.
Ruki                 : Really? So, what will you do now?
Uruha              : If really they are a same person, maybe he can help me to find Reita.
Ruki                 : Ya? If be, I will help you to meet with Miyavi, what do you think?
Uruha              : Really? You want to help me? Thank you so much, you will really help me.
Kai                   : Hey! What are you talking about? Come here!
Ruki                 : Nothing! I just tell Uruha about “moving cloud hill”. (Walking to Kai)
Shou                : Ruki, how are you? Long time no see, eh? (Hold Ruki)
Ruki                 : Shou! I’m fine, what about you? (Hold back)
Shou                : Eh? Shima? You’re back?
Kai                   : No! No! No! She is Uruha, Aoi found her on the streets.
Shou                : Ah! Uruha? Oh! I’m sorry. Nice to meet you!
Uruha              : Uhm! Nice to meet you to!
Shou                : Eh? Your voice is same like Shima! But I’m sure that you’re not Shima.
Kai                   : Enough! Why not we just walk now?
Shou                : Okay!

To be continued . . .

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