Read as u can

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Gazette "Because You are Mine eps 4"

Uruha              : Thanks all, you are too good.
Kai                   : its okay, everything you want.
Ruki                 : Okay! If that so, why not we eat this cake? I think if we talk too much, this cake will be spoil.
Miyavi              : Ha-ha, you right little boy!
Ruki                 : I said don’t call me like that. (Mad)
Shou                : Uuh, come on little boy, don’t be so mad, he just agree with you.
Ruki                 : But I hate that name!!
Shou                : Ok, ok . . . he will never call you like that again. . .
Ruki                 : Promise??
Miyavi              : Hey little boy, if you talk too much, this cake will be in my stomach.
Ruki                 : Hey, that is mine. Get it back to me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Next day . . .

Kai & Uruha     : Morning.
Ruki                 : Morning.
Kai                   : Do you want a cereal and milk?
Ruki                 : Yes, please.
Aoi                   : Morning.
Ruki & Uruha   : Morning.
Aoi                   : Kai, give me a glass of water please!
Kai                   : Oh, okay.
Aoi                   : Uru-chan, what are you read?
Kai                   : Here you are.
Aoi                   : Oh, thank you.
Uruha              : Book, Shou buy this book for me and Ruki. How good he is.
Aoi                   : Really, so you like him?
Uruha              : Yes, ofcourse I like him.
Aoi                   : . . . .
Ruki                 : Why your faces like that? Are you jealous?
Kai                   : (look at Aoi) you start loving her?
Aoi                   : What are you talking about?
Kai                   : Nothing, just forget it.

 Gangster place

Gangster          : Hey, wake up! Princess!
Reita                : (open his eyes slowly)
Gangster          : Come on! Tell me where is your sister?
Reita                : Even I know, I’ll never tell you where is she.
Gangster          : So, that is your choice? (Hit Reita)
Reita                : (Fainted)
Gangster          : Oh shit! Why he always sleeping? (Go to outside)

            Aoi House . . .

Shou                : Excuse me.
Kai                   : Shou, welcome.
Shou                : Where is the other?
Miyavi              : Hi!
Kai                   : Miyavi-san, welcome. The other is in upstairs, in Aoi room. Come on (go to
Ruki                 : Pretty boy! Welcome!
Miyavi              : Little boy, what are you doing? Get out of there that is my Play Station.
Ruki                 : What? No! This is my game, I have to winning the last level, don’t bother me!!!
Aoi                   : Aarrgh!! Calm down please! (Woke up from his nap)
Ruki & Miyavi  : Sorry.
Shou                : Hi, Uru-chan. (Closer to Uruha)
Uruha              : Shou-chan. Welcome.
Shou                : What are you doing?
Uruha              : Reading a book, this is the book that you bought me yesterday.
Shou                : Really? You like it?
Uruha              : Yes, I love it.
Shou                : If that so, you can continue to read it, if you finish read that book, will you tell the
  story of that book for me?
Uruha              : Why?
Shou                : Because I don’t really like to read romance book. I think It’ll better if you tell me
  the story.
Uruha              : if that so, that’s okay, I’ll tell you about the story of this book for you.
Aoi                   : (look at Shou with killer eyes and thinking on his mind) He try to close with my
  Uruha! If that so, I’ll kill him!
Kai                   : Aoi-san, why you looking Shou like that? Did you jealous? Why not you just tell
Aoi                   : (looking down) I can’t . . .
Ruki                 : BORRRRIIIIIIIIIIING!
Miyavi              : Eh? I’m too.
Kai                   : Really? Why not we walking around?
Ruki & Miyavi  : I’m going!!!
Uruha              : I’m too, what about you, Aoi-san?
Aoi                   : No, I still here.
Uruha              : Really? Shou, did you go with us?
Shou                : Yes, if you like, I’ll going with you.
Aoi                   : (looking Shou and thinking on his mind) what? He go because my Uruha? No! I
  can’t let it be, I can’t! Because she is mine!
Ruki                 : Are you sure to still here?
Aoi                   : No! I’m going with you.
Kai                   : So, you change your mind. (Go to walking around)
Ruki                 : Hey, there is stand, can we buy something to eat?
Kai                   : Yes.
Uruha              : Sorry, I think I need to go to toilet now.
Aoi                   : Okay.
Miyavi              : Hey little boy, if you will not eat that, give it to me.
Ruki                 : This? Okay, this for you.
Uruha              : Hey I’m back.
Aoi                   : Eat this, it’s tested good.
Kai                   : That is Aoi favorite food, just try it.
Uruha              : Thank you, aa~ I just find a photo box in there, can we take some picture?
Shou                : Yes, I’d love it.
Miyavi              : Ruki, Shou, come on, take some picture with me.

         Pose one
         Pose two
         Pose three

Uruha              : It’s cute one, can I have this?
Miyavi              : Ofcourse.
Shou                : Hey, why not you take picture with Aoi?
Uruha              : You right, I love it. Aoi-san, will you take some picture with me?
Aoi                   : As you wish. (Smiling)

        Pose one
         Pose two
        Pose three

Kai                   : Hey, that all look cute.
Uruha              : Thank you.
Aoi                   : If you like, you can take it all.
Uruha              : Really? Thank you, Aoi-san.
Aoi                   : (think on his mind) so, Shou not try to close with my Uruha?
Shou                : Kai? Why not you take some picture too?
Kai                   : No, I don’t like that.
Miyavi              : Why?
Kai                   : I just don’t like.
Ruki                 : Kai-chan, come on, take yourself picture.
Kai                   : Okay, but, I wear a bad cloth.
Uruha              : don’t worry, there is place to rent a costume.
Kai                   : You right, come on, take some picture with me.

        Pose one

        Pose two

        Pose three

        Pose four

Ruki                 : Is that all? Why you can’t give us the best pose?
Kai                   : Why? That’s problem for you?
Miyavi              : Hey little boy, can you just shut up?
Ruki                 : Why? I just told him . . .
Aoi                   : Aaarrrggghhhh!!! Why I have to use that costume? I look like a girl!!
Uruha              : Ha-ha, that’s good for you and nothing bad with that costume.
Aoi                   : Stop fooling around, it’s such an idiot thing that I ever do.
Uruha              : But, I enjoy it.
Shou                : Aoi-san, stop saying like that, you hurt her feeling.
Aoi                   : Sorry. I think I just feel so tired, can we just back home now?
Miyavi              : As you wish. I and Shou will come to your house tomorrow. See you!
Ruki                 : See you pretty boy.
Uruha              : See you Shou.
Shou                : See you, take care yourself Uru-chan.
Aoi                   : . . . .

To be continued . . .

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