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Monday, May 28, 2012

The Gazette "Because You are Mine eps 5"

Next morning in Reita house . . .

Miyavi              : (Come in to Reita house) what is it? Someone must be here lately. What can I find
  here? Letter! For Uruha?? Oh shit, this must be from Reita. I must give this to
  Uruha. (Run to Shou house)

Shou                : Hey, you late.
Miyavui            : Sorry, I just back from Reita house.
Shou                : Reita? Uruha brother?
Miyavi              : Yes, and I found this letter. I think we have to give it to Uruha soon.
Shou                : Okay, we go to Aoi house now.

            At Aoi house . . .

Miyavi              : Kai, where is Uruha?
Kai                   : Upstairs, why? What happen? (Stop cutting grass)
Miyavi & Shou  : (Go to upstairs)
Kai                   : Hey!! I’m talk with you!! (Go to upstairs)
Aoi                   : What happen? Why you run in the house?
Miyavi              : This read it now! (Give the letter to Aoi) that for Uruha, I found it in Reita house.
Aoi                   : (Read the letter) what the . . . this letter from the gangster, they said that we have
  to give Uruha to them and give them some money like they want. Or, they will
  kill Reita.
Uruha              : (Hiding behind the wall and think) what should I do now?

Ruki                 : Uru-chan. Are you heard what Aoi said?
Uruha              : Em. I heard that.
Shou                : Oh dear, that not bad at all. We can thing the better way to safe Reita.
Aoi                   : Uruha you stay here with Ruki, me and the other will go to find Reita.
Uruha              : Why? I want to help Reita too. I miss him I want to see his face.
Miyavi              : But, if you go with us, they will make you hurt.
Uruha              : I don’t care, I’d love if they kill me, but don’t Reita. He safe my life, I think this is
  my turn to safe him.
Shou                : What should I do now? (Look at Aoi)
Aoi                   : If that you want you can go with us. But, keep in touch.
Kai                   : Okay, we go now, I’ve prepared the car.
Ruki                 : Where the gangster place?
Aoi                   : Almost here. Stop, there is the place.
Ruki                 : Are you scared Uru-chan?
Uruha              : Just a little. What about you?
Ruki                 : Me, I’m so excited! Finally I can act like detective.
Miyavi              : What? You said act? You think we in film? Stop thinking that stupid thing!
Ruki                 : Sorry.
Aoi                   : Ssst! There is some one. Hiding! (Hiding behind the wall)
Uruha              : That is Reita!! (Try to run)
Kai                   : (Catch Uruha) stop, you can’t do that, if you screaming we all will die right now!
Uruha              : (Quite) But, there is Reita with them, where will they go?
Shou                : We follow them now!
Aoi                   : Okay, Shou you go with Uruha, Ruki and Kai to that building, I’ll follow them with
Shou                : Okay. Come on!
Uruha              : Why? Why just you two? I want to follow them too I want to know what they do
                          with Reita. Please take me with you Aoi.
Aoi                   : Uruha, just go with Shou, I promise that you can see Reita face soon. (Following
                          the gangster)
Gangster 1        : What should we do now? He still not talks where his sister is. You sure you put the letter in the right place?
Gangster 2       : Yes, I’m sure. And I think his sister will come to us. (Walk in to building)
Aoi & Miyavi    : (Following the gangster)
Miyavi              : What will they do?
Aoi                   : Just see.
Gangster 1        : Hey! Where your sister, hurry up tell us!
Reita                : Never! Just forget her! This is our problem, don’t bring her in!
Gangster 2       : Yes you right, this is our problem. So why not you just pay your dept!!! (Screaming)
Gangster 1        : Why? Why you quite? You can’t pay that? If that so, I’ll find her and bring her to
                          become a slave!
Reita                : (Revolt) don’t do that! You can’t do that with my sister! I’ll pay that dept, but
                          don’t hurt her!!
Gangster 1        : Shut up!! (Hit Reita)
Gangster 2       : Come on leave he here, we have to meet boss now. (Walking out)
Miyavi              : Oh shit! We have to safe Uruha soon!
Aoi                   : Come on, we have to safe Reita first. (Walk closer Reita)
Miyavi              : Hey, wake up! Wake up! We have to run now!
Reita                : (Open his eyes slowly) who are you?
Miyavi              : I’m Miyavi, you remember me? This is Aoi, he take care of Uruha since they keep
Aoi                   : Come on, we have to run, or they will catch all of us!
Miyavi              : (Try to free Reita) ooh! Come on! Aoi help me, it’s too hard!
Aoi                   : (Help Miyavi)
Reita                : Hurry up, they come!
Gangster 3       : Hey! Who are you! Go away from he!
Miyavi              : You go away from us!
Gangster 3       : (Call the other)
Aoi                   : Shit! It will be hard. Miyavi, keep to free him! I will take them.
Miyavi              : Help Reita to run away.
Gangster 1        : Hey, where will you go? Do you forget them? (Showing Uruha and the other)
Reita                : Uruha! Why you bring her here?
Shou                : Sorry Aoi.
Aoi                   : Uruha? (Quite) where is Ruki? (Searching Ruki)
Miyavi              : Aoi-san, where is Ruki?
Aoi                   : There! There is Ruki, up of them.
Reita                : Let her go!! Don’t bother my sister!
Gangster 1        : You want her? Come on! Take her from me!
Reita                : (Stand up) let her . . . (fall)
Miyavi              : (Help to Reita stand up) don’t do that! You can’t take her if your legs like this.
Reita                : So what can I do now?
Aoi                   : Just quite.
Gangster 2       : Hey mom! Have you finished your conversation?
Ruki                 : (Jump) let her go, or I’ll cut your neck!
Gangster 3       : What are you doing? Go away from me!
Aoi                   : Run!!!! (Carrying Reita and run away)

            Outside the building

Gangsters         : Hey, where will you go?
Aoi                   : Shit! Everyone, get ready, we will fight now! Kai you first Ruki, Uruha keep Reita!
K, R, U              : Ready!
Aoi                   : All, attack them!!
Gengster 1        : Take that irritating boy.

            Fighting . . .

Aoi                   : (Hitting by behind) all, run!
Ruki                 : Aoi-san!! No!!
Gangster 1        : Take him and bring to warehouse!
Miyavi              : No time come on!
Ruki                 : No! They catch Aoi-san!!
Kai                   : Come on Ruki! (Carrying Ruki)
Shou                : (Help Uruha stand up) I’m sorry for Aoi.
Miyavi              : Stop! Now we back home and give Reita better place. Tomorrow we back here.
                          (Carrying Reita)

            Aoi house . . .

Ruki                 : (Go to Aoi room)
Miyavi              : Little boy!
Kai                   : Don’t bother him. He must be depressed for today. (Attend Reita)
Reita                : I’m sorry. Can I talk with Miyavi?
Kai                   : Okay, Uruha follow me. (Go to upstairs)
Uruha              : (Close to Ruki) Ruki-chan, I’m sorry for Aoi.
Ruki                 : Leave me alone.
Uruha              : I’m sorry, please forgive me. (Hug Ruki)
Kai                   : Ruki, I know what you feel. . .
Ruki                 : (Stand up) ya, I know you know what I feel. I know that you know everything!! I
                          know that all! But, you don’t understand with what I feel!!!
Uruha              : Ruki . . . what should I do for you?
Ruki                 : Why not you just leave me alone!!!
Uruha              : (Cry) Sorry Ruki, I’m so sorry.
Kai                   : (Help Uruha to walk) come on, I’ll bring you to your room. Better you take a rest
                          now, I know it’s hard for you. Ruki, I want to talk with you later!

            Living room . . .

Miyavi              : What is it?
Reita                : First, I apologize for Aoi and thanks for take care of Uruha. I just want to told you,
                          about that the gangster.
Miyavi              : No! I don’t want to hear anything about the gangster. Just told me, why you can
                          have problem with them?
Reita                : Actually, they catch me because Uruha.
Miyavi              : Because her? Why?
Reita                : Because, I’m the son of chief from that gangster. My father wants me to back
                          home and continues his business, but I reject his wish because I have Uruha. So he
                          try to bring Uruha with him just for me back home, but I still reject he, because I
                          don’t want Uruha know who I’ am, I’m afraid if Uruha can’t accept the fact about
                          me. And I know one way to bring Aoi back.
Miyavi              : How difficult it is! Why not you say the truth?
Reita                : No time to talk about it. Just think about Aoi. I know my father, and he does
                          what he talking about.
Miyavi              : So, how can we help Aoi?

            Aoi room . . .

Shou                : Ruki, are you okay?
Ruki                 : Why you come here? Can you leave me alone?
Shou                : Ruki, I’m so sorry about Aoi.
Ruki                 : Shut up! Why everyone always say sorry? Did you know what the main of “sorry”?
Kai                   : Ruki!! Why you so rude? Did you know, Aoi hate rude person!!
Shou                : Kai?
Kai                   : Why you act like Aoi dead? You think Aoi weak? So they can kill Aoi easily?
Ruki                 : . . .
Kai                   : Answer my question!!
Ruki                 : No! He is not weak. They can’t kill him!!
Kai                   : So? Why you act like that?
Ruki                 : Sorry.
Kai                   : Did you know what the main of “sorry”?
Ruki                 : Yes. . .
Kai                   : What?
Ruki                 : I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!!!
Kai                   : Why not you say that to Uruha and Shou?
Ruki                 : Shou-chan, I’m sorry.
Shou                : No problem.
Miyavi              : (Open the door) I know how to safe Aoi!!
Kai                   : Really?
Ruki                 : How?
Miyavi              : Tomorrow we will go to house of chief from that gangster.
Reita                : (Come in to Aoi room) I think we need to take a rest now! Tomorrow I’ll bring you
                          all to my father house.
Kai & Ruki        : Your father?
Miyavi              : He the son of chief that gangster.
K, R, S              : . . .
Reita                : I’ll sleep in Uruha room.
Ruki                 : What? But . . .
Reita                : What? That’s problem for you?
Ruki                 : Yes, you two are can’t . . .
Reita                : So why?
Kai                   : Can you just let him, Ruki?
Ruki                 : But . . .
Kai                   : You want to sleep together? You can sleep with me tonight!
Ruki                 : No thanks!
Shou                : . . .
Miyavi              : (. . .) I’ll sleep in living room with Shou. Come on, Shou.
Shou                : Okay.

            Next night . . .

Reita                : Are you ready guys?
Ruki                 : Ready!!!
Kai                   : I’m ready!
Shou                : Ready! But, where is Uruha?
Reita                : She is in my older sister house. She is safe there.
Ruki                 : Your sister? How if the gangster find her there?
Reita                : Imposible. My sister is out from home since she 5th years, he hate father so much, so
                          she will never help him to find Uruha.
Miyavi              : Okay, can we go now?
Kai                   : Wait here, I’ll prepare the car. Come on! (Go to chief gangster house)
Reita                : Here we are. Follow me.
Gangster 4       : Hey! What are you doing here?
Reita                : I want to talk with your boss!
Gangster 5       : What are you talking about? You thing who you are?
Reita                : You really want to know who I’ am? Introduce, I’m Suzuki Ryo!
Servant Chief   : Mr. Ryo? You back home? Come on, the master waiting you.
Reita                : I’ll in if you let my friends in too.
Servant Chief   : Of course. You all can in too. Welcome.
Ruki                 : Where is Aoi?
Reita                : Just wait.
The master       : My son! Finally you back home.
Reita                : Don’t be happy too fast. I come here, because I want my friends back.
The master       : Your friends? I don’t know who is your friends.
Reita                : Stop fooling around. You know, I always get A+ in shoot class, so don’t playing
                          game with me!!
The master       : Haha, okay. Servant, bring him here.
Ruki                 : Aoi!!!
The master       : You see? He is okay, I’m not hurt him.
Reita                : Give him to me.
The master       : Give him to you? Oh son, don’t try to make it too easy, you know I love game. So
                          let’s do some game?
Miyavi              : What you want?
The master       : I will let him go, if you stay here and continue my business.
Reita                : Just that? You said that a game? That easy just let him go I’ll still here.
The master       : Oh really? That looks easy? Okay, let him go.
Kai                   : (Hold Aoi) Aoi, are you okay?
Aoi                   : Don’t do that! He will kill you.
Reita                : Just run away wait me in streets that you find Uruha. I’ll meet you there.
Miyavi              : Come on. (Carrying Aoi and run away)
Reita                : Now, is just you and me, why not we play a game for one more time?
The mmaster   : What game you like?
Reita                : Hide and seek. How if I run and hiding, and you try to find me again?
The master       : That look fun, but I want to play cat and mouse, you a mouse and try to run
                          away from me the cat? Nyaa!
Reita                : Okay, we will play two of that game. Get ready!

            Fighting . . .

The master       : (Shoot Reita leg)
Reita                : Shit! (Keep run away)
The master       : Keep searches the girl! He will never give up if that girl still lives!

            On the streets

Kai                   : Oh shit, he’s hurt!! Ruki help him!
Ruki                 : Reita-san holds on, we will bring you to hospital.
Kai                   : (Driving car) Ruki band his leg!
Ruki                 : Yosh!

            In hospital

Kai                   : Excuse me, please help my friends, someone shoot his legs.
Receptionist      : Oh God! What happen? Relax I’ll call doctor for you (Call doctor)
Doctor              : Come on. (Examination Reita leg)

            One hour

Kai                   : How it is?
Doctor              : He is fine, but, his leg can be normal yet, may be it will like first in 2 weeks.
Kai                   : Really? That’s okay. Thank you, doctor.
Aoi                   : How is he?
Kai                   : He is fine. What about you?
Aoi                   : I’m fine.
Doctor              : If that so, I’ll examination the other patient. You can take the drugs in chemist.
Kai                   : Okay.
Miyavi              : Where is Ruki?
Aoi                   : He buys some water for us.
Miyavi              : Okay, I’ll bring Reita to car.
Aoi                   : Okay, I’ll wait Ruki here.
Ruki                 : Aoi-san, this drinks it. (Give Aoi water)
Aoi                   : Thanks.
Ruki                 : Where the other?
Aoi                   : They in car, come on. We have to back home.

            Aoi House

Uruha              : Aoi-chan (run and hugs Aoi)
Aoi                   : Ouch! My hands!
Uruha              : Sorry. I’m worrying you. I can’t sleep all night long.
Aoi                   : Really? (Think on his mind) she worries about me? Does she feel that?
Uruha              : Yes, I said the truth!!
Reita                : So you not worry about me?
Uruha              : Reita-san? What happen with your leg?
Reita                : Nothing. I just stumble and fall.
Uruha              : Really? But that’s looks so hurt!
Reaita              : Don’t worry, I’m okay!
Uruha              : You always say that you okay, but you don’t understand what I feel.
Yuri                  : He always likes that!
Reita                : Anee-chan? What are you doing here?
Yuri                  : Hey, I just want to know your condition. And, you just told me to keep Uru-chan,
Reita                : Okay, you have seen my condition, why not you just back home now?
Yuri                  : So, you pursue me?
Reita                : Yes, I’ am!
Yuri                  : (Jump and hit Reita) how dare are you! If you say that word again, I’ll kill you
                          right now!!
Reita                : Sorry!!! Aargh Anee-chan . . . Pardon me!!
Uruha              : Anee-chan . . .
Aoi                   : . . . (Drink a glass of water)
Miyavi              : I don’t know if those boy have a strong sister. . .
Ruki                 : I just think what kind of family he had?
Kai                   : I can’t imagine it!
Shou                : I don’t want to imagine his life or his family, but I worry about his sister.

To be continued . . .

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